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Convert To C# #5

Scarraluba opened this issue Apr 16, 2024 · 0 comments

Convert To C# #5

Scarraluba opened this issue Apr 16, 2024 · 0 comments


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Scarraluba commented Apr 16, 2024

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

public class Squarer : MonoBehaviour
    public List<Vector2> originalPolygonVertices;
    public float maxAngleChange = 10f;
    public float skewTolerance = 10f;

    void OnDrawGizmos()
        Bounds boundingBox = CalculateBoundingBox(originalPolygonVertices);
        DrawPolygon(OrthPolygon(originalPolygonVertices, maxAngleChange, skewTolerance), Color.magenta);

        //   Debug.LogError(.Count);

        // Handle the returned values as needed
        /*Debug.Log("Original Angles: " + string.Join(", ", orgAngles));
        Debug.Log("Correction Angles: " + string.Join(", ", corAngles));
        Debug.Log("Directional Angles: " + string.Join(", ", dirAngles));*/

    public List<Vector2> OrthPolygon(List<Vector2> polygon, float maxAngleChange = 15f, float skewTolerance = 15f)
        List<Vector2> poly = new List<Vector2>();
        List<float> orgAngles;
        List<float> corAngles;
        List<int> dirAngles;
        (orgAngles, corAngles, dirAngles) = CalculateSegmentAngles(originalPolygonVertices);

        float medAngle = 0;

        if (StandardDeviation(corAngles) < 30)
            medAngle = Median(corAngles);
            medAngle = 45;

        List<Vector2> polySimpleR = RotatePolygon(polygon, medAngle);
        (orgAngles, corAngles, dirAngles) = CalculateSegmentAngles(polySimpleR, maxAngleChange);

        List<float> rotatedX = new List<float>();
        List<float> rotatedY = new List<float>();

        foreach (Vector2 vertex in polySimpleR)

        // Scan backwards to check if starting segment is a continuation of straight region in the same direction
        int shift = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < dirAngles.Count; i++)
            if (dirAngles[0] == dirAngles[^i])
                shift = i;

        // If the first segment is part of continuing straight region then reset the index to its beginning
        if (shift != 0)
            dirAngles = dirAngles.GetRange(dirAngles.Count - shift, shift)
                .Concat(dirAngles.GetRange(0, dirAngles.Count - shift)).ToList();
            orgAngles = orgAngles.GetRange(orgAngles.Count - shift, shift)
                .Concat(orgAngles.GetRange(0, orgAngles.Count - shift)).ToList();
            rotatedX = rotatedX.GetRange(rotatedX.Count - shift - 1, shift)
                .Concat(rotatedX.GetRange(0, rotatedX.Count - shift)).ToList();
            rotatedY = rotatedY.GetRange(rotatedY.Count - shift - 1, shift)
                .Concat(rotatedY.GetRange(0, rotatedY.Count - shift)).ToList();

        // Fix 180 degree turns (N->S, S->N, E->W, W->E)
        // Subtract two adjacent directions and if the difference is 2, which means we have 180˚ turn (0,1,3 are OK) then use the direction of the previous segment
        List<int> dirAngleRoll = dirAngles.GetRange(1, dirAngles.Count - 1)
            .Concat(dirAngles.GetRange(0, 1)).ToList();
        dirAngles = dirAngles.Select((value, index) => MathF.Abs(value - dirAngleRoll[index]) == 2 ? dirAngles[index - 1] : value).ToList();

