This is the main API code used for Snapable. It also contains the code that runs the background workers and includes the API documentation.
Most of the requirements are loaded and built into the docker container by the build scripts. There are a few system build tools that need to be installed on your development machine to build the docker container and generate the docs.
The required tools that need to be installed on your development machine.
Linux system libraries are required for some python libraries to work. This is based
on the list of python libraries inside the "requirements.txt" file. If libraries
are changed or added, make sure to update the Dockerfile
to make sure the
system libraries are part of the build process and update this section.
- python-dev (generic)
- libtiff4-dev (pillow)
- libjpeg8-dev (pillow)
- zlib1g-dev (pillow)
- libfreetype6-dev (pillow)
- liblcms1-dev (pillow)
- libwebp-dev (pillow)
Development is mostly done in python and using docker. There is currently one suggestion that should be followed when setting up the project for the first time to make it easier to build releases. The recommended setup is below.
Docker is used for both development and production. The only difference between development and production are runtime configuration variables and cloud infrastructure.
- Install Docker Compose
- Run
docker-compose build
- Run
docker-compose up
To run the unit tests, you first need to build the code into a docker:
> docker-compose build
> docker-compose run -e SNAP_AUTHENTICATION=true -e SNAP_AUTHORIZATION=true api test
Releasing and deploying the code is relatively simple. To save on space for the docker container, the API documentation is generated on the development machine and simply packaged into the final container. Because of this, please make sure to read the development section above to make it easier to build a release docker container.
> docker build -t<user>/api .
> docker push<user>/api
Configuration is done at runtime using environment variables. Below is a list of environment variables that can be set for production use instead of the development defaults.
Name | Description |
HOST_IP | An extra host to allow request to come from for django (default: '') |
DEBUG | If debug traces should be displayed [true/false] (default: false) |
DATABASE_NAME | The database table name (default: snapabledb) |
DATABASE_USER | The database user (default: snapableusr) |
DATABASE_PASSWORD | The database password |
DATABASE_HOST | The database host to use (default: |
DATABASE_PORT | The database port to use (default: 3306) |
EMAIL_HOST | The SMTP host (default: |
EMAIL_PORT | The SMTP port (default: 587) |
EMAIL_USE_TLS | If TLS should be used [true/false] (default: true) |
EMAIL_HOST_USER | The email host user |
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD | Email host password |
RACKSPACE_USERNAME | The rackspace username |
RACKSPACE_APIKEY | The rackspace API key |
CLOUDFILES_IMAGES_PREFIX | Cloudfiles images storage filename prefix (default: dev_images_) |
CLOUDFILES_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX | Cloudfiles download prefix (default: dev_downloads_) |
CLOUDFILES_WATERMARK_PREFIX | Cloudfiles watermark folder (default: dev_watermark) |
CLOUDFILES_PUBLIC_NETWORK | Should the client use the internet? [true/false] (default: true) |
GUNICORN_HOST | The host for Gunicorn to listen on (default: |
GUNICORN_PORT | The port for Gunicorn to listen on (default: 8000) |
REDIS_HOST | The redis host to use for application data (default: |
REDIS_PORT | The redis port to connect to (default: 6379) |
REDIS_DB | The default redis database (default: 0) |
STRIPE_KEY_SECRET | The secret key for the Stripe API |
STRIPE_KEY_PUBLIC | The public key for the Stripe API |
STRIPE_CURRENCY | The currency to charge in (default: usd) |
CELERY_BROKER_HOST | The celery broker host (default: |
CELERY_BROKER_PORT | The celery broker port (default: 5672) |
CELERY_BROKER_DB | The celery broker database to use (default: 1) |
CELERY_RESULT_HOST | The celery result host (default: |
CELERY_RESULT_PORT | The celery result port (default: 5672) |
CELERY_RESULT_DB | The celery result database to use (default: 1) |
SENTRY_DSN | The DSN string to use for Sentry (default: '') |
NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT | The environment for logging [staging/production] (default: development) |