In this assignment you'll implement UDF (user-defined function) result caching in Apache Spark, which is a framework for distributed computing in the mold of MapReduce. This project will illustrate key concepts in data rendezvous and query evaluation, and you'll get some hands-on experience modifying Spark, which is widely used in the field. In addition, you'll get exposure to Scala, a JVM-based language that is gaining popularity for its clean functional style.
The assignment due date is published at the class website.
You can complete this in pairs, if you choose to. Lastly, there is a lot of code in this directory. Please look here here to find the directory where the code is located.
- Implement disk hash-partitioning
- Implement in-memory UDF caching
- Implement hash-partitioned UDF caching
Spark is an open-source distributed computing system written in Scala. The project was started by Ph.D. students from the AMPLab and is an integral part of the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS—affectionately pronounced "bad-ass").
Like Hadoop MapReduce, Spark is designed to run functions over large collections of data, by supporting a simplified set of high-level data processing operations akin to the iterators we've been learning about in class. One of the most common uses of such systems is to implement parallel query processing in high level languages such as SQL. In fact, many recent research and development efforts in Spark have gone towards supporting a scalable and interactive relational database abstraction.
We'll be using, modifying, and studying aspects of Spark in this class to understand key concepts of modern data systems. More importantly you will see that the ideas we're covering in class -- some of which are decades old -- are still very relevant today. Specifically, we will be adding features to Spark SQL.
One key limitation of Spark SQL is that it is currently a main-memory-only system. As part of this class, we will extend it to include some out-of-core algorithms as well.
Scala is a statically-typed language that supports many different programming paradigms. Its flexibility, power, and portability have become especially useful in distributed-systems research.
Scala resembles Java, but it possesses a much broader set of syntax features to facilitate multiple paradigms. Knowing Java will help you understand some Scala code, but not much of it, and not knowing Scala will prevent you from fully taking advantage of its expressive power. Because you must write code in Scala, we strongly recommend you to acquire at least a passing familiarity with the language.
IntelliJ IDEA tends to be the most commonly used IDE for developing in Spark. IntelliJ is a Java IDE that has a Scala (and vim!) plugin. There are also other options such as Scala-IDE.
You might find the following tutorials to be useful:
- Twitter's Scala School
- Getting Started by Scala-Lang
- A Scala Tutorial for Java Programmers
- TutorialsPoint's Scala Tutorial
- Spark: Cluster Computing with Working Sets (HotCloud 2009)
- Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing (NSDI 2012)
- Shark: SQL and Rich Analytics at Scale (SIGMOD 2013)
- Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark (SIGMOD 2015)
User-defined functions allow developers to define and exploit custom operations within expressions. Imagine, for example, that you have a product catalog that includes photos of the product packaging. You may want to register a user-defined function extract_text
that calls an OCR algorithm and returns the text in an image, so that you can get queryable information out of the photos. In SQL, you could imagine a query like this:
SELECT, P.manufacturer, P.price, extract_text(P.image),
FROM Products P;
The ability to register UDFs is very powerful -- it essentially turns your data processing framework into a general distributed computing framework. But UDFs can often introduce performance bottlenecks, especially as we run them over millions of data items.
If the input column(s) to a UDF contain a lot of duplicate values, it can be beneficial to improve performance by ensuring that the UDF is only called once per distinct input value, rather than once per row. (For example in our Products example above, all the different configurations of a particular PC might have the same image.) In this assignment, we will implement this optimization. We'll take it in stages -- first get it working for data that fits in memory, and then later for larger sets that require an out-of-core approach. We will use external hashing as the technique to "rendezvous" all the rows with the same input values for the UDF.
- Implement disk-based hash partitioning.
- Implement in-memory UDF caching.
- Combine the above two techniques to implement out-of-core UDF caching.
If you're interested in the topic, the following paper will be an interesting read (including additional optimizations beyond what we have time for in this homework):
All the code you will be touching will be in three files -- CS143Utils.scala
, basicOperators.scala
, and DiskHashedRelation.scala
. You might however need to consult other files within Spark or the general Scala APIs in order to complete the assignment thoroughly. Please make sure you look through all the provided code in the three files mentioned above before beginning to write your own code. There are a lot of useful functions in CS143Utils.scala
as well as in DiskHashedRelation.scala
that will save you a lot of time and cursing -- take advantage of them!
In general, we have defined most (if not all) of the methods that you will need. As before, in this project, you need to fill in the skeleton. The amount of code you will write is not very high -- the total staff solution is less than a 100 lines of code (not including tests). However, stringing together the right components in a memory-efficient way (i.e., not reading the whole relation into memory at once) will require some thought and careful planning.
There are some potentially confusing differences between the terminology we use in class, and the terminology used in the SparkSQL code base:
The "iterator" concept we learned in lecture is called a "node" in the SparkSQL code -- there are definitions in the code for UnaryNode and BinaryNode. A query plan is called a SparkPlan, and in fact UnaryNode and BinaryNode extend SparkPlan (after all, a single iterator is a small query plan!) You may want to find the file
in the SparkSQL source to see the API for these nodes. -
In some of the comments in SparkSQL, they also use the term "operator" to mean "node". The file
defines a number of specific nodes (e.g. Sort, Distinct, etc.). -
Don't confuse the Scala interface
with the iterator concept that we covered in lecture. TheIterator
that you will be using in this project is a Scala language feature that you will use to implement your SparkSQL nodes.Iterator
provides an interface to Scala collections that enforces a specific API: thenext
is a version control system, helping you track different versions of your code, synchronize them across different machines, and collaborate with others. GitHub is a site which supports this system, hosting it as a service.
