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SQLBuilder is a JDBC-based Java library created by MetricStream for using SQL databases from within your Java application.


In an ideal world, no Java (or Kotlin) developer would ever have to directly interact with JDBC. Instead, we would all use ORM tools like Hibernate or iBATIS or JOOQ to access our relational database. However, the "enterprise world" still has lots of legacy code that was written using JDBC. Converting legacy code to use such an ORM is a very intrusive and time-consuming process. Another alternative is to use libraries like Spring JdbcTemplate or JDBI. Using these requires much less refactoring and is thus often the better alternative (especially if switching to an ORM framework is not possible and thus the only other option is to do nothing).

SQLBuilder is a small library which is an alternative to JDBI. The one standout feature of SQLBuilder compared to JDBI is that it allows composing partial queries, passing them between methods, and then automatically combining them to the final query. This makes it easier to convert legacy code which e.g. adds filters to queries using separate methods.

SQLBuilder is database agnostic and its only dependencies are JDBC, SLF4J, and Commons Codec. SQLBuilder also has an optional test driver which in addition requires Mockito and OpenCSV.


We were faced with lots of legacy code using variants of the following (simplified code w/o error handling etc.):

  • Java
String filter(int age) {
    return age > 0 ? " and age >= ?" : "";

List<String> friends(int age) {
    String query = "select first_name from person where last_name = ?" + filter(age);
    try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query)) {
        ps.setString(1, name);
        if (age > 0) {
            ps.setInt(2, age);
        try (ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet()) {
            List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
            while ( {
            return names;
  • Kotlin
fun filter(age: Int): String {
    return if (age > 0) " and age >= ?" else ""

fun friends(age: Int): List<String> {
    val query = "select first_name from person where last_name = ?" + filter(age);
    con.prepareStatement(query).use { ps ->
        ps.setString(1, name)
        if (age > 0) {
            ps.setInt(2, age)
        ps.getResultSet().use { rs ->
            val names = mutableListOf<String>()
            while ( {
                names += rs.getString(1)
            return names

What stands out here is that the SQL fragments and the query parameters are disconnected:

  • The place where the SQL is constructed and the place where the parameter values are provided are lines apart
  • Conditions like the age > 0 have to be repeated

Compare that code with the equivalent SQLBuilder-based code:

  • Java
SQLBuilder filter(int age) {
    return age > 0 ? new SQLBuilder("and age > ?", age) : new SQLBuilder("");

List<String> friends(int age) {
    SQLBuilder query = new SQLBuilder("select first_name from person where last_name = ?", name).append(filter(age));
    try (ResultSet rs = query.getResultSet(con)) {
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
        while ( {
        return names;
  • Kotlin
fun filter(age: Int): SQLBuilder {
    return if (age > 0) SQLBuilder("and age > ?", age) else SQLBuilder("")

fun friends(age: Int): List<String> {
    val query = SQLBuilder("select first_name from person where last_name = ?", name).append(filter(age))
    sb.getResultSet(con).use { rs ->
        val names = mutableListOf<String>()
        while ( {
            names += rs.getString(1)
        return names

Here, the age condition is only coded once. We also avoid the PreparedStatement and directly compute the ResultSet from the SQLBuilder object. SQLBuilder also offers some more shortcuts for frequently used cases which are explained later.

SQLBuilder API

SQLBuilder Object Creation

SQLBuilder objects are a combination of a SQL fragment and a list of parameter values. When a SQLBuilder is used to produce a ResultSet, these 2 parts are used to produce a PreparedStatement from which the ResultSet is then returned. Because this effectively hides the PreparedStatement, the returned ResultSet is modified in a way that closing the ResultSet also closes the PreparedStatement from which it was produced.