        // Assuming dirAngle, orgAngle, rotatedX, rotatedY, skewTolerance, and shift are defined elsewhere in the code
        dirAngles.Add(dirAngles[0]); // Append dummy value
        orgAngles.Add(orgAngles[0]); // Append dummy value
        List<int> segmentBuffer = new List<int>(); // Buffer for determining which segments are part of one large straight line

        for (int i = 0; i < dirAngles.Count - 1; i++)
            // Preserving skewed walls: Leave walls that are obviously meant to be skewed 45˚+/- tolerance˚ (e.g.angle 30-60 degrees) off main walls as untouched
            if (orgAngles[i] % 90 > (45 - skewTolerance) && orgAngles[i] % 90 < (45 + skewTolerance))
            { continue;
            // Dealing with adjacent segments following the same direction
            if (dirAngles[i] ==
                    [i + 1]) // If next segment is of same orientation, we need 180 deg angle for straight line. Keep checking.
                if (orgAngles[i + 1] % 90 > (45 - skewTolerance) && orgAngles[i + 1] % 90 < (45 + skewTolerance))

            if (dirAngles[i] == 0 || dirAngles[i] == 2) // for N,S segments average x coordinate
                float tempX = rotatedX.GetRange(segmentBuffer[0], segmentBuffer.Count).Average();
                // Update with new coordinates
                for (int j = segmentBuffer[0]; j <= segmentBuffer[segmentBuffer.Count - 1]; j++)
                    rotatedX[j] = tempX;
            else if (dirAngles[i] == 1 || dirAngles[i] == 3) // for E,W segments average y coordinate
                float tempY = rotatedY.GetRange(segmentBuffer[0], segmentBuffer.Count).Average();
                // Update with new coordinates
                for (int j = segmentBuffer[0]; j <= segmentBuffer[segmentBuffer.Count - 1]; j++)
                    rotatedY[j] = tempY;

            if (segmentBuffer.Contains(0)) // Copy change in first point to its last point so we don't lose it during Reverse shift
                rotatedX[rotatedX.Count - 1] = rotatedX[0];
                rotatedY[rotatedY.Count - 1] = rotatedY[0];


// Reverse shift so we get polygon with the same start/end point as before
        if (shift != 0)
            rotatedX = rotatedX.Skip(shift).Concat(rotatedX.Take(shift + 1)).ToList();
            rotatedY = rotatedY.Skip(shift).Concat(rotatedY.Take(shift + 1)).ToList();
            rotatedX[0] = rotatedX[rotatedX.Count - 1]; // Copy updated coordinates to first node
            rotatedY[0] = rotatedY[rotatedY.Count - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < rotatedX.Count; i++)
            poly.Add(new Vector2(rotatedX[i], rotatedY[i]));

        return RotatePolygon(poly, -medAngle);

    /**  :Returns:
      - orgAngle: Segments bearing
      - corAngle: Segments angles to closest cardinal direction
      - dirAngle: Segments direction [N, E, S, W] as [0, 1, 2, 3]*/
    public ( List<float>, List<float>, List<int>) CalculateSegmentAngles(List<Vector2> polySimple,
        float maxAngleChange = 45f)
        if (polySimple == null || polySimple.Count < 2)
            Debug.LogError("Polygon should contain at least two points.");
            return (null, null, null);

        List<float> orgAngle = new List<float>();
        List<float> corAngle = new List<float>();
        List<int> dirAngle = new List<int>();
        float[] limit = new float[4];

        maxAngleChange = 45 - maxAngleChange;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            limit[i] = 0;

        // Calculate angles between consecutive segments
        for (int i = 0; i < polySimple.Count; i++)
            Vector2 point1 = polySimple[i];
            Vector2 point2 = polySimple[(i + 1) % polySimple.Count];
            float angle = CalculateInitialCompassBearing(point1, point2);

            if (angle > 45 + limit[1] && angle <= 135 - limit[1])
                corAngle.Add(angle - 90);
            else if (angle > 135 + limit[2] && angle <= 225 - limit[2])
                corAngle.Add(angle - 180);
            else if (angle > (225 + limit[3]) && angle <= (315 - limit[3]))
                corAngle.Add(angle - 270);
            else if (angle > (315 + limit[0]) && angle <= 360)
                corAngle.Add(angle - 360);
            else if (angle >= 0 && angle <= (45 - limit[0]))

            for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
                limit[b] = 0;

