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Qplus syntax

MaxMotovilov edited this page Jun 8, 2011 · 48 revisions

Q+ Query Language

Most of the expressive power behind CHT templates is provided by the dataflow architecture of jtlc and JXL. Q+ (Query Plus) is a simple textual representation of the abstract syntax trees that jtls works with, capable of encoding a restricted subset of all JXL programs. Q+ also slightly modifies the behavior of some of the JXL tags and adds certain new ones, as described below.

A Q+ expression is essentially a linearization of the abstract syntax tree, limited to no more than 2 children per node with the 2nd child (if present) required to be a leaf node. Thus each node may have two distinct arguments, arg p (predecessor) and arg o (own argument) which are mapped to the first and second argument of the corresponding JXL tag as follows:

  • If arg o is present, it becomes the first argument and then, if arg p is present, it becomes the second one;
  • Otherwise, arg p is the first argument (if present);
  • In the leftmost stage of the pipeline, it is also possible to supply multiple arguments to the tag in place of arg o by enclosing them in square brackets as a comma-separated list.

The syntax

The actual syntax of a Q+ query is a sequence of tagged stages separated with a vertical bar | character:

FirstStage [ | TagName [ : Argument ] … ]

where FirstStage follows a different rule from the subsequent stages, being either an Argument by itself or:

TagName : { [ Argument [ , … ] ] | Argument }

TagName determines the type of the AST node formed from each stage. The interpretation of Argument is outside the scope of Q+ and depends on the tag in question. Generally, the tags that don’t associate any special treatment with their first argument would interpret Argument as an expression, the way the expr: tag does. If however the argument is in a generator context — for example, when the entire query is the argument of a CHT <? foreach ?> element — the interpretation changes to that of a query (i.e. equivalent to query: Argument).

Spaces in Q+ queries are ignored, unless they happen to be in a string literal where they would matter. Note that arg o should not be explicitly quoted when it is treated by the tag as a string literal (e.g. in an argument of i18n:). Any balanced quotes (single or double) within arg o are preserved: this is a way to embed Javascript string literals into expr: expressions. To embed an unbalanced quote character, an unquoted vertical bar | character or a backslash \ within arg o, escape it with a \. Note also that vertical bar characters contained within balanced brackets of any kind allowed in Javascript expressions (round, square or curly) are not interpreted as delimiters in the sense of Q+ so they do not have to be escaped. Of course the rules regarding escape sequences within Javascript string literals still apply when those literals appear in Q+.


Q+ Query JXL equivalent
$.firstName expr("$.firstName") when in singleton mode, or query("$.firstName") when a generator
expr:firstName expr("firstName")
from:ids¦expr:$1[$].data¦defined defined( expr( "$1[$].data", from( expr( "ids" ) ) ) )
iota:[$.length,-1,0] iota( "$.length", -1, 0 )

The tags

Syntactically, every JXL tag can be accessed from Q+. In practice some of the tags cannot be used because Q+ lacks the means to supply them with proper arguments or place them in proper context. Q+ also defines tags of its own that are not accessible from JXL and yet more tags are added by the CHT (but only to Q+ queries embedded within CHT templates). Finally, Q+ provides an extension mechanism that lets the user inject tags of his own called custom filters).

JXL tags

Tag name Notes on usage in Q+
acc its use pattern cannot be represented in Q+
arg unnecessary due to different interpretation of $1 through $9 (see expr below)
bind cannot be used since there’s no way to embed a function into Q+. Use filters or global functions instead
current use $ instead
defined can be used
each very limited in capability but can be used, for example, to nest queries — query:OuterQuery ¦each:InnerQuery
expr interprets $1 through $9 as referring to arguments of the compiled template (equivalent of arg() in JXL) unless they were supplied to the first stage using the alternative syntax with square brackets
from can be used
group cannot be used in Q+. Use the CHT <?group?> element instead
iota makes sense only as the first stage where it requires the alternative syntax with square brackets in all cases but the simplest
keys can be used
last can be used
many and one technically can be used, but the application is hard to imagine
query can be used; caveat about $1 through $9 applies here as well
quote useless
replace can be used
setkey useless, since the dictionary sink is not available

lower: and upper:

Convert their first and only argument (usually arg p) to a string value in lower or upper case respectively.


Allows inserting a sequence of statements with side effects into a Q+ query; does not alter the current input or return any value when used alone:

do:{ console.log( "We are here..." ); }

Note that the above example will not inject any text into the template. It is possible to inject multiple statements as part of the own argument of do: and declare local variables within it (the fragment is not injected into the evaluator directly but is enclosed in a nested function). When do: appears in a longer sequence of Q+ tags, it acts as a passthrough for the value of $.

