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278 lines (246 loc) · 8.19 KB

File metadata and controls

278 lines (246 loc) · 8.19 KB


housekeeping for all project of local environment ( server, vm, workstation)


  • create bash method and lod info running shell
unalias githousekeeping
sed -n '/^```bash,/^```/{ /^```bash.*$/d; /^```$/d; p; }'  >$EXPORT_GIT_HOUSE_KEEPING

add all file to the repos

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -execdir git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} add . \;

commit all projects

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -execdir git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} commit -am "auto save" \;

push all projects

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -execdir git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} push \;

pull all project in all sub folder

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -execdir git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} pull origin master \;
  • or
find . -name .git -type d -prune | while read d;
do cd $d/..;
echo "$PWD >" git pull;
git pull;
  • or only for a special github account
find . -name .git -type d -prune | while read d;
do cd $d/..;
echo "$PWD >" git pull;
repoURL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
echo "repo URL => "$repoURL;
repoURL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
if echo "$repoURL" | grep -Eq  "$gitHubAccountName";
echo "repo of $gitHubAccountName"
git pull
echo "repo of another"

bash function

alias \${METHOD_ALIAS_NAME}="f(){ \\
REPO_GIT_IGNORE=\"\\\${HOME}/\"; \\
readonly DEFAULT='\033[0;m'; \\
readonly CRED='\033[0;31m'; \\
readonly CGREEN='\033[0;32m'; \\
echo githousekeeping for all repositories in folder; \\
if [[ \\\$# -eq 0 ]]; \\
then \\
echo What will you do? ; \\
echo check; \\
echo commit; \\
echo push; \\
echo pull; \\
echo repoIdentifier; \\
echo findRepository; \\
echo addGitIgnore: \\
echo setGitIgnore; \\
echo fixGitIgnore; \\
echo checkRemote; \\
elif [ \\\$1 == "repoIdentifier" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo found action \\\$1 ; \\
        echo action repoIdentifier; \\
        read -p \"enter unique identifier for repository that contain in the remote URL e.g. account name => \" repoIdentifier ; \\
        echo \\\$repoIdentifier >\\\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL}; \\
        printf \"set GitHub Account URL to => %s \" \"\\\$(cat \\\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL})\" ; \\
elif [ \\\$1 == "setGitIgnore" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo found action \\\$1 ; \\
        echo action setGitIgnore; \\
        read -p \"enter URL for your gitignore master project => \" repoGitIgnore; \\
        echo \\\$repoGitIgnore >\\\${REPO_GIT_IGNORE}; \\
        printf \"set repo git ignore url to => %s \" \"\\\$(cat \\\${REPO_GIT_IGNORE})\" ; \\
        git clone \\\$(cat \\\${REPO_GIT_IGNORE})  \\\${PATH_GIT_IGNORE}; \\
else \\
echo found action \\\$1 ; \\
    find . -name .git -type d -prune | while read d;
    do \\
    cd \\\$d/..; \\
    echo current directory \\\$PWD; \\
    if [ \\\$1 == "check" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action check; \\
        LOCAL=\\\$(git rev-parse @); \\
        REMOTE=\\\$(git rev-parse @{u}); \\
        BASE=\\\$(git merge-base @ @{u}); \\
        echo LOCAL \\\$LOCAL; \\
        echo BASE \\\$BASE; \\
        echo REMOTE \\\$REMOTE; \\
        if [ \\\$LOCAL = \\\$REMOTE ]; then \\
            echo  \\\$PWD Up-to-date; \\
        elif [ \\\$LOCAL = \\\$BASE ]; then \\
            echo  \\\$PWD Need to pull; \\
        elif [ \\\$REMOTE = \\\$BASE ]; then \\
            echo  \\\$PWD Need to push; \\
        else \\
            echo  \\\$PWD Diverged; \\
        fi; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "push" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action push; \\
        URL=\\\$(git config --get remote.origin.url); \\
        DIRNAME=\\\$(dirname \\\$URL ); \\
        MATCH=\\\$(cat \\\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL})
        if [[ \\\$DIRNAME =~ \\\$(cat \${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL}) ]]; then \\
        echo \"own repo push\"; \\
        git push; \\
        else \\
        echo \"NOT own repo (Maybe the repoIdentifier is not set\"; \\
