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Peter Colapietro edited this page May 10, 2015 · 37 revisions

Everybody not a developer

Please visit and choose your version of Makelangelo for more information.


How to get started hacking on the Makelangelo project


Thank you to Chris Mills for contributing these instructions.

Technical Requirements

Note If your Eclipse is older than Indigo, you still have the option of using it. You will just need to provide Maven integration via the m2e Eclipse plugin.


  1. If you don’t already have it, clone the Makelangelo dev branch this project to a folder on your computer.
  2. Start Eclipse, then choose File > Import > Existing projects into workspace > Select root directory > Browse > find where you cloned github/Makelangelo > Ok > uncheck "Copy projects into workspace > Finish
  3. Choose Package Explorer > Right click on Makelangelo > Maven > Update project. Wait while it downloads and configures dependencies
  4. Select Right click on Makelangelo > Run As > Java Application.

Makelangelo should run! Make changes to the code and run again to see the effect.


When you are ready to share you changes, send us a pull request.

Don’t forget to check our issues list to see the roadmap and our list of current challenges.


Please visit Makelangelo support forums

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