SQLBuilder objects are constructed from their 2 parts:

  • Java
SQLBuilder core1 = new SQLBuilder("select name, age from person");
SQLBuilder core2 = new SQLBuilder("select name, age from person where age > ?", age);
SQLBuilder core3 = new SQLBuilder("select name, age from person where age > ? and age < ?", age, age);
SQLBuilder core4 = new SQLBuilder(core3);
  • Kotlin
val core1 = SQLBuilder("select name, age from person")
val core2 = SQLBuilder("select name, age from person where age > ?", age)
val core3 = SQLBuilder("select name, age from person where age > ? and age < ?", age, age)
val core4 = SQLBuilder(core3)

These objects can then be further modified using the append method which is also called with a SQL fragment and optional parameters:

  • Java
core1.append("and name not null");
core2.append("and name not null").append("and id in (?)", ids);
  • Kotlin
core1.append("and name not null")
core2.append("and name not null").append("and id in (?)", ids)

The last example highlights another advantage of SQLBuilder over PreparedStatement: passing a list as a parameter value automatically replaces the matching ? with the correct number of ?. Thus, if ids from above is a list containing 3 Long values, the resulting SQL query for core2 would be "select name, age from person where age > ? and age < ? and name not null and id in (?,?,?)" (and yes: SQLBuilder is smart enough to add a space before appending further fragments).

Both the constructor and append also accept a SQLBuilder object. This is useful if we create partial queries in other methods or need 2 queries with an identical core part: first create the core, and then create the 2 variants:

  • Java
SQLBuilder core = new SQLBuilder("select name from person");
SQLBuilder filter1 = new SQLBuilder("where age > 18");
SQLBuilder filter2 = new SQLBuilder("where first_name like '%A'");
SQLBuilder variant1 = new SQLBuilder(core).append(filter1);
SQLBuilder variant2 = new SQLBuilder(core).append(filter2);
  • Kotlin
val core = SQLBuilder("select name from person")
val filter1 = SQLBuilder("where age > 18")
val filter2 = SQLBuilder("where first_name like '%A'")
val variant1 = SQLBuilder(core).append(filter1)
val variant2 = SQLBuilder(core).append(filter2)

In addition, SQLBuilder offers some constructor function like wrap which modifies a SQLBuilder by wrapping the SQL fragment in the provided values:

  • Java
SQLBuilder core = new SQLBuilder(...);  
SQLBuilder count = core.wrap("select count(*) from (", ")");
  • Kotlin
val core = SQLBuilder(...)  
val count = core.wrap("select count(*) from (", ")")

Please note that this mutates the core object. If that is not desired (e.g. because you also need to execute the unmodified core object), instead use

  • Java
SQLBuilder core = new SQLBuilder(...);  
SQLBuilder count = new SQLBuilder(core).wrap("select count(*) from (", ")");
  • Kotlin
val core = SQLBuilder(...)  
val count = SQLBuilder(core).wrap("select count(*) from (", ")")

Using SQLBuilder Objects

There are 2 basic operations by which SQLBuilder objects can be used:

  1. create a ResultSet object using getResultSet(Connection)
  2. execute the query and return the result of that using execute(Connection)

In addition, SQLBuilder offers a set of convenience methods to optimize 2 common cases:

  1. return a single value from a query
  2. map the returned ResultSet objects into a list or a map of application-level objects

For single values, SQLBuilder offers methods like

  • int getInt(Connection connection, int columnIndex, int defaultValue)
  • int getInt(Connection connection, String columnName, int defaultValue)

The same methods are available for String, Long, BigDecimal and Object. They all return a value from the first returned row, or the default value if no row was returned. Examples for these methods are:

  • Java
int count = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from person where age > ?", age).getInt(connection, 1, 0);
String name = new SQLBuilder("select last_name from person where id = ?", pid).getString(connection, "last_name", null);
  • Kotlin
val count = SQLBuilder("select count(*) from person where age > ?", age).getInt(connection, 1, 0)
val name = SQLBuilder("select last_name from person where id = ?", pid).getString(connection, "last_name", null)

As an additional feature, SQLBuilder also offers getDateTime as a single value method. This is implemented using getObject(column, OffsetDateTime.class) and thus returns an OffsetDateTime object. getDateTime can be used for columns of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. However, this is only guaranteed to work for JDBC drivers implementing JDBC 4.2 or above because that JDBC specification is the first revision which mandates support for OffsetDateTime.

For mapping rows from a ResultSet, SQLBuilder offers getList(Connection connection, SQLBuilder.RowMapper<T> rowMapper) which allows to further simplify code from the Motivation section:

  • Java
SQLBuilder query = new SQLBuilder("select first_name, age from person where last_name = ?", name);
if (age > 0) {
    query.append("and age > ?", age);
List<String> firstNames = query.getList(connection, rs -> rs.getString(1));
Map<String, Integer> ages = query.getMap(connection, rs -> SQLBuilder.entry(rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2)));
  • Kotlin
val query = SQLBuilder("select first_name, age from person where last_name = ?", name)
if (age > 0) {
    query.append("and age > ?", age)
val firstNames = query.getList(connection, { rs -> rs.getString(1) })
val ages = query.getMap(connection, { rs -> SQLBuilder.entry(rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2)) })

Name Binding

String concatenation is the root of all evil, or at least the root for SQL injections. PreparedStatement and SQLBuilder avoid the need to concatenate parameter values, removing one large source of SQL injections. However, there are still cases where String concatenation is required. One such case occurs when the table or column names are not static: int num = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from " + tableName").getInt(con, 1, 0); is one simple example. SQLBuilder allows avoiding SQL injections here by using name bindings:

  • Java
String tableName = "person";
List<String> columns = List.of("first_name", "age");
int num = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from ${table}").bind("table", tableName).getInt(con, 1, 0);
new SQLBuilder("select ${columns} from person").bind("columns", columns);
  • Kotlin
val tableName = "person"
val columns = listOf("first_name", "age")
val num = SQLBuilder("select count(*) from #{table}").bind("table", tableName).getInt(con, 1, 0)
SQLBuilder("select #{columns} from person").bind("columns", columns)

These "bindings" are resolved by quoting the values and then using string replacement before passing the SQL fragment on to PreparedStatement. The values can be either a single string or a list of strings (e.g. allowing to return a variable list of columns). Unlike positional parameters, these bindings could potentially clash when the SQLBuilder object is further modified:

  • Java
SQLBuilder addFilter(SQLBuilder sqlBuilder, String columnName, int value) {
    return sqlBuilder.append("and ${col} > ?", value).bind("col", columnName);

List<String> getAdults(Connection connection, String tableName, String resultColumnName) {
    SQLBuilder query = new SQLBuilder("select ${col} from ${table}")
        .bind("table", tableName)
        .bind("col", resultColumnName);
    addFilter(query, "age", 18);
    return query.getList(connection, rs -> rs.getString(1));

List<String> adults = getAdults(connection, "person", "first_name");
  • Kotlin
fun addFilter(sqlBuilder: SQLBuilder, columnName: String, value: Int): SQLBuilder {
    return sqlBuilder.append("and #{col} > ?", value).bind("col", columnName)

fun getAdults(connection: Connection, tableName: String, resultColumnName: String): List<String> {
    val query = SQLBuilder("select #{col} from #{table}")
        .bind("table", tableName)
        .bind("col", resultColumnName)
    addFilter(query, "age", 18)
    return query.getList(connection, { rs -> rs.getString(1) })

val adults = getAdults(connection, "person", "first_name")

Note how "col" is used twice with different values. SQLBuilder detects this conflict at runtime and throws an exception. However, the recommended approach is to always force SQLBuilder to apply the current bindings before passing SQLBuilder objects with bindings between methods:

