A simple step of Runge-Kutta 4 integration.
The library implements a Runge-Kutta 4 scheme with the following tableau:
0 | 0 0 0 0
1/2 | 1/2 0 0 0
1/2 | 0 1/2 0 0
1 | 0 0 1 0
| 1/6 1/3 1/3 1/6
For the ode in the form:
The integration scheme evaluates:
The input u(t) is assumed constant between integration ministeps.
From an implementation point of view, p is a vector of vectors. This
is done for compatibility with MATLAB System Identification Toolbox model
file. Since we usually don't have an initialization and a termination
callback, everything must be handled inside the integrator step (malloc
and free
To represent an ODE in the form:
it is necessary to define the following vector field:
void ode(double *xdot, /**< Output of the vector field */
double t, /**< Current time */
const double *x, /**< Current state vector */
const double *u, /**< Input vecotr */
const double **p, /**< Vector of vectors of parameters */
void *data) /**< Space for user data */
xdot[0] = -p[0][0] * x[0] + p[1][0] * u[0];
and the options for the integrator:
rk4_opts options = {
1e-3, /**< Time steps */
1, /**< vector field dimensions */
ode /**< vector field callback (to evaluate it) */
a single integration step can be performed as follows:
rk4(&options, xp, t, x, u, p, NULL);
The last NULL
is userdata placeholder (the callback does not use it).
The complete code is in test_ode_1
. The result of the integration:
To represent an ODE in the form:
it is necessary to define the following vector field:
void ode(double *xdot, /**< Output of the vector field */
double t, /**< Current time */
const double *x, /**< Current state vector */
const double *u, /**< Input vecotr */
const double **p, /**< Vector of vectors of parameters */
void *data) /**< Space for user data */
xdot[0] = x[1];
xdot[1] = -p[0][0] * x[0] - p[0][1] * x[1] + p[1][0] * u[0];
and the options for the integrator:
rk4_opts options = {
1e-3, /**< Time steps */
2, /**< vector field dimensions */
ode /**< vector field callback (to evaluate it) */
a single integration step can be performed as follows:
rk4(&options, xp, t, x, u, p, NULL);
The complete code is in test_ode_2
. The result of the integration:
To represent an ODE in the form:
it is necessary to define the following vector field (in this case we are evaluating the same ODE with 3 different initial conditions):
void ode(double *xdot, /**< Output of the vector field */
double t, /**< Current time */
const double *x, /**< Current state vector */
const double *u, /**< Input vecotr */
const double **p, /**< Vector of vectors of parameters */
void *data) /**< Space for user data */
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
xdot[i] = (1 - 2 * t) * x[i] * x[i];
and the options for the integrator:
rk4_opts options = {
1e-5, /**< Time steps */
3, /**< vector field dimensions */
ode /**< vector field callback (to evaluate it) */
a single integration step can be performed as follows (there is no input and no parameter):
rk4(&options, xp, t, x, NULL, NULL, NULL);
The complete code is in test_ode_3
. The result of the integration: