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File metadata and controls

199 lines (148 loc) · 6.16 KB

Rota Viagem

This is a small project using Django and Django Rest Framework, which implements a situation for the situation where a person will travel and for that he needs the most cost-effective route to reach his destination. Flight routes are made available for the API via a .csv or .txt file that is made available in the files folder (the use of a database to store this data has not yet been implemented).

This is a sample of a .csv file, other samples can be found in the /files folder:


The main problem of this project, finding the best path among the flight routes, was solved using an implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm to search for the least cost path.


I tried to follow an architecture similar to DDD in the project, so there are three layers in the project: Application, Domain and Infrastructure.

|---- application
|---- domain

The application layer is responsible for managing requests and is responsible for redirecting to the domain layer.In this layer, I made available the and files.

The file is where the GET and POST methods that are accepted by the API are implemented. The file is where the structure of the data to be received and sent by the API was defined, this definition is used by to validate the body of the received message.


The domain layer is where the entities containing the business domain are located. The business rule was applied here, so it is in this layer that the search for the best path is carried out.


The application accepts .csv and .txt files as a way of consuming the flight routes, the implementations for reading and writing files are different for each type of file. Thus, there is a class for each type of file that implements these functions, and the determination of which to use is identified by the application through the configuration file.


FILE_EXAMPLE = 'files/input-file-test.csv'

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them:

  • docker


  • python3
  • virtualenvwrapper `


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running


If you are using docker just clone the project on your computer and execute the following command on root path:

make run

And to stop the execution:

make stop

If you are using virtualenvwrapper with python3 just follow the steps below

mkvirtualenv rotas_viagem
workon rotas_viagem
pip install -r requirements.txt
python runserver

Running the tests

Unit tests can be found in the ./test directory. They test the views calls, the features implemented in the domain classes and the features of the infrastructure classes.

To execute them, just execute the following commands:

make test
Python3 and VirtualenvWrapper
pytest --cov=api api/tests/ -vv

End-to-End Tests

The project can be used both as an API, and also performs a function call via shell.To execute the project through the shell, just execute the following commands:


Shell calls must always include the path to a .csv or .txt file that will contain flight information, exactly as described at the beginning of the documentation. The only functionality available for shell calls is the best path check.


Remembering that if the file must also be inside the container to be able to be executed from there. There are two files for testing that are available in the / files folder.

make shell
python3 path_to_file.csv
Please use - to separate the locations. Ex.: ONE - ANOTHER
please enter the route: GRU-CGD
best route: GRU - BRC - SCL - ORL - CDG > $40
Python3 and VirtualenvWrapper
python path_to_file.csv
Please use - to separate the locations. Ex.: ONE - ANOTHER
please enter the route: GRU-CGD
best route: GRU - BRC - SCL - ORL - CDG > $40


It is also possible to make JSON calls to the API, so remember to have the application running as described in the Installation topic. The API has two routes available, the first one that checks the best path always based on what is the origin and which is the destination.

The second allows new routes to be inserted into the file used at the time of execution. These changes can alter the verification result by the best way, and a new better way can be discovered.

Best Route - GET

The queryparams are mandatory and the two fields must always be sent in this request.

  • Request localhost:8000/best-route/?from=GRU&to=CDG

  • Response Body

"route": "GRU - BRC - SCL - ORL - CDG",
"total_cost": 40
New Route - POST
  • URL localhost:8000/route/

  • Resquest Body

{"routes" : [
        {"origin" : "NewOrigin", 
        "end" : "NewDestination",
        "cost" : 5}
  • Response 201 - No content

Status Code and Messaging

Status Code Message
201 No content
400 The nodes are not connected.
400 Please, send two valid locations to verify: origin and destination.
400 Invalid route attributes.
400 {"routes": ["This field is required."]}

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details