  • Java
SQLBuilder addFilter(SQLBuilder sqlBuilder, String columnName, int value) {
    return sqlBuilder.append("and ${col} > ?", value).bind("col", columnName).applyBindings();

List<String> getAdults(Connection connection, String tableName, String resultColumnName) {
    SQLBuilder query = new SQLBuilder("select ${col} from ${table}")
        .bind("table", tableName)
        .bind("col", resultColumnName);
    addFilter(query, "age", 18);
    return query.getList(connection, rs -> rs.getString(1));

List<String> adults = getAdults(connection, "person", "first_name");
  • Kotlin
fun addFilter(sqlBuilder: SQLBuilder, columnName: String, value: Int): SQLBuilder {
    return sqlBuilder.append("and #{col} > ?", value).bind("col", columnName).applyBindings()

fun getAdults(connection: Connection, tableName: String, resultColumnName: String): List<String> {
    val query = SQLBuilder("select #{col} from #{table}")
        .bind("table", tableName)
        .bind("col", resultColumnName)
    addFilter(query, "age", 18)
    return query.getList(connection, { rs -> rs.getString(1) })

val adults = getAdults(connection, "person", "first_name")

The explicit call to applyBindings can also be necessary for SQLBuilder objects that are local to a method but modified in a loop. Here you must either make sure to use unique binding names in every iteration or call applyBindings repeatedly. One example is:

  • Java
List<String> cols = List.of("first_name", "last_name");
String lookingFor = "Mary";
SQLBuilder sb = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from person where 1=0");
list.forEach(col -> sb.append("or ${name}=?", lookingFor).bind("name", col).applyBindings());
  • Kotlin
val cols = listOf("first_name", "last_name")
val lookingFor = "Mary"
val sb = SQLBuilder("select count(*) from person where 1=0")
list.forEach { col -> sb.append("or #{name}=?", lookingFor).bind("name", col).applyBindings() } 

Using unique binding names is possible but often results in less readable code:

  • Java
List<String> cols = List.of("first_name", "last_name");
String lookingFor = "Mary";
SQLBuilder sb = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from person where 1=0");
for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) {
    String name = "name" + i;
    sb.append(String.format("or ${%s}=?", name), lookingFor).bind(name, col);
  • Kotlin
val cols = listOf("first_name", "last_name")
val lookingFor = "Mary"
val sb = SQLBuilder("select count(*) from person where 1=0")
cols.forEachIndexed { i, col -> "name$i".let { name -> sb.append("or #{$name}=?"), lookingFor).bind(name, col) } }

Masked Values

SQLBuilder automatically logs all queries with their parameter values before executing them. This can lead to problems if parameter values are sensitive (e.g. passport numbers). SQLBuilder therefore allows to mask such values by wrapping them in SQLBuilder.mask() calls:

  • Java
String bad = new SQLBuilder("select name from passports where num=?", "DE#12-22").getString(con, 1, null);
String good = new SQLBuilder("select name from passports where num=?", SQLBuilder.mask("DE#12-22")).getString(con, 1, null);
  • Kotlin
val bad = SQLBuilder("select name from passports where num=?", "DE#12-22").getString(con, 1, null)
val good = SQLBuilder("select name from passports where num=?", SQLBuilder.mask("DE#12-22")).getString(con, 1, null)

The first call will log select name from passports where num=?; args = DE#12-22 while the second call will log select name from passports where num=?; args = __masked__:a323g3f. The mask method computes the logged value using a hash function over the value. Thus, the same value will result in the same logged value which allows to trace usages across multiple log messages.

