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Find dangling commits inside your GitHub repositories.


This is an attempt to find ways to recover dangling commits inside a GitHub repository, to help you improve your use of repository secret scanning tools like trufflehog or gitleaks. For now, two technics are used:

  • recover all force-pushed events in a pull request and list all former HEADs of the PR (most probably dangling-commits)
  • add closed and not merged PR, in addition to their lost force-pushed commits

Coming in the future:

  • TODO: get all available Push events from GitHub API (but only the X last events can be retrieved)
  • TODO: try with user specific events to get more dangling commits


# Using Pypi package
pip install dangling-finder
dangling-finder -h

# Using source repository directly
git clone && cd dangling-finder
poetry install
poetry run dangling-finder -h


Run dangling-finder after your git clone to add found dangling commits to your locally cloned repository.

GITHUB_TOKEN=my_token # read automatially by the command `dangling-finder pull-requests`

dangling-finder pull-requests $GITHUB_OWNER $GITHUB_REPO --git-config >> ./.git/config
git fetch --all

# Then use your favorite secret scanning tool, example below
gitleaks detect --source . -v

GitHub authentication

To use the commands, you will need to provide a GitHub API token. Read the documentation here to generate a token.

About dangling commits enumeration

The tool only enumerates the "top" dangling commits found using various enumeration technics - top meaning their parents commits are not enumerated recursively to check if they are also dangling commits or not.

Therefore, one should not consider any output of dangling-finder as exhaustive, each for a given technique covered by the tool.

The prefered way is to use git fetch to retrieve their parent commits (and so forth) easily to enrich your local repository copy.

git fetch $DANGLING_COMMIT_HASH:refs/remotes/origin/dangling-$DANGLING_COMMIT_HASH


This tool only focuses on enumerating potential dangling commits' sources, usually not covered by default git secret scanning (git clone + gitleaks detect). It only focuses on listing the top dangling commits (no enumeration of their parent commits that are also dangling commits), not included in the usual git clone from GitHub.
It doesn't list:

  • all found dangling commits (only the top dangling commits, not their parents and so forth - for exhaustivity, use git fetch see Usage part)
  • all HEADS of pull requests (only closed and not merged pull requests are listed - git clone already clones the branches of opened and not merged)
  • the content of the dangling commits found: it would require long recursive enumeration of dangling commits and many API calls to retrieve their content (see commits enumeration)

Moreover, in its current implementation, other limits exist:

  • only the first 100 HeadRefForcePushedEvent are scanned in pull requests (state of current implementation - never encountered a pull request with more than 100 HeadRefForcePushedEvent)