Parallel Smooth(ed) Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) implementation for astrophysical simulations including self-gravity.
- SPH corresponds to short range forces
- (self-) gravity correpsonds to long range forces
- implemented via the Barnes-Hut algorithm (see [1])
- see MichaelSt98/NNS for different implementations
- parallel implemententation via the Message Passing Interface
Example: NBody (self-gravity)
Example: SPH (SPH + self-gravity)
- Compilation via
to build projectmake remake
to clean and afterwards buildmake clean
to delete object filesmake cleaner
to delete object files and binaries
Settings via config files (.info
- config/
- config/
setting | example value | description |
numParticles | 200 | number of particles (per process) |
systemSize | 5. | system size in every direction |
timeStep | .15 | integration time step |
timeEnd | 100.0 | integrate until reached |
initMass | 1e-4 | (initialization value for) mass of particles |
initVel | .125 | (initialization value for) velocity of particles |
smoothingLength | 0.5 | smoothing length of particles |
outputRank | 0 | rank to output in the shell (-1 to output all ranks) |
loadBalancing | true | load balancing y/n |
distributionType | 0 | which initial distribution to use |
curveType | 0 | which space-filling curve to use (Lebesque or Hilbert) |
- run via
mpirun -np <number of processes> ./bin/runner
mpiexec -n <number of processes> ./bin/runner
- serial debugger (lldb/gdb) per process
- MacOS
- run
- breakpoints/settings in debug/initPipe.lldb
- run
- Linux distribution (tested on Ubuntu)
- run
- breakpoints/settings in debug/initPipe.gdb
- run
- MacOS
- Valgrind (only available on Linux distributions e.g. Ubuntu)
- run
mpirun -np <number of processes> valgrind ./bin/runner
mpirun -np <number of processes> valgrind --leak-check=full ./bin/runner
- run
- If simulation saved as pictures
within images/- create movie via
open movie.mp4
- create gif from movie via
open output.gif
- create movie via
- [1] M. Griebel, S. Knapek, and G. Zumbusch. Numerical Simulation in Molecular Dynamics: Numerics, Algorithms, Parallelization, Applications. 1st. Springer Pub- lishing Company, Incorporated, 2010. isbn: 3642087760
- within the following sections:
- 8 Tree Algorithms for Long-Range Potentials
- 8.1 Series Expansion of the Potential
- 8.2 Tree Structures for the Decomposition of the Far Field
- 8.3 Particle-Cluster Interactions and the Barnes-Hut Method
- 8.3.1 Method
- 8.3.2 Implementation
- 8.3.3 Applications from Astrophysics
- 8.4 ParallelTreeMethods
- 8.4.1 An Implementation with Keys
- 8.4.2 Dynamical Load Balancing
- 8.4.3 Data Distribution with Space-Filling Curves