- Web Skills - visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer;
- Glo Academy - useful links by aislam23;
- Best websites - best websites a programmer should visit;
- Web development - settings, instructions, tools used in web development;
- Hexlet Guides - most popular articles on general topics;
- DotNet Core Tutorials - .NET Core tutorials;
- Ulearn - interactive online programming courses;
- Code Basics - useful links by code-basics;
- Bool dev blog - useful links by bool dev;
- Typical typesetter - useful links by Typical typesetter;
- HTML Academy Tools - top tools by htmlacademy;
- Roadmaps - community driven roadmaps, articles and resources for developers;
- Hide API keys - how to hide your API keys;
- Bootstrap Cheatsheet - Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet;
- Challenge websites - 10 sites with tasks that will make you a pro;
- All types of sort - bubble sort and all-all-all;
- DDD concept - DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS and etc;
- 10 Tags - your first 10 HTML tags;
- JSDoc - document your JavaScript code;
- ESLint - using ESLint right;
- EditorConfig - Why development teams should use EditorConfig;
- Webpack - introduction to Webpack for beginners;
- Chart.js - creating charts with ASP.NET Core;
- Repository - ASP.NET Core Web API with Repository pattern;
- JSON - working with JSON in C#;
- EF Core + Docker - EF Core in Docker container;
- Authentication - GMail And Facebook based authentication;
- Azure Container Registry - deploy .NET Core application;
- Collections - difference between IQueryable, IEnumerable and IList;
- Windows Authentication - simple role authorization with windows authentication;
- TypeScript & Webpack - add TypeScript and Webpack to an ASP.NET Core project;
- Papercut SMTP - simple desktop email helper;
- Rico's Cheatsheