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This document outlines how to configure NuVotifier for a variety of different configurations. It should be used by server administrators looking to set up NuVotifier on their network.

Key vs Token

This document uses the terms token and key. These are two separate terms, and it is important to understand the differences.


Keys in terms of NuVotifier refer to the old Votifier style RSA keys. They are typically distributed as a pair of files - a public and private key. When dealing with RSA keys, you can share your public key with server lists, but make sure to keep your private key safe with you. You can find these keys auto-generated under plugins/(Nu)Votifier/rsa/, where your public key is named public.key, while your private key is labeled private.key. Make sure not to separate the two, as they won't work together.


Tokens in terms of NuVotifier refer to a new short string of characters. This string of characters is secret, and should never be exposed to anyone but you or server lists which support NuVotifier voting (check with the server list first). Tokens are most commonly used internally within a network for use when using the proxy vote forwarding method.

Single Server Configuration (Bukkit / Spigot / Sponge)

You will want to set up your server using these instructions when you only have one Minecraft server (Bukkit / Sponge). These are the most trivial installation steps.

Installing the plugin on a server

To install NuVotifier, you should get a copy from one of the following locations:

The NuVotifier jar should then be placed within the plugins/ folder of your Minecraft server. When you then start your server, NuVotifier will generate the necessary configuration and initial keys for you.

Configuring the plugin

When running in a single server configuration, NuVotifier's default configuration works well. The only value which you may need to change is the port configuration value - this specifies the port on which NuVotifier listens to new votes. This port cannot be any port you are already using. For example, if Minecraft is running on the default port (25565), you cannot set port also to 25565. Make sure port is a number from 1-65535.

You can then add your server to server lists using the port you configured while also supplying your public key. At this point, you should be able to send a test vote to your server!

Multi-server / Network configuration

You will want to use these instructions when you have more than one server and are using a Minecraft proxy (such as BungeeCord, LilyPad, or Velocity).

Single-Proxy BungeeCord/Velocity Networks

When running a single-proxy network, NuVotifier is able to operate as both a vote receiver (emitting events for proxy based vote listeners) as well as a vote forwarder. NuVotifier's vote forwarding logic is also advanced enough to be used in a wide variety of ways.

Installing the plugin on the servers

NuVotifier should be installed on each of the servers you wish to process votes on, as well as the proxy server. The proxy's NuVotifier server will act as the public facing Votifier instance, where as the Minecraft servers will instead receive votes forwarded from the proxy's NuVotifier.

Like the single server installation, you can download NuVotifier at any one of the following locations:

The plugin should then be placed in the plugins/ directory of the Bungeecord server as well as each of the Minecraft servers.

Vote Forwarding

The following sections describe how vote forwarding works. Vote forwarding is an advanced configurable operation, and requires a lot of configuration to get correct.

Plugin messaging based forwarding

This section describes how to set up plugin messaging forwarding. This is recommended if you have just one proxy, however this may also work with some exceptions in multi-proxy networks.

First off, we should configure each of the Minecraft servers. Open each of the servers' NuVotifier configurations. Each one should have method under the forwarding configuration section set to pluginMessaging. Under the pluginMessaging configuration section, channel is set to nuvotifier:votes. Since 1.13, Spigot has decided that channels must now contain a colon. While this is a completely senseless change, it is easier to simply conform and change the channel name. This is a safe default (and is protected from injection by a hacked Minecraft client), but feel free to change it. If you choose to change it, make sure you change it everywhere all around your network!

Since we are receiving forwarded votes through plugin messaging and not through network ports, we should set port on each of the Minecraft servers to -1. This will disable NuVotifier's port, while still allowing it to receive forwarded plugin messaging votes. This will only work when using plugin messaging!

Since we have all of that configured, we can now move to the proxy's NuVotifier configuration. It is once again located under plugins/NuVotifier/ directory (config.yml for BungeeCord, config.toml for Velocity). Like the single server, port should be set to an unbound port. The default 8192 works well, however you may have to change it depending on your hosting provider.

Since we are using plugin messaging based forwarding, lets set method under forwarding to pluginMessaging. Make sure that channel is the same channel that you configured your servers to listen to - if you didn't change this value, then the default will work.

NuVotifier saves when it can't immediately forward in a user defined cache. In almost all installations this should be file, however, some installations may instead want none or memory. If you don't know, the cache should be set to its default, file.

