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JS Framework Comparison of size of built apps

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Comparison of size of

  1. Built apps and minified JS
  2. Size of development folders
  3. Expressiveness and Simplicity of syntax

For some of the most used Javascript Framework.

For each framework is developed a small application that handles a counter and a list that can be dynamically appended and cleared by UI.

The well-known JS web frameworks benchmark conducted by Krausest focuses on CPU speed execution, Lighthouse mobile simulation, and memory allocation. While it is valuable to understand the performance of the framework we are working with or considering, an important factor to consider is the size of the final built bundle that contains minified JS code. Nowadays, most devices can easily handle complex websites. However, websites are often refreshed frequently, sometimes with every page change by the user. This raises the issue of the web application's size, as it affects page loading speed, file interpretation speed, user experience, and network traffic. It is desirable to keep the bundled website as small as possible to minimize network traffic and ensure the best possible user experience in terms of loading time. This project analyzes the sizes of the minified JS bundles for the same simple web application in some of the most commonly used JS frameworks.


React create-react-app React vite Angular Preact Vite Svelte Vue vite Solid Qwik Vanilla JS
Size of built JS (KB) 531 140 138 13.7 6.73 53.6 9.96 54.0 1.11
Size of dev folder (KB) 292 511 102 757 481 411 70 761 103 418 107 088 96 100 168 932 3.6
Version 18.2.0 18.2.0 14.2.3 10.13.1 3.55.1 3.2.45 1.6.10 0.20.1 -

Size of minified JS bundle in KB

Lower is better

Comparison Chart

Qwik is a little bit different because all js is not interpreted after the page is rendered, though the minimum bundle size remains large (42.5 KB).

Size of development folder in MB

Including node modules

Lower is better

Comparison Chart

Expressiveness and Simplicity of syntax

In my opinion:

  • Svelte and Vue (using Components API) wins the battle, they provides the simplest and most declarative syntax.
  • Angular has also a pretty clean syntax on top of a nice organisation of components. Though, it can result in a lot of src files to handle.
  • React and Solid components return JSX that contains JavaScript expression, this focus on more and smaller reusable components (especially compared to Angular components), but have the drawback to mix HTML and JS code together, so it can be confusing, and the MVC is hard to achieve.

In any case, vanilla JS is to be avoided for any kind of projects.

Details on each framework


  • Size of development folder: 91.6 MB

  • Contains:

    • Files: 2307
    • Folders: 361
  • Size of built app: 27.7 KB

  • Size of minified JS files: 9.96 KB

  • Components: functions that returns JSX or TSX

  • State: const [a, setA] = createSignal('val');

  • Primitives: createEffect(() => console.log(a + ' updated')); and const aa: Type = createMemo(() => a + a;

npm i

npm run dev

npm run build


  • Size of development folder: 98.6 MB

  • Contains:

    • Files: 1535
    • Folders: 341
  • Size of built app: 9.78 KB

  • Size of minified JS files: 6.73 KB

  • Components: .svelte file separating script, template and style

  • State: let a: Type = 'val';

  • Primitives: $: console.log(a + ' updated')); Simplest and cleanest syntax so far

npm i

npm run dev

npm run build


  • Size of development folder: 102 MB

  • Contains:

    • Files: 3267
    • Folders: 499
  • Size of built app: 59,2 KB

  • Size of minified JS files: 53,6 KB

  • Components: .vue file separating script, template and style. I used components API

  • State: let a: Type = 'val';

npm i

npm run dev

npm run build


  • Size of development folder: 459 MB

  • Contains:

    • Files: 40942
    • Folders: 3676
  • Size of built app: 153 KB

  • Size of minified JS files: 138 KB

  • Components: generated folder containing 4 files, model and controler is a TypeScript class

  • State: a: Type = 'val'; as a class attribute (in ts file, need to access them with this keyword)

  • Primitives: Not native to Angular, pretty verbose

npm i

ng s

ng build --configuration production

React (create-react-app)

  • Size of development folder: 278 MB

  • Contains:

    • Files: 36800
    • Folders: 34805
  • Size of built app: 540 KB

  • Size of minified JS files: 531 KB

  • Components: JSX or TSX files, function that returns JSX

  • State: const [a, setA] = useState<Type>('val'); as a class attribute

npm i

npm start

npm run build

React (npm init vite@latest)

  • Size of development folder: 97.9 MB
  • Contains:
    • Files: 2254
    • Folders: 320
  • Size of built app: 144 KB
  • Size of minified JS files: 140 KB

npm i

npm run dev

npm run build

Preact (vite)

  • Size of development folder: 70.8 MB
  • Contains:
    • Files: 2452
    • Folders: 373
  • Size of built app: 18.8 KB
  • Size of minified JS files: 13.7 KB

npm i

npm run dev

npm run build


  • Size of development folder: 97.9 MB
  • Contains:
    • Files: 6187
    • Folders: 969
  • Size of built app: 75.1 KB
  • Size of minified JS files: 54 KB

npm i

npm start

npm run build

I used SSG (Static Site Generation) for this Qwik project npm run qwik add

Vanilla JS

  • Size of development folder: 3.50 KB

  • Contains:

    • Files: 4
    • Folders: 1
  • Size of built app: 3.50 KB

  • Size of JS: 1.11 KB

  • Components: import js files

  • State: need to work with the DOM

  • Primitives: need to code one's own framework


Here I put side to side all code to manage the list (creation, push, empty)