        fi; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "pull" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo \\\$d action pull; \\
        git pull origin master; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "add" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action add; \\
        git add .;\\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "commit" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action commit; \\
        git commit -am \"auto save\"; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "addGitIgnore" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action addGitIgnore; \\
        URL=\\\$(git config --get remote.origin.url); \\
        DIRNAME=\\\$(dirname \\\$URL ); \\
        MATCH=\\\$(cat \\\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL})
        if [[ \\\$DIRNAME =~ \\\$(cat \${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL}) ]]; then \\
        if [ -e .gitignore ] ; then \\
        echo .gitignore available ; \\
        else \\
        echo NO .gitignore; \\
        cp  \\\${PATH_GIT_IGNORE}/.gitignore .gitignore; \\
        git add . ; \\
        git commit -am \"add .gitignore\"; \\
        echo push necessary ; \\
        fi ; \\
        fi ; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "updateGitIgnore" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action updateGitIgnore; \\
        if [ -e .gitignore ] ; then \\
        echo check remote  master git ignore repo \\\$(cat \\\${REPO_GIT_IGNORE}); \\
        git -C \\\${PATH_GIT_IGNORE} pull; \\
        echo .gitignore available for update ; \\
        cp  \\\${PATH_GIT_IGNORE}/.gitignore .gitignore; \\
        git add . ; \\
        git commit -am \"update .gitignore\"; \\
        echo push necessary ; \\
        else \\
        echo NO .gitignore file found; \\
        echo please add first; \\
        fi ; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "fixGitIgnore" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action fixGitIgnore; \\
        URL=\\\$(git config --get remote.origin.url); \\
        DIRNAME=\\\$(dirname \\\$URL ); \\
        MATCH=\\\$(cat \\\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL})
        if [[ \\\$DIRNAME =~ \\\$(cat \${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL}) ]]; then \\
        if [ -e .gitignore ] ; then \\
        echo fix/force .gitignore on current local repo ; \\
        echo .gitignore available for fix/force; \\
        git rm -r --cached .; \\
        git add .; \\
        git commit -m \".gitignore fix/force\"; \\
        echo push necessary ; \\
        else \\
        echo NO .gitignore file found; \\
        echo please add first; \\
        fi ; \\
        fi ; \\
    elif [ \\\$1 == "checkRemote" ]; \\
    then \\
        echo action checkRemote; \\
        REMOTE_REPO_URL=\\\$(git config --get remote.origin.url); \\
        if \\\$(git ls-remote \\\${REMOTE_REPO_URL} CHECK_GIT_REMOTE_URL_REACHABILITY >/dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ); then \\
        printf \"\\\$CGREEN REMOTE FOUND \\\$DEFAULT => \\\$PWD \\\n \"; \\
        else \\
        printf \"\\\$CRED NO REMOTE \\\$DEFAULT => \\\$PWD \\\n \"; \\
        fi; \\
    else \\
        echo action not found; \\
    fi; \\
    cd \\\$OLDPWD;
fi; \\
}; f"

chmod +x $SCRIPT_NAME

#load method in bash
source ./$SCRIPT_NAME

alias githouse='f() { if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo what will you do; else echo $1 ;fi; }; f'

cd ./git-housekeeping; \ dirname \$(git config --get remote.origin.url) >\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL}; \

if ["\$(dirname \$(git config --get remote.origin.url) >\${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL})" =~ "\$(cat \${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_URL})" ] ; then \ echo "ok"; \ git push; \ else \ echo "not ok"; \ fi; \

Add following lines to your ~/.bash_profile

parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* (.*)/ (\1)/' } export PS1="\u@\h [\033[32m]\w[\033[33m]$(parse_git_branch)[\033[00m] $ "

UPSTREAM=${1:-@{u}} LOCAL=$(git rev-parse @) BASE=$(git merge-base @ "$UPSTREAM"); REMOTE=$(git rev-parse "$UPSTREAM"); echo $LOCAL echo $BASE echo $REMOTE

git branch|sed 's/*//g'|sed 's/^\w.*//g'|while read CMD;
do printf " $CMD\n";