By default, NuVotifier will forward the vote to all of the connected Minecraft servers (all servers you can get to when typing /server). You can manually exclude some of these servers by first uncommenting excludedServers, then adding the server's name to the excludedServers list. After adding, NuVotifier will not send any votes to this server. If you only send the vote to the server the player joined, these servers are ignored.

NuVotifier can also selectively send the vote to only the server which the player has joined. This option can be turned on by setting onlySendToJoinedServer to true. When this option is on, the vote will attempt to go to the server which the player is currently on. If the player is currently not on a server (offline), then NuVotifier will then attempt to send the vote to the joinedServerFallback. If the vote cannot be sent to the joinedServerFallback, then the vote is saved in the cache until the vote can be sent to the joinedServerFallback server - note this will not send it to the next server the player joins! If you do not want a fallback server and would rather the vote be applied when the player next joins, set joinedServerFallback to ''. This will cause NuVotifier to save the vote until the player joins again.

By default, votes are saved for 10 days in the cache. This time can be increased or decreased by changing the cacheTime field. This number can be as high or low as you want. It is measured in days within the cache. This is valid for both the file and memory cache.

Sometimes, caches can grow quite large and try to dump lots of votes back over the player's game connection. This is a problem, as the Bukkit server may think it is instead the player spamming packets! NuVotifier rate-limits the votes which are evicted per second over a plugin messaging channel using the dumpRate parameter.

Proxy based vote forwarding

In more complex network situations, it may be required to instead use the proxy based vote forwarding. This configuration is less flexible and more difficult to set up properly - most people should use plugin messaging based forwarding. Proxy based forwarding does not support vote caching or advanced forwarding configurations. If you cannot use plugin messaging forwarding, then the following section will describe how to set up proxy based vote forwarding. If you still require advanced forwarding features or more advanced behaviors, it may be worthwhile to write your own plugin to perform the proper forwarding logic (you will know if you need to do this).

In proxy based vote forwarding, one of your proxy servers acts as the head vote receiver. This server will be the one you configure the voting websites to vote to. You can set up multiple vote receivers and load balance between them, however this configuration has limited benefit and is probably more work than it is worth. Instead of communicating through plugin messaging like the plugin messaging forwarding strategy, proxy forwarding instead acts like a voting website to each of the backend servers and duplicates the vote it receives to each of the backend servers it is configured with.

First, we will set up all of the Minecraft servers before setting up the head vote receiver. For each of the servers, NuVotifier should be configured to bind to an unused port. This port must be valid. If you have multiple Votifiers on the same IP/server, make sure that the port which you are using between NuVotifier instances are different. Remember the the port number as we will need it later to insert into the proxy NuVotifier configuration. In addition to the port number, you will also need the default token - this is the string auto generated by NuVotifier under the default key under tokens. Since we are using proxy forwarding, change disable-v1-protocol to true - we will only be using the new NuVotifier protocol within our network (vote receiver -> minecraft server). Once all configured, that is all we need to do. The rest of the defaults will work.

Now we will configure the vote receiving NuVotifier proxy server. The port should be configured as described many times above, being a unique port. Instead of setting method to pluginMessaging like above, we will set method to proxy. This will tell NuVotifier that we instead want to proxy the votes instead of forward them through plugin messaging channels.

The last step is to set up the proxy forwaring settings. Under the proxy section is a place to enter each server. Create a unique name for each of the server's you will be forwarding votes to. The default proxy NuVotifier configuration already has two Minecraft servers filled in - Hub and Hub2. You should replace these with your own servers - the names of the servers do not matter. Under each of these servers, we need to configure address, port, and token. address is the IP address of the Bukkit/Sponge server. This may be localhost or if the Minecraft server is on the same physical server as the vote receiving NuVotifier server. port is the port of the Bukkit/Sponge NuVotifier server. token is the default token of the Bukkit/Sponge NuVotifier server. This can be found within its configuration, usually under the token section. Once the servers are configured, NuVotifier will forward all votes it receives to the servers configured under the proxy section.

Debugging NuVotifier

NuVotifier can be difficult to set up in some configurations. If you find you don't know what is wrong, you may want to try setting debug in each of the server's NuVotifier configurations to true. This will increase logging within your console.

Reloading NuVotifier

For Bukkit and Bungee, you may reload NuVotifier through the /nvreload command in your console only - this command will not work in-game by design. Make sure to ensure that it completed correctly before assuming NuVotifier works!

Default Configurations

If you find you have messed up NuVotifier beyond repair, you can grab a default configuration from the following locations (depending on the server it is installed on):

You can also regenerate this configuration by deleting the old configuration and restarting the server.