The "supermarket is live" release!
- Remove
from .env - Make use of
for unicorn config to allow adjusting the number of workers based on the number of CPUs. - Add an attribute to allow certain domains to not be redirected from http -> https.
- IMPORTANT Version 2.4.2 was tagged incorrectly.
- Add log rotation to avoid filling disk with rails and nginx logs
- No new code. Recovering from error.
- Add Curry Success label to .env.production template
- Allow Google Analytics ID to be configured (#27)
- Add CCLA and ICLA versions to the .env.production template (#30)
- Corrects supermarket::vagrant recipe missing _mysql
- Moves bundler vendored gems to a shared directory that does not get recreated during each deploy (#25)
- Adds sv log to runit service (#26)
- Add a .gemrc for the supermarket user (#23)
- Add Segment.IO key to .env.production template
- Allow protocol to be configured for things like email, etc. (#21)
- Install libarchive-dev (#20)
- Fix the order of mysql recipe (#17)
- In 2.1.0, the force_ssl attribute was added. During development it was previously enforce_ssl, but the template wasn't updated.
- Support enforcing HTTPS redirect
- Adds libmysql to make it so bundler completes
This release may not work properly if you currently define an empty database key in your apps data bag. Please remove it, if it is uneeded.
- Adds support for serving sitemaps via nginx
- Adds support for generating sitemaps after a deploy
- Refines the way database.yml is handled
- Allows COMMUNITY_SITE_DATABASE_URL to be set via the databag for imports from the old community site to be run.
- Updates to test 14.04
- Move postgres dev header package install to ruby recipe (required to build
gem) - Ensure build-essential is installed so bundle can build gems' C extensions
- Add port option to database.yml
- Test on Ubuntu 14.04
- Create postgresql config directory
- Use link resources for ruby instead of update-alternatives
- Updates testing harness
- Adds
recipe for deploying web servers - Adds
as an easy way to use a different data bag in prod.
Actual push to the community site
This is the initial version of the cookbook published to the community site.