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81 lines (62 loc) · 3.24 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (62 loc) · 3.24 KB

Guide for code contributions

Branch model

VimTeX is developed mainly through the master branch, and pull requests should be fork based.

Documentation style

Vim help files have their own specific syntax. There is a Vim help section on how to write them, see :h help-writing.

The VimTeX documentation style should be relatively clear, and it should be easy to see from the existing documentation how to write it. Still, here are some pointers:

  • Max 80 columns per line
  • Use the help tag system for pointers to other parts of the Vim documentation
  • Use line of =s to separate sections
  • Use line of -s to separate subsections
  • The section tags should be right aligned at the 79th column
  • Sections should be included and linked to from the table of contents

VimTeX also has a high level code documentation mainly for developers. It should provide an overview of the VimTeX code and APIs and may help developers (and users) to to understand the functionalities of the plugin a little bit faster.

Code style

When submitting code for VimTeX, please adhere to the following standards:

  • Use shiftwidth=2 - no tabs!
  • Write readable code
    • Break lines for readability
      • Line should not be longer than 80 columns
    • Use comments:
      • For complex code that is difficult to understand
      • Simple code does not need comments
    • Use (single) empty lines to separate logical blocks of code
    • Use good variable names
      • The name should indicate what the variable is/does
      • Variable names should be lower case
      • Local function variables should be preceded with l:
    • Prefer single quoted strings
    • See also the Google vimscript style guide
  • Use markers for folding
    • I generally only fold functions, and I tend to group similar functions so that when folded, I get a nice structural overview of a file
    • See some of the files for examples of how I do this

Running tests

New functionality should be accompanied by tests. Tests can be run from the test folder with make. The tests currently only run on Linux, and the following utilities are required to run all the tests:

These utilities may not come with all Linux distributions and may need to be installed with your favorite package manager (e.g. yum, apt-get, or brew on Mac).

By default, the tests are run with the Neovim executable nvim. You can change the executable by setting the environment variable MYVIM before running. To run with vanilla vim, use MYVIM="vim -T dumb --not-a-term --noplugin -n". Either export this in your shell, or prepend to make, that is, run MYVIM="vim -T dumb --not-a-term --noplugin -n" make.