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The 'a' macro

The 'a' macro adds four interactive elements, two links and two buttons, all of which take html attributes as arguments.

Use Links Buttons
Standard <<a>> <<but>>
Single use <<adel>> <<butdel>>

adel and butdel are single use.


This macro supports HTML arguments as objects, arrays or simple pairs. (Read more.).

<<a "Link text" [attribute value...]>>

	[...content to run silently...]
	[<<rep [selector] [{attributes}] [t8n]>> content...]
	[<<prep [selector] [{attributes}] [t8n]>> ...content to prepend...]
	[<<app [selector] [{attributes}] [t8n]>> ...content to append...]
   [<<after [selector] [{attributes}] [t8n]>> ...content to add after the target...]
   [<<before [selector] [{attributes}] [t8n]>> ...content to add before the target...]
	[<<diag ['Title'] ['styles']>> ...content to display in dialog...]


With bracket syntax :

<<a [[Link text|passage]]>><</a>>
<<a [img[...url...][passage]]>><</a>>
<<a 'Text!' goto [[passage]]>><</a>>

Output options

The 'a' macro comes with three built-in output options:

Effect Syntax First argument Second argument Third argument
Replace <<rep>> Selector Attribute object 'transition/t8n'
Prepend <<prep>> Selector Attribute object 'transition/t8n'
Append <<app>> Selector Attribute object 'transition/t8n'
After <<after>> Selector Attribute object 'transition/t8n'
Before <<before>> Selector Attribute object 'transition/t8n'
Dialog <<diag>> Dialog title CSS styles for dialog body 'transition/t8n'

If the selector's value is falsy (empty string, 0, false...):

  • replace, append and prepend will default to the link's immediate parent
  • after and before will add content before/after the link itself
<div id='box'>Contents</div>

<<a "Change box contents">>
	...silent code...
<<rep '#box'>>
	Something different!

A single <<a>> element can support all of the output options at once.

<<but 'Button'>>
	<<app>> ...something to append...
	<<prep>> ...something to prepend...
	<<rep>> content!...
	<<after>> ...something to insert after...
	<<before>> ...something to insert before...

These run in the order they are supplied to the macro.

Goto attribute

Accepts : 'string' / [[bracket link]]

The goto attribute lets you specify a passage to forward the player to. It works in the exact same fashion as the default <<link>> syntax.

<<a "Take me to some passage" goto 'somePassage'>>

Key attribute

Accepts : number / 'string'(comma-separated) / [array]

The key attribute is used to bind one or more keys to an element. When one of the given keys is pressed, the element behaves as if it had been clicked.

The key attribute accepts both e.code and e.key.

e.code values: .

e.key values : .

/* Supports both QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards using e.key*/
<<a "Push forward." key 'w,z' goto 'NextPassage'>>

Generating buttons bound to number keys using the e.code syntax:

<<set $inventory = ['Potion','Knife','Flint','Bandage']>>

<<for _i, _item range $inventory>>
	<<capture _item>>
		<<but `'Use _item (press '+(_i+1)+')'` key `'Digit'+(_i+1)`>>
			<<rep '#id'>>...used _item...

<span id='id'></span>

Condition/disabled attribute

Accepts : 'Twinescript expression' / function() / any

The condition and disabled attributes are evaluated attributes which decide if a link is shown/hidden or enabled/disabled.

Whenever any link of this macro set is clicked, other links with a condition/disabled attribute re-evaluate their own conditions and behave accordingly.

Conditions can be of any type:

  • strings are treated as Twinescript expressions
  • functions are called for their return values
  • other data types are just tested for truthiness
<<set $hasItem = true>>

<<a 'Grab the item!' condition '!$hasItem'>>
<<set $hasItem = true>>

<<a 'Drop the item!' condition '$hasItem'>>
<<set $hasItem = false>>

Choice attribute

Accepts : number / 'string'(comma-separated) / [array]

The choice attribute creates groups of links, if one of them is clicked, all the others will be removed from the page. A single link can belong to multiple choice groups by supplying a comma-separated string or an array.

<<adel "Option 1" choice 'opt'>>
	<<rep '#opt'>>You chose n°1.

<<adel "Option 2" choice 'opt'>>
	<<rep '#opt'>>You chose n°2.

<span id='opt'/>

This feature doesn't have its own memory so it should be used in conjunction with the condition attribute if you want choices to remain hidden after navigating back to a passage.

Trigger attribute

Accepts : number / 'string'(comma-separated) / [array]

The trigger attribute is used to trigger one or multiple events at document level. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the <<on>> macro. Events can be supplied as a commas separated string, a valid event object or an array of strings or objects.

<<set $var = 45>>

<<a "Refresh cotnent!" trigger 'refresh'>>
	<<set $var ++>>

<<on 'refresh'>>

Count attribute

Accepts : number

The count attribute enables you to set a maximum amount of clicks before the link disappears.

<<but 'This button can only be clicked 3 times' count 3>>
	<<rep '#left'>> <<= 3-_this.count>>

Clicks left: <span id='left'/>

_this variable

The temporary variable _this can be used in the link to reference its own context.

Key Value
_this.self Reference to the link element
_this.event Reference to the click event
_this.count Number of times the link has been clicked