Use the spotlight resource to manage the metadata indexing state for disk volumes.
This will primarily affect the ability to search volume contents with the macOS
Spotlight feature. Under the hood, the spotlight resource executes the mdutil
command in the metadata_util
The most basic usage of the spotlight resource declares a disk volume as the name property to enable metadata indexing:
spotlight '/'
The full syntax for all of the properties available to the spotlight resource is:
spotlight 'volume name' do
volume String # defaults to 'volume name' if not specified
indexed TrueClass, FalseClass # defaults to TrueClass if not specified
searchable TrueClass, FalseClass # defaults to TrueClass if not specified
This resource has the following actions:
Set the metadata indexing state declared by
the indexed
property. This is the only, and default, action.
Ruby Type: String
The name of the disk volume to manage.
Ruby type: TrueClass, FalseClass
Whether or not the desired state of the named disk volume is to be indexed.
Ruby type: TrueClass, FalseClass
Disables Spotlight searching if the index has
already been created for the volume. Only applicable if the indexed
property is
set to false
Enable indexing on the boot volume
spotlight '/'
Disable indexing on 'test_disk1'
spotlight 'test_disk1' do #
indexed false
Enable indexing on a different volume
spotlight 'enable indexing on TDD2' do
volume 'TDD2'
indexed true
Disable indexing and prevent searching
spotlight 'disable indexing and prevent searching index on TDD-ROM' do
volume 'TDD-ROM'
indexed false
searchable false