Releases: Marmo/debitum
Releases · Marmo/debitum
- add: list with third party licenses in settings
- add: persons can have a note that is displayed in the filter bar
- change: use contextual action bar for displaying edit/delete menu items when selecting rows
- change: edit person button in filtered transaction list is now in filter bar instead of top toolbar
- change: amount is initially set to 1 for new item transactions
- change: focus is set to appropriate input fields in edit dialogs
- change: use cradle for floating action button (add transaction button)
- change: brighter icon foreground color (aztec->fjord)
- fix: error messages in edit transaction dialog are cleared now when something is entered
- refactor: moved all common code from the two list fragments (Transaction + PersonSum) to a new abstract superclass AbstractBaseListFragment
- refactor: move dialog toolbar to separate included layout
initial release
v1.0.0 remove androidx.navigation:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment as th…