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Table Events

The following document describe the events available for FlowKit when you are using it to manage UITableView.

Events are available at 3 different levels:

  • Director Events: all general purpose events which are not strictly related to the single model's management. It includes general header/footer and scrollview delegate events.
  • Adapter Events: each adapter manage a single pair of Model (M: ModelProtocol) and View (C: CellProtocol). It will receive all events related to single model instance configuration (dequeue, item size etc.).
  • Section Events: TableSectionView instances manage custom view header/footer of a specific TableSection. It will receive events about dequeue, view's visibility.


  • TableDirector

    • Events
    • Received Context
    • Example
  • TableAdapter

    • Events
    • Received Context
    • Example
  • TableSectionView

    • Events
    • Received Context
    • Example


TableDirector Events

The following events are available from TableDirector 's .on property.


  • sectionForSectionIndex: ((_ title: String, _ index: Int) -> Int) (name of the section is read automatically from indexTitle property of the section)
  • willDisplayHeader: ((HeaderFooterEvent) -> Void)
  • willDisplayFooter: ((HeaderFooterEvent) -> Void)
  • endDisplayHeader: ((HeaderFooterEvent) -> Void)
  • endDisplayFooter: ((HeaderFooterEvent) -> Void)

Received Context

where HeaderFooterEvent is just a typealias which contains the relevant information of the header/footer.

HeaderFooterEvent = (view: UIView, section: Int, table: UITableView)


tableView.director.on.willDisplayHeader = { ctx in
	print("Will display header for section \(ctx.section)")

TableAdapter Events

The following properties are used to manage the appearance and the behaviour for a pair of <model,cell> registered into the table. Each event will receive a Context<M,C> which contains a type safe instance of the involved model and (if available) cell.


The following events are reachable from TableAdapter 's .on property.

  • dequeue : ((EventContext) -> (Void))
  • canEdit: ((EventContext) -> Bool)
  • commitEdit: ((_ ctx: EventContext, _ commit: UITableViewCellEditingStyle) -> Void)
  • canMoveRow: ((EventContext) -> Bool)
  • moveRow: ((_ ctx: EventContext, _ dest: IndexPath) -> Void)
  • prefetch: ((_ models: [M], _ paths: [IndexPath]) -> Void)
  • cancelPrefetch: ((_ models: [M], _ paths: [IndexPath]) -> Void)
  • rowHeight: ((EventContext) -> CGFloat)
  • rowHeightEstimated: ((EventContext) -> CGFloat)
  • indentLevel: ((EventContext) -> Int)
  • willDisplay: ((EventContext) -> Void)
  • shouldSpringLoad: ((EventContext) -> Bool)
  • editActions: ((EventContext) -> [UITableViewRowAction]?)
  • tapOnAccessory: ((EventContext) -> Void)
  • willSelect: ((EventContext) -> IndexPath?)
  • tap: ((EventContext) -> TableSelectionState)
  • willDeselect: ((EventContext) -> IndexPath?)
  • didDeselect: ((EventContext) -> IndexPath?)
  • willBeginEdit: ((EventContext) -> Void)
  • didEndEdit: ((EventContext) -> Void)
  • editStyle: ((EventContext) -> UITableViewCellEditingStyle)
  • deleteConfirmTitle: ((EventContext) -> String?)
  • editShouldIndent: ((EventContext) -> Bool)
  • moveAdjustDestination: ((_ ctx: EventContext, _ proposed: IndexPath) -> IndexPath?)
  • endDisplay: ((_ cell: C, _ path: IndexPath) -> Void)
  • shouldShowMenu: ((EventContext) -> Bool)
  • canPerformMenuAction: ((_ ctx: EventContext, _ sel: Selector, _ sender: Any?) -> Bool)
  • performMenuAction: ((_ ctx: EventContext, _ sel: Selector, _ sender: Any?) -> Void)
  • shouldHighlight: ((EventContext) -> Bool)
  • didHighlight: ((EventContext) -> Void)
  • didUnhighlight: ((EventContext) -> Void)
  • canFocus: ((EventContext) -> Bool)

Received Context

EventContext is a typealias for Adapter's Context<M,C> with M is the ModelProtocol instance managed by the table and C is CellProtocol instance used to represent data.

The following properties are available:

  • table: UITableView: target table instance
  • indexPath: IndexPath: target model index path
  • model: M: target model instance (type-safe)
  • cell: C?: target cell instance (type-safe) / if available


let contactAdapter = TableAdapter<Contact,CellContact>()

// intercept tap
contactAdapter.on.tap = { ctx in
	print("User tapped on \(ctx.model.fullName)")
	return .deselectAnimated

// dequeue event, used to configure the UI of the cell
contactAdapter.on.dequeue = { ctx in
	ctx.cell?.labelName?.text = ctx.model.firstName
	ctx.cell?.labelLastName?.text = ctx.model.lastName

TableSectionView events

The following events are received from single instances of headerView/footerView of a TableSection instance and are related to header/footer events.


The following events are available from TableSectionView 's .on property.

height event is required.

  • dequeue: ((Context<T>) -> Void)
  • height: ((Context<T>) -> CGFloat)
  • estimatedHeight: ((Context<T>) -> CGFloat)
  • willDisplay: ((Context<T>) -> Void)
  • endDisplay: ((Context<T>) -> Void)
  • didDisplay: ((Context<T>) -> Void)


let header = TableSectionView<TableExampleHeaderView>()
header.on.height = { _ in
	return 150
header.on.dequeue = { ctx in
	ctx.view?.titleLabel?.text = "\(articles.count) Articles"

let section = TableSection(headerView: header, models: articles)

Received Context

Where Context<T> is a structure which contains the following properties of the section view instance:

  • type: SectionType: header if target view is header, footer for footer view
  • table: UITableView: target table instance
  • view: T: type-safe target instance of the header/footer view set
  • section: Int: target section
  • tableSize: CGSize: size of the target table