If you don't know much about git
, we strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself with this system; you'll be spending a lot of time with it!
There are many guides to using git
online - here is a great one to read.
You should first set up a remote private repository (e.g., spark-homework). Github gives private repository to students (but this may take some time). If you don't have a private repository, think TWICE about checking it in public repository, as it will be available for others to checheckout.
$ cd ~
Clone your personal repository. It should be empty.
$ git clone ""
Enter the cloned repository, track the course repository and clone it.
$ cd yy/
$ git remote add course ""
$ git pull course master
NOTE: Please do not be overwhelmed by the amount of code that is here. Spark is a big project with a lot of features. The code that we will be touching will be contained within one specific directory: sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/. The tests will all be contained in sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/
Push clone to your personal repository.
$ git push origin master
Every time that you add some code, you can commit the modifications to the remote repository.
$ git commit -m 'update to homework'
$ git push origin master
It may be necessary to receive updates to our assignment (even though we try to release them as "perfectly" as possible the first time). Assuming you set up the tracking correctly, you can simply run this following command to receive assignment updates:
$ git pull course master
The following UNIX command will come in handy, when you need to find the location of a file. Example- Find location of a file named 'DiskHashedRelation.scala' in my current repository.
$ find ./ -name 'DiskHashedRelation.scala'
Once you have the pulled the code, cd
into {repo root}
and run make compile
. The first time you run this command, it should take a while -- sbt
will download all the dependencies and compile all the code in Spark (there's quite a bit of code). Once the initial assembly commands finish, you can start your project! (Future builds should not take this long -- sbt
is smart enough to only recompile the changed files, unless you run make clean
, which will remove all compiled class files.)
We have provided you skeleton code for DiskHashedRelation.scala
. This file has 4 important things:
trait DiskHashedRelation
defines the DiskHashedRelation interfaceclass GeneralDiskHashedRelation
is our implementation of theDiskedHashedRelation
traitclass DiskPartition
represents a single partition on diskobject DiskHashedRelation
can be thought of as an object factory that constructsGeneralDiskHashedRelation
First, you will need to implement the insert
, closeInput
, and getData
methods in DiskPartition
for this part. For the former two, the docstrings should provide a comprehensive description of what you must implement. The caveat with getData
is that you cannot read the whole partition into memory in once. The reason we are enforcing this restriction is that there is no good way to enforce freeing memory in the JVM, and as you transform data to different forms, there would be multiple copies lying around. As such, having multiple copies of a whole partition would cause things to be spilled to disk and would make us all sad. Instead, you should stream one block into memory at a time.
At this point, you should be passing the tests in DiskPartitionSuite.scala
Your task in this portion will be to implement phase 1 of external hashing -- using a coarse-grained hash function to stream an input into multiple partition relations on disk. For our purposes, the hashCode
method that every object has is sufficient for generating a hash value, and taking the modulo by the number of the partitions is an acceptable hash function.
At this point, you should be passing all the tests in DiskHashedRelationSuite.scala
In this section, we will be dealing with case class CacheProject
in basicOperators.scala
. You might notice that there are only 4 lines of code in this class and, more importantly, no // IMPLEMENT ME
s. You don't actually have to write any code here. However, if you trace the function call in line 66, you will find that there are two parts of this stack you must implement in order to have a functional in-memory UDF implementation.
For this task, you will need to implement getUdfFromExpressions
and the Iterator
methods in CachingIteratorGenerator#apply
. Please read the docstrings -- especially for apply
-- closely before getting started.
After implementing these methods, you should be passing the tests in CS143UtilsSuite.scala
Hint: Think carefully about why these methods might be a part of the Utils
Now comes the moment of truth! We've implemented disk-based hash partitioning, and we've implemented in-memory UDF caching -- what is sometimes called memoization. Memoization is very powerful tool in many contexts, but here in databases-land, we deal with larger amounts of data than memoization can handle. If we have more unique values than can fit in an in-memory cache, our performance will rapidly degrade. Thus, we fall back to the time-honored databases tradition of divide-and-conquer. If our data does not fit in memory, then we can partition it to disk once, read one partition in at a time (think about why this works (hint: rendezvous!)), and perform UDF caching, evaluating one partition at a time.
This final task requires that you fill in the implementation of PartitionProject
. All the code that you will need to write is in the generateIterator
method. Think carefully about how you need to organize your implementation. You should not be buffering all the data in memory or anything similar to that.
At this point, you should be passing all given tests.
There is no code you have to write here, but for your own edification, spend some time thinking about the following question:
One of Spark's main selling points is that it is "in-memory". What they mean is the following: When you string a number of Hadoop (or any other MapReduce framework) jobs together, Hadoop will write the results of each phase to disk and read them in again which is very expensive; Spark, on the other hand, maintains its data in memory. However, if our assumption is that if our data doesn't fit in memory, then why does Spark SQL not ship with disk-based implementation of these operators already? In this respect, why is Spark different from the "traditional" parallel relational databases we learn about in class? There is no right answer to this question!
We have provided you some sample tests in DiskPartitionSuite.scala
, DiskHasedRelationSuite.scala
, CS143UtilsSuite.scala
and ProjectSuite.scala
. These tests can guide you as you complete this project. However, keep in mind that they are not comprehensive, and you are well advised to write your own tests to catch bugs. Hopefully, you can use these tests as models to generate your own tests.
In order to run our tests, we have provided a simple Makefile. In order to run the tests for task 1, run make t1
. Correspondingly for task, run make t2
, and the same for all other tests. make all
will run all the tests.
Submission link will be created on CCLE, where you can submit your code by the due date.
Big thanks to Matteo Interlandi.
Good luck!