Connection Provider

As seen above, all the SQLBuilder methods which are accessing data need a connection object. However, sometimes it would be more convenient if SQLBuilder could implicitly create and use a Connection object. An example would be simple counting query:

  • Java
public int getCount() throws SQLException {
    try (Connection con = getAutoCommittedConnection()) {
        return new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from passports where num like ?", "DE#%").getInt(con, 1, 0);
  • Kotlin
fun getCount(): Int {
    getAutoCommittedConnection().use { con ->
        return SQLBuilder("select count(*) from passports where num like ?", "DE#%").getInt(con, 1, 0)

When using a configured connection provider, the code can be simplified to:

  • Java
public int getCount() throws SQLException {
    return new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from passports where num like ?", "DE#%").getInt(1, 0);
  • Kotlin
fun getCount(): Int {
    return SQLBuilder("select count(*) from passports where num like ?", "DE#%").getInt(1, 0)

Not only does this reduce the amount of code that must be written, but it also ensures that the connection is correctly closed after being used. However, it brings up the question of how the SQLBuilder implementation knows how to acquire the connection. The answer is that the containing environment must provide this knowledge: for connectionless data access methods, SQLBuilder will use a ServiceLoader to find the connection provider. Therefore, callers using these methods must perform 2 steps:

  1. Provide an implementation of com.metricstream.jdbc.ConnectionProvider in the classpath
  2. Register that implementation by adding a file named META-INF/services/com.metricstream.jdbc.ConnectionProvider which contains the fully qualified name of the implementation.

SQLBuilder will not commit or rollback the connection. Therefore, the implementation should either return auto-committed connections or only use read-only connection-less SQLBuilder methods.

The API offers connection-less variants for all the methods which are accessing data. In addition, you can also use SQLBuilder.getConnection() to get a Connection object from the configured connection provider. However, then the caller is responsible for closing the connection.

Unit Testing

When it comes to unit testing database access code, then the best advise often is: "Don't!". In most cases it is much better to contain all database code in a single "database access object" (aka DAO) layer and mock that layer for unit tests of higher layers. However, not all code is written like that. In addition, for code that dynamically constructs SQL queries based on user input, testing that we generate syntactically correct SQL queries is still very useful.

For the rest of the unit testing discussion we assume that it is not possible to run SQL queries against a real database.

SQLBuilder Mocking

The usual mocking approach (using e.g. Mockito) is often very painful to use for SQL code:

  • mocking of methods like ResultSet#getString is a global operation which is not aligned to logical boundaries in the code. This easily leads to "off-by-one" errors if some code that is called before the intended usage of this mock adds or removes a call to ResultSet#getString.
  • coding of test data is labour intensive, especially for queries that fill complex pojos.

SQLBuilder therefore offers MockSQLBuilderProvider as an optional native mocking solution which avoids these problems. After enabling MockSQLBuilderProvider by calling MockSQLBuilderProvider.enable(), SQLBuilder internally delegates all calls to the mocking invoker instead of to the usual JDBC invoker. Unit tests should therefore instruct SQLBuilder to use the mocking invoker which then automatically mocks all database access code. This mocking invoker can be customized (more on that later), but the default behavior is to return a single row of made-up data for every requested ResultSet. As an example, consider a method like this (error handling omitted for brevity):

  • Java
List<Person> getPersons(Connection con, List<Long> ids) {
    SQLBuilder sb = new SQLBuilder("select name, age from person");
    if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
        sb.append("where id in (?)", ids);
    try (ResultSet rs = sb.getResultSet(con)) {
        List<Person> result = new ArrayList<>();
        while ( {
            result.add(new Person(rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("age")));
        return result;
  • Kotlin
fun getPersons(con: Connection, ids: List<Long>): List<Person> {
    val sb = SQLBuilder("select name, age from person")
    if (ids.isNotEmpty()) {
        sb.append("where id in (?)", ids)
    sb.getResultSet(con).use { rs ->
        return buildList {
            while ( {
                add(Person(rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("age")))

This method can be unit tested without any prepared test data or mocking:

  • Java
assertFalse(dao.getPersons(con, List.of(1L, 2L)).isEmpty());
  • Kotlin
assertFalse(dao.getPersons(con, listOf(1L, 2L)).isEmpty())

