A packer template to build an AMI that runs homer VoIP monitoring stack. The base linux distro is Debian 11 (bullseye). The packer script can build any of the following configurations:
- an "all in one" AMI that includes homer, postgresql, telegraf, influxdb, and grafana.
- a homer-only AMU that includes homer, postgresql, telegraf and sends statistics to a remote influxdb/grafana server
- an influxdb/grafana AMI that includes influxdb and grafana, receiving data from a remote homer server via telegraf
The default settings will build an all-in-one server.
Additionally, the Node-RED graphical application development environment can be installed as an option to any of the above configuration. Whilst application is a distinct and seperate function from application monitoring, to reduce the number of EC2 instances it may be desirable in some installations to run Node-RED on the monitoring server.
For those not familiar with Node-RED, it is a low-code application develoment tool that can be used to build jambonz applications.
$ packer build -color=false template.json -var 'homer_password=ShnqaYuivIiyd'
Builds an all in one AMI
$ packer build -color=false template.json -var 'homer_password=ShnqaYuivIiyd' \
-var 'install_influxdb=no' -var 'influxdb_ip='
Builds a homer-only AMI that sends data to an influxdb service at
$ packer build -color=false template.json -var 'homer_password=ShnqaYuivIiyd' \
-var 'install_homer=no'
Builds an influxdb/grafana AMI
There are many variables that can be specified on the packer build
command line; however defaults (which are shown below) are appropriate for building an "all in one" homer server that includes influxdb and telegraf.
"region": "us-east-1"
The region to create the AMI in
"ami_description": "homer monitoring"
AMI description.
"instance_type": "t2.medium"
EC2 Instance type to use when building the AMI.
"homer_user": "homer_user",
homer username
"homer_password": "XcapJTqy11LnsYRtxXGPTYQkAnI",
homer password -- it is strongly recommended that you pass a randomly generated password as a command line variable
"install_nodered": "yes"
whether or not to install Node-RED.
"install_influxdb": "yes"
whether or not to install influxdb and grafana.
"install_homer": "yes"
whether or not to install homer, postgresql and telegraf.
"install_cloudwatch": "yes"
whether or not to install cloudwatch logging for jambonz logs.
"influxdb_ip" : ""
ip address of remote influxdb server. This should only be specified when building a "homer-only" AMI.
"tag_name": "homer"
AWS tag Name value