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0016 Loggers information from RunSettings


This note outlines the proposed changes for:

  1. Enabling logger support in test platform for protocol and C# library based clients.
  2. Allowing users to provide loggers from the runsettings.


  1. Enabling logger support for protocol and C# library based clients will allow clients to use logger extensibility feature.

  2. Allowing users to provide loggers from the runsettings enables:

  • Protocol and C# library based clients to provide loggers to the test platform.
  • Configuring loggers as code. Users can commit a runsettings with required loggers and it doesn't need to be specified at each invocation.

Specifying a logger

Loggers can be provided to the test platform in one of the following ways:

  1. /Logger:"UriOrFriendlyName";Key1=Value1;Key2=Value2 This is a switch to vstest.console.exe that feeds logger information to the test platform. For instance:


    This loads and initializes logger with "logger://Microsoft/TestPlatform/TrxLogger/v1" as uri.


    This loads and initializes logger with sampleLogger as friendly name. Key1=Value1 and Key2=Value2 are passed as dictionary parameters to the logger while initialization.

  2. Runsettings via Logger node in the LoggerRunSettings section. Here is a sample on how this can be specified:

                <Logger friendlyName="sampleLoggerwithParameters">
                <Logger uri="logger://sample/sampleLoggerWithoutParameters1"
                        friendlyName="sampleLoggerWithoutParameters1" />
                <Logger uri="logger://sample/sampleLoggerWithoutParameters2"
                        assemblyQualifiedName="Sample.Sample.Sample.SampleLogger, Sample.Sample.Logger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                        friendlyName="sampleLoggerWithoutParameters2" />

    This loads and initializes:

    • Logger with friendlyName="sampleLoggerwithParameters". Key1=Value1 and Key2=Value2 are passed as dictionary parameters to the logger while initialization. i.e. SampleLoggerWithParameters.Initialize(TestLoggerEvents events, Dictionary<string, string> parameters) is invoked with parameters = {{"Key1", "Value1"}, {"Key2", "Value2"}}
    • Logger with uri="logger://sample/sampleLoggerWithoutParameters1". FriendlyName is ignored in this case as uri takes more precedence.
    • Logger with assemblyQualifiedName="Sample.Sample.Sample.SampleLogger, Sample.Sample.Logger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Uri and friendlyName are ignored in this case as assemblyQualifiedName takes more precedence.

Test platform loads custom logger assemblies from test adapter paths and source directory. Check [adapter extensibility] ( to know about how to provide test adapter paths to test platform.


  1. If same logger is specified both in command line arguments and run settings, command line takes precedence.
  2. User can override existing logger value in runsettings from command line. For example vstest.console foo.dll -- LoggerRunSettings.Loggers="<Logger friendlyName=\"sampleLoggerwithParameters\" />".
  3. Multiple Loggers can be added in runsettings by adding Logger node in LoggerRunSettings.Loggers section.
  4. Configuration is optional in Logger node.
  5. Atleast one attribute among uri, friendlyName, assemblyQualifiedName should be present in Logger node.
  6. If more than one attributes among uri, friendlyName, assemblyQualifiedName are present, then precedence order is assemblyQualifiedName > uri > friendlyName. Attributes other than precedent attribute are ignored.
  7. Logger can be enabled or disabled using enabled attribute in Logger node. For example to disable a logger: <Logger friendlyName="sampleLogger" enabled="false" />.

Error and Warning scenarios:

Exception scenarios: In case of exception, test run is aborted. Following are the exception scenarios:

  1. LoggerRunSettings or Loggers node has attributes.
  2. LoggerRunSettings has any node other than Loggers.
  3. Loggers has any node other than Logger.
  4. Logger has any node other than Configuration.
  5. Logger node has any attribute other than uri, assemblyQualifiedName, friendlyName, or enabled.
  6. Invalid format uri is given.
  7. Unable to find logger using precedent attribute.
  8. If none of the attributes uri, assemblyQualifiedName, friendlyName is given.

Warning scenarios:

  1. Key value pair has empty or whitespace value. Example: <Key1></Key1>.

Ignored scenarios:

  1. Duplicate keys in Configuration node is ignored and verbose is added for it.


Following are the proposed design changes for enabling logger support for protocol and C# library based clients:

  1. TestLoggerManager will manage all the loggers. TestLoggerManager will be responsible for:
  • Initializing loggers from the run settings.
  • Enabling and triggering logger events.
  • Disposing logger events.
  1. TestEngine API will have GetLoggerManager method which will return new TestLoggerManager instance on every call.
  2. TestPlatform will get instance from TestEngine and initialize TestLoggerManager and will pass this TestLoggerManager instance to TestRunRequest and DiscoveryRequest.
  3. TestRunRequest and DiscoveryRequest will hold the TestLoggerManager instance. On receiving any run/discovery events, respective methods of TestLoggerManager will be invoked. i.e. TestLoggerManager will no longer register logger events with run or discovery events.
  4. On test run/discovery completion, TestLoggerManager will be disposed by TestRunRequest and DiscoveryRequest.
  5. Limitation with this approach is that if TestRunRequest users like TestRequestManager tries to call TestRunRequest.ExecuteAsync() second time, then logger events will not be invoked as TestLoggerManager will already be disposed in first run.