Because MockSQLBuilderProvider mocks all SQLBuilder-initiated calls, unit tests are generally easier to write and more robust. As an example, consider a developer improves the getPersons method to:

  • Java
List<Person> getPersons(Connection con, List<Long> ids) {
    SQLBuilder sb = new SQLBuilder("select name, age from person");
    if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
        sb.append("where id in (?)", ids);
    return sb.getList(con, rs -> new Person(rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2)));
  • Kotlin
fun getPersons(con: Connection, ids: List<Long>): List<Person> {
    val sb = SQLBuilder("select name, age from person")
    if (ids.isNotEmpty()) {
        sb.append("where id in (?)", ids)
    return sb.getList(con, { rs -> Person(rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2)) })

If we had mocked e.g. rs.getString("name"), our unit test would now fail. However, the mocking SQLBuilder will return the same result as before and thus our unit test will continue to work.

By default, the MockSQLBuilderProvider will return a ResultSet object with a single row for every SQLBuilder#getResultSet call and for that row will answer 42 for every ResultSet#getXXX call (42 because it is an unusual enough answer to understand that this is generated test data and also because it is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything). If that is not good enough (e.g. because the code uses these results for branching decisions), then you can also direct MockSQLBuilderProvider to return data that you provided.

Test Data for Mocking

MockSQLBuilderProvider internally maintains a queue of ResultSet objects and offers APIs to add to that queue. If the queue is depleted and the code asks for another ResultSet, then it either returns a generated ResultSet as described above or will return null which will usually lead to a NullPointerException in the calling code.

As a practical example, assume we want to unit test the following method:

  • Java
int countChildren(Connection con, int maxAge) {
    return getPersons(con, List.of()).stream().filter(p -> p.age <= maxAge).count();
  • Kotlin
fun countChildren(con: Connection, maxAge: Int): Int {
    return getPersons(con, emptyList()).count { p -> p.age <= maxAge }

This will out of the box always return 1 because as explained above getPersons called in a test using the mocking invoker will always return a single-element list of a Person with name "42" and age 42. To unit test the correct handling of maxAge, we thus need to prepare test data:

  • Java
MockResultSet.add("getPersons", "name,age", "Peter,12", "Paul,11", "Mary,15");
assertEquals(2, countChildren(con, 14));
  • Kotlin
MockResultSet.add("getPersons", "name,age", "Peter,12", "Paul,11", "Mary,15")
assertEquals(2, countChildren(con, 14))

We will discuss various ways to add ResultSet objects later. What is important to understand here is that every ResultSet object is only used for a single SQLBuilder#getResultSet call. Thus, duplicating the assertEquals line will result in a test failure because the second call to countChildren will return 1 as explained above. One way to test multiple conditions is:

  • Java
MockResultSet children = MockResultSet.create("getPersons", "name,age", "Peter,12", "Paul,11", "Mary,15");
assertEquals(2, countChildren(con, 14));
assertEquals(0, countChildren(con, 5));
assertEquals(3, countChildren(con, 18));
  • Kotlin
val children = MockResultSet.create("getPersons", "name,age", "Peter,12", "Paul,11", "Mary,15")
assertEquals(2, countChildren(con, 14))
assertEquals(0, countChildren(con, 5))
assertEquals(3, countChildren(con, 18))

Another way is to instruct MockSQLBuilderProvider to use the data from a MockResultSet object multiple times by calling MockResultSet.add with a usage value:

  • Java
        new String[] { "name", "age" },
        new Object[][] { { "Peter", 12 }, { "Paul", 11 }, { "Mary", 15 } },
assertEquals(2, countChildren(con, 14));
assertEquals(0, countChildren(con, 5));
assertEquals(3, countChildren(con, 18));
  • Kotlin
        arrayOf("name", "age"),
        arrayOf(arrayOf("Peter", 12), arrayOf("Paul", 11), arrayOf("Mary", 15)),
assertEquals(2, countChildren(con, 14))
assertEquals(0, countChildren(con, 5))
assertEquals(3, countChildren(con, 18))

The first parameter for creating such MockResultSet objects is always a "tag". We will describe the reasons for these tags later. For now, just assume it provides a means to identify a specific mocked object.