<input type="text" (change)="sendMessage($event)" />
<app-message *ngFor="let elem of list" [message]="elem"></app-message>
<button (click)="emptyList()">Empty</button>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { OnChange } from 'property-watch-decorator';

export class AppComponent {
  LS: string = "jsFrameworkComparison-angular-messages";

  list: Message[] = [];

  ngOnInit() {
    this.list = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(this.LS) ?? "[]") as Message[];

  sendMessage(event: any) {
    this.list.push({ message:, date: new Date() });
    window.localStorage.setItem(this.LS, JSON.stringify(this.list));

  emptyList() {
    this.list = [];
    window.localStorage.setItem(this.LS, "[]");

export type Message = {
  message: string;
  date: Date;


<script lang="ts">
  import MessageComponent from "./components/MessageComponent.svelte";

  const LS: string = "jsFrameworkComparison-svelte-messages";
  let list: Message[] = [];
  list = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LS) ?? "[]") as Message[];

  function sendMessage(event: any) {
    list.push({ message:, date: new Date() });
    list = list;
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, JSON.stringify(list));

  function emptyList() {
    list = [];
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, "[]");

  type Message = {
    message: string;
    date: Date;

<input type="text" on:change={(event) => sendMessage(event)} />
{#each list as elem}
  <MessageComponent message={elem} />
<button on:click={() => emptyList()}>Empty</button>


<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, type Ref } from 'vue';
import MessageComponent from './components/MessageComponent.vue';

const LS: string = "jsFrameworkComparison-vue-messages";
let list: Ref<Message[]> = ref([]);
list.value = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LS) ?? "[]") as Message[];

function sendMessage(event: any) {
  list.value.push({ message:, date: new Date() });
  window.localStorage.setItem(LS, JSON.stringify(list.value));

function emptyList() {
  list.value = [];
  window.localStorage.setItem(LS, "[]");

type Message = {
  message: string;
  date: Date;

      <input type="text" @change="(event) => sendMessage(event)" />
      <MessageComponent v-for="elem in list" :message="elem" />
      <button @click="() => emptyList()">Empty</button>


import { Component, createEffect, createSignal } from 'solid-js';
import MessageComponent from './components/MessageComponent';

const App: Component = () => {
  const LS: string = 'jsFrameworkComparison-solid-messages';
  const [list, setList] = createSignal<Message[]>([]);
  setList(JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LS) ?? '[]') as Message[]);

  const sendMessage = (event: any) => {
    setList([...list(), { message:, date: new Date() }]);
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, JSON.stringify(list()));

  const emptyList = () => {
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, '[]');

  return (
      <div class={styles.content}>
        <input type="text" onchange={(event) => sendMessage(event)} />
        {list().map(elem => <MessageComponent message={elem} />)}
        <button onclick={() => emptyList()}>Empty</button>

export type Message = {
  message: string;
  date: Date;

export default App;

React / Preact

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import MessageComponent from './components/MessageComponent';

const LS: string = 'jsFrameworkComparison-react-messages';

function App() {
  const [list, setList] = useState<Message[]>([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    setList(JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LS) ?? '[]') as Message[]);
  }, []);

  const sendMessage = (event: any) => {
    setList([...list, { message:, date: new Date() }]);
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, JSON.stringify(list));

  const emptyList = () => {
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, '[]');

  return (
    <div className="content">
        <input type="text" onBlur={(event) => sendMessage(event)} onKeyDown={(event) => event.key === 'Enter' ? sendMessage(event) : {}} />
      {, i) => <MessageComponent key={i} message={elem} />)}
      <button onClick={() => emptyList()}>Empty</button>

export type Message = {
  message: string;
  date: Date;

export default App;


import { component$, useSignal, useBrowserVisibleTask$, $, useStore } from '';
import MessageComponent from './components/MessageComponent';

const title: string = 'Qwik app';
const LS: string = 'jsFrameworkComparison-qwik-messages';

export default component$(() => {
  const list = useStore<{ value: Message[] }>({ value: [] });

  const sendMessage = $((event: any) => {
    list.value = [...list.value, {message:, date: new Date()}];
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, JSON.stringify(list.value));

  const emptyList = $(() => {
    list.value = [];
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, '[]');

  useBrowserVisibleTask$(() => {
    list.value = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LS) ?? '[]') as Message[];

  return (
    <div class="content">
      <input type="text" onChange$={(event) => sendMessage(event)} />
      {, i) => (<MessageComponent key={i} message={elem} />))}
      <button onClick$={() => emptyList()}>Empty</button>

export type Message = {
  message: string;
  date: Date;

Vanilla JS

<input type="text" onchange="sendMessage(event)" />
<div id="MessageComponent"></div>
<button onclick="emptyList()">Empty</button>
MessageComponent = document.getElementById('MessageComponent');
const LS = "jsFrameworkComparison-vanilla-messages";
document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = title;

let list = [];

list = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(LS) ?? "[]");

list.forEach(m => renderMessage(m));

function sendMessage(event) {
    const message = { message:, date: new Date() };
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, JSON.stringify(list));

function renderMessage(message) {
    MessageComponent.innerHTML += `<div class="elem">
    <span class="message">${message.message}</span>
    <span class="date">${}</span>

function emptyList() {
    list = [];
    MessageComponent.innerHTML = '';
    window.localStorage.setItem(LS, "[]");