            limit[dirAngle[i]] = maxAngleChange;
            limit[(dirAngle[i] + 1) % 4] = -maxAngleChange;
            limit[(dirAngle[i] - 1 + 4) % 4] = -maxAngleChange;

        return (orgAngle, corAngle, dirAngle);

    public List<Vector2> RotatePolygon(List<Vector2> polygon, float angle)
        Vector2 centroid = CalculateCentroid(polygon);
        List<Vector2> rotatedPolygon = new List<Vector2>();
        foreach (Vector2 vertex in polygon)
            Vector2 rotatedVertex = RotatePoint(vertex, centroid, angle);

        return rotatedPolygon;

    private Vector2 RotatePoint(Vector2 point, Vector2 pivot, float angle)
        float angleInRadians = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        float cosTheta = Mathf.Cos(angleInRadians);
        float sinTheta = Mathf.Sin(angleInRadians);

        float newX = cosTheta * (point.x - pivot.x) - sinTheta * (point.y - pivot.y) + pivot.x;
        float newY = sinTheta * (point.x - pivot.x) + cosTheta * (point.y - pivot.y) + pivot.y;

        return new Vector2(newX, newY);

    private Vector2 CalculateCentroid(List<Vector2> polygon)
        Vector2 centroid =;
        foreach (Vector2 vertex in polygon)
            centroid += vertex;

        centroid /= polygon.Count;
        return centroid;

    public float CalculateInitialCompassBearing(Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB)
        // Check if the inputs are vectors
        if (!(pointA is Vector2) || !(pointB is Vector2))
            throw new ArgumentException("Only vectors are supported as arguments");

        // Convert latitude and longitude from degrees to radians
        float lat1 = Mathf.Deg2Rad * pointA.x;
        float lat2 = Mathf.Deg2Rad * pointB.x;

        float diffLong = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (pointB.y - pointA.y);

        float x = Mathf.Sin(diffLong) * Mathf.Cos(lat2);
        float y = Mathf.Cos(lat1) * Mathf.Sin(lat2) - (Mathf.Sin(lat1) * Mathf.Cos(lat2) * Mathf.Cos(diffLong));

        // Calculate the initial bearing
        float initialBearing = Mathf.Atan2(x, y);

        // Normalize the initial bearing to be between 0 and 360 degrees
        float compassBearing = (Mathf.Rad2Deg * initialBearing + 360) % 360;

        return compassBearing;

    void DrawBoundingBox(Bounds boundingBox)
        Vector3 min = boundingBox.min;
        Vector3 max = boundingBox.max;
        Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[]
            new Vector3(min.x, 0, min.y),
            new Vector3(min.x, 0, max.y),
            new Vector3(max.x, 0, max.y),
            new Vector3(max.x, 0, min.y),
            new Vector3(min.x, 0, min.y)
        for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length - 1; i++)
            Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, 0.69f, 0.16f);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(corners[i], corners[i + 1]);

    void DrawPolygon(List<Vector2> vertices, Color color)
        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
            Vector2 start = vertices[i];
            Vector2 end = vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.Count];

            Gizmos.color = color;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(start.x, 0, start.y), new Vector3(end.x, 0, end.y));

    Bounds CalculateBoundingBox(List<Vector2> vertices)
        Vector2 min = vertices[0];
        Vector2 max = vertices[0];
        foreach (Vector2 vertex in vertices)
            min = Vector2.Min(min, vertex);
            max = Vector2.Max(max, vertex);

        return new Bounds((min + max) / 2, max - min);

    public static float Median(IEnumerable<float> source)
        var sorted = source.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
        var count = sorted.Count;
        if (count % 2 == 0)
            return (sorted[count / 2 - 1] + sorted[count / 2]) / 2;
            return sorted[count / 2];

    public static float StandardDeviation(IEnumerable<float> source)
        var values = source.ToList();
        var count = values.Count;
        var mean = values.Average();
        var sumOfSquares = values.Sum(x => Mathf.Pow(x - mean, 2));
        return Mathf.Sqrt(sumOfSquares / count);
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