There are numerous variants to create test data sets, see the SQLBuilder Javadoc and it's unit test code for the complete list. Here we just highlight a few important ones:

  • MockResultSet.empty(String tag) creates a result set without any data (i.e. calls to ResultSet#next always return false).

  • MockResultSet.broken(String tag) creates a result set which throws a SQLException when the caller tries to return it from SQLBuilder.

  • MockResultSet.create(String tag, String labels, String... rows) creates a result set which uses the labels (split by ,) as column names and creates a row from each of the rows values.

  • MockResultSet.create(String tag, InputStream inputStream, boolean withLabels) creates a result set from an InputStream. This is most useful if you extracted some test data from a database in CSV format and stored it in a file inside your test setup. This allows to create test data from such files using code like

    MockResultSet csv = MockResultSet.create("getPersons", getClass().getResourceAsStream("persons.csv"), true);
  • MockResultSet.create(String tag, String[] labels, Object[][] data) is the most low-level approach but unlike most other approaches allows using correctly typed data instead of strings.

As explained above, these test data sets must be added to MockSQLBuilderProvider so that they can be consumed by your code. Apart from the generic MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) which can be used to enqueue such MockResultSet objects, MockSQLBuilderProvider also offers some shortcuts for commonly used calls as shown above. Please look at the JavaDoc for the complete list.

So far we only looked at test data for SQLBuilder methods that return or consume ResultSet objects. However, there is also SQLBuilder#execute which usually returns the result of calling PreparedStatement#executeUpdate. When using the mocking provider, SQLBuilder#execute will by default return 42. If that is not acceptable (e.g. because the calling code checks the return value), then the return value can be explicitly set by calling MockSQLBuilderProvider#setExecute. The simplest case is to always return the same value using e.g. MockSQLBuilderProvider.setExecute(1). You can also pass multiple values in which case the results will be the values provided, followed by the default 42. The most flexible approach is to call MockSQLBuilderProvider#setExecute with a Supplier<Integer> value which allows code like

  • Java
final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
MockSQLBuilderProvider.setExecute("foo", () -> count.getAndIncrement() < 3 ? 1 : 2);
  • Kotlin
val count = AtomicInteger()
MockSQLBuilderProvider.setExecute("foo", { count.getAndIncrement() < 3 ? 1 : 2 } )

Tags and Tag Matching Enforcement

By default, tags of MockResultSet objects are not used operationally. However, they are included in the MockResultSet#toString return value which can be observed in a debugger. The best way to accomplish this is to set a breakpoint inside MockSQLBuilderProvider#getRs.

However, creating MockSQLBuilderProvider using SQLBuilder.setDelegate(new MockSQLBuilderProvider(true, true)) will turn on the enforceTags option (using the 2nd true; the first one is used to control whether to synthesize ResultSet objects if none were explicitly added and is true by default). In this mode, the tag values of MockResultSet objects are checked against the names of the methods in which they are consumed. More precisely: the method name must be equal to the part of the tag name before the first : or # in the tag name. If this fails, an IllegalStateException is thrown. The ": or # rule" allows adding more information about the tagged MockResultSet object and is especially useful if a method contains multiple SQL queries.

