- First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.
- Updated documentation.
- Updated documentation.
- Updated documentation.
- Updated documentation.
- Removed requirement for avoiding input with the '$' character in both the toBWT and fromBWT functions (both toBWT and fromBWT functions are now polymorphic).
- Added helper functions to ease conversion of ByteStrings and Text to and from the BWT type.
- Added Run-length encoding (RLE) implementation.
- Optimized BWT and RLE implementations by switching out sequences with vectors.
- Switched back to sequences for maintainability (for now).
- Added Move-to-front transform (MTF) implementation.
- Adding more documentation for RLE and MTF implementations.
- Added Full-text Minute-space index (FM-index) implementation.
- Bug fixes to FM-index STRef functions.
- Added example FM-index output.
- Added C[c] table for FM-index, and reworked FM-index implementation to include the C[c] table.
- Added FM-index count operation and updated FM-index example text.
- Added contents to all internal modules.
- Added FM-index locate operation.
- Added additional FM-index functionality for the locate operation.
- Reworked FM-index functions.
- Added missing date to entry in changelog.
- Optimized locate and count functions.
- Added parallel implementation for locate and count functions. Renamed serial version by adding 'S' at the end.
- Fixed grammar/spelling in FM-index documentation.
- Optimized parallel implementation for locate and count FM-index functions.
- Optimized FMIndexB and FMIndexT data types to include the SuffixArray of the respective input.