All substitutions provided for the expr: tag are also performed within the body of do:.

escapeText: and escapeAttribute:

Available only in queries contained within CHT templates

Apply the appropriate HTML escaping to their first and only argument (usually arg p). Note that CHT parser inserts these tags automatically when the expression appears in the context of HTML text content or HTML attribute value respectively, so their explicit use by the user is rare. An example where it is indeed appropriate is when the resulting content has to be further modified by the user-supplied code:


will insert HTML content generated from current input while preserving the line breaks.


Available only in queries contained within CHT templates

Prevents CHT from automatically inserting escapeText: or escapeAttribute:; should be the last stage of the pipeline to take effect.


Available only in queries contained within CHT templates

Treats its first argument (typically arg o) as a string literal and maps it against the translation dictionary at compile time; use to insert localized strings into HTML arguments:

<img src="myimage.png" alt="{{i18n:My image}}">

The i18n: can also substitute its arg p into the resulting string with dojo.replace() syntax:

<a href="/users/{{$.userName}}.html" title="{{$.userName|i18n:Go to {0}\'s home page}}">


Available only in queries contained within CHT templates

Inserts a Javascript expression that will evaluate to the value of the argument at the time toParsedDom() executes. This is the mechanism used to connect codebehind objects to the data objects during template processing:

dojo.declare( 'myWidget', null, {
  constructor: function( bag, elt ) {
    dojo.mixin( this, bag );
    dojo.connect( elt, 'onclick', this, this.onclick );
  data: null,
  onclick: function() {
    // Do something with
} );
<? template useMyWidget ?>
  <a dojoType='myWidget' data='{{ref:$}}'>Use myWidget!</a>
<? /template ?>

The ref: tag can also be used to inject references into scripts embedded into the template. Note, however, that once toParsedDom() has completed, the variables referred to by ref: expressions go out of scope. Therefore the only legitimate use for ref: injection into scripts is in startup scripts executed by dojo.parser.parse() after the codebehind object has been instantiated:

<? template AuthorSelect ?>
  <select dojoType='dijit.form.ComboBox' 
          onchange='this.newBookPane.onAuthorChanged( this, this.indexInAuthorsList )'>
    <script type="dojo/method">
      this.indexInAuthorsList = {{$1.authors.length}};
    <option selected></option>
    <? foreach "from:$" ?>
      <option>{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</option>
    <? /foreach ?>
<? /template ?>

In the example above the startup script is used to inject additional properties into the widget for subsequent use by the inline event handler. References could not have been injected into the handler itself because by the time it executes the ref: expressions would be out of scope.


Available only within the argument expressions of when ?> CHT element

<? when "a.get()|wait|expr:$.user" ?>
<? /when ?>

Used to explicitly specify the point in the pipeline where a promise has to be resolved to a value. In the example above, a.get() is expected to return a promise resolving to an object that contains a property named user which is to serve as current input for the body of <? when ?>. It is possible to chain multiple promise resolutions in one <? when ?> by using wait: multiple times.

If the argument of <? when ?> does not contain an explicit wait:, one is added at the end implicitly, resulting in the default behavior described in the reference.

Custom filters

Whenever a tag name encountered in a Q+ expression does not match one of the built-in tags or filters, it is looked up in the filters dictionary supplied to the dojox.jtlc.qplus constructor. Two kinds of custom filters are supported: functions and expressions:


If the supplied custom filter is a function, it translates into an instance of bind with arg p (if present) as the first argument. Note that this behavior is the opposite of the built-in tags which may be confusing, but conforms to the JXL convention of evaluating the first argument of a function as a generator in iterative contexts. For example,

<? foreach "from:verbs|translateTo:'French'" ?>
  <? if $# ?>,&nbsp;<? /if ?>
<? /foreach ?>

will generate a list of French translations from the array $.verbs, provided that translateTo(verb,language) does indeed work! Note that 'French' is quoted: otherwise it would have been evaluated as an expression $.French.


If the supplied custom filter is a string, it translates into an instance of expr with the filter text as its first argument, arg p (if present) as the second and arg o as the third if it is present together with arg p, or as the second otherwise. Overall, the result is very similar to using a function filter except the expression is injected into the body of the compiled template inline.

The filter expression may refer to the arguments of the compiled template via $1 through $9 unless it has been invoked with both arg p and arg o, in which case arg o becomes $1 and $2 through $9 still refer to template’s aruments.

Global functions as custom filters

If the match of a tag name against filters dictionary fails, Q+ attempts to find a global function with this name (using dojo.getObject()) as a last resort. It will also do that for qualified tag identifiers (i.e. two or more names separated with a dot) which are never matched against built-in tags or custom filters. If successful, the tag will work as a function filter, that is, it’ll bind the global function to arg p and/or arg o.

Methods of global classes

A twist on the rule above is available for a simpler access to methods of global object classes such as Date:


is an effective equivalent of a longer and less readable

from:timestamps|expr:new Date($).toLocaleTimeString()

This construct can also be used with user-defined classes and methods but note that the resulting expression always instantiates a new object using the corresponding class constructor without checking whether its argument may already have the right type!

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