As a concrete example, consider the following code:

  • Java
int getCount(Connection con) throws SQLException {
    int count = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from persons").getInt(con, 1, -1);
    if (count <= 0) {
        count = new SQLBuilder("select count(*) from aliens").getInt(con, 1, -1);
    return count;
  • Kotlin
fun getCount(con: Connection): Int {
    var count = SQLBuilder("select count(*) from persons").getInt(con, 1, -1)
    if (count <= 0) {
        count = SQLBuilder("select count(*) from aliens").getInt(con, 1, -1)
    return count

This method can be tested using:

  • Java
MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet("getCount:persons", "10");
assertEquals(10, getCount(connection));
MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet("getCount:persons", "0");
MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet("getCount:aliens", "5");
assertEquals(5, getCount(connection));
  • Kotlin
MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet("getCount:persons", "10")
assertEquals(10, getCount(connection))
MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet("getCount:persons", "0")
MockSQLBuilderProvider.addResultSet("getCount:aliens", "5")
assertEquals(5, getCount(connection))

Enforcing matching tag names helps to detect a very common problem with "classical" ResultSet mocking: if the tested code was changed to add or remove a query somewhere, the mocked data gets out of sync. Such errors often manifest themselves not where they occur but in a later step and are notoriously hard to trace. Enforcing matching tag names instead directly stops the execution with a useful error message (containing the method name and the mismatched tag name).

In summary, enforcing tag name matching is highly recommended. If it were not for backwards compatibility, this would be enabled by default by now.

Invocation counts

Sometimes. it is necessary to know how often specific mocked methods where called. Standard mocking frameworks like Mockito or Mockk have "verify" methods which support such requirements. MockSQLBuilder has a similar though more simple concept: it counts invocations of methods like getResultSet or getLong and allows to read these counters. A concrete example would be (using Assert4J or Kotest assertions):

  • Java
@Test void checkGetTotal() {
    int total = getTotal();
  • Kotlin
@Test fun `check getTotal`() {
    val total = getTotal()
    total shouldBe 10
    MockSQLBuilderProvider.invocations.getNext shouldBe 5

which ensures that ResultSet#getNext was called 5 times during the execution of getTotal. As described above, the best practice is to call MockSQLBuilder#reset within @AfterEach, which resets all the invocation counts to 0.

Other Ways To Provide Test Data

The final alternative for providing test data is to register supplier functions for SQLBuilder#getInt and related methods. Similar to the supplier approach for SQLBuilder#execute, you can force SQLBuilder#getInt to always return 10 for the first 5 columns and same value using e.g. MockSQLBuilderProvider.setIntByColumnIndex((idx, def) -> idx < 10 ? 5 : def).

It is unclear if these other ways are really adding anything or just complicating the approach. We might decide to remove them in a future version.

Notes about Unit Testing

Prepare Test Framework

Test code preparation depends on the used test framework. We only describe adoption for Junit4 and JUnit5 here. For other frameworks, please extrapolate.


For JUnit5, the recommended way to add SQLBuilder mocking is to annotate the test class with MockSQLBuilderExtension:

  • Java
  • Kotlin

This will enable the mocking provider for the whole class before all tests and disable it again after all tests. It will also reset the mocking provider after each test to flag unused mocked ResultSet objects.


JUnit4 does not support extensions, and thus the steps performed by the JUnit5 extension must be performed manually.

  • Java
     static void beforeAll() {
     static void afterAll() {
     void beforeEach() {
  • Kotlin
    fun beforeEach() {
    companion object {
        fun beforeAll() {
        fun afterAll() {

Cleanup Test Code

  1. Remove all existing mocking for SQLBuilder:
    • remove all SQLBuilder fields with their @Mock annotation
    • remove SQLBuilder.class from @PrepareForTest
    • remove all mockStatic(SQLBuilder.class)
    • remove all SQLBuilder variables, especially when initialized using mock(SQLBuilder.class)
    • remove all mocking for SQLBuilder constructors like PowerMockito.whenNew(SQLBuilder.class)...
    • remove all mocking for SQLBuilder methods like when(sqlBuilder.getResultSet(conn)).thenReturn(rs);
    • remove all mocking for ResultSet methods like when(; or when(rs.getLong("ID")).thenReturn(1L);

Release Notes

Moved to release notes