- Fixed Issue matching/Validation compund first names with more than 3 consonants
- Updated import example in README.MD
- Fixed Validator Bug For CF Validation of People born in January
- Replaced moment with dayjs
- Updated dependency to @marketto/belfiore-connector@3.0.0
- Used semantic versioning to prevent compatibility issues
- Updated Usage>Typestript example in README
- Belfiore Connector separated from CodiceFiscaleUtils
- All methods related to place (Belfiore Connector) are async
- Parser, Validator and Pattern have to be used as instances provided by CodiceFiscaleUtils which have to be used as an instance aswell
- #111 Fixed firstName and lastName validators to handle compund names
- #113 Fixed Skipping place creation/expiration date vs birth place for birth dates prior cf introduction plus 5 years of tolerance
- #108 Fixed Belfiore findByName issue related to the last entry of each dataset
- Replaced jsdoc with typedoc
- Added Validator.codiceFiscale( string ).errors to get verbose errors for the given CF
- Added default export
- Removed Express demo
- Updated all rollup libs & plugins
- All interface and type imports are properly defined as
import type
- Added dist/typings.d.ts to build script, no need to rely on source code anymore
- Changed CF place/date validation logics: CF might be generated after owner's birth date except for birtdates prior CF introduction (29/09/1973)
- Assets generator script refactored
- Assets and source links update
- Cities & Countries update
- Minor fixes (cfDecode) month January returns 0 instead of undefined
- Cities & Countries update
- Minor fixes (Pattern.lastName) FirstName with 2 consonants and vowels
- Cities Countries update
- Added Belfiore.from
- Changed CF place/date validation logics: CF might be generated after owner's birth date
- Fixed isolated modules
- CF rules for voewls reviewed
- Dev dependencies update
- Readme - review & Doc fixes
- Minor fixes (Pattern.firstName)
- New ETL script for data assets in typescript, using streams (2x faster)
- Assets and source links update
- README review
- Dependencies update
- Assets and source links update
- Rollup config update
- Semantic Versioning release (thx to Giacomo Gregoletto)
- Moved packaging dependency to devDependencies (thx to Giacomo Gregoletto)
- Removed install alert message
- CITIES_COUNTRIES generated as TS
- Restored sourcemaps
- Moved FE demos in dedicated repos
- Implemented cfOmocode in Parser class
- Implemented cfOmocodeId in Parser class
- Implemented omocodeId field in IPersonalInfo
- Parser.cfDecode output
- Parser.encodeCf input
- Implemented constants for CF parts (offsets & lengths)
- Improved date parse
- Implemented CF deomocode in Parser class
- Optimized gender methods
- Typescript refactoring
- RegExp validators moved into Pattern class
- Naming convention for name and surname changed to firstName and lastName
- Implemented boolean validators in Validators class
- Match and Mismatch compound validators (cf/lastName, cf/firsName, ... birthDate/birthPlace)
- Angular demo
- Updated resource uris to generate Cities/Country Belfiore dataset
- Implemented xlsx reading in locationUpdater script
- Implemented Rollup for packaging
- Implemented external Diacritic remover
- Code review
- Minor fixes
- Increased Unit tests
- Lowercase support
- Belfiore code
- Birth month code
- Omocodes
- Code review
- Build config optimization
- Belfiore code validator
- Chrome compatibility
- Firefox compatibility
- Edge compatibility
- node module compatibility
- Minor fixes
- Vue demo
- README update
- Minor fixes
- Validator.isValid()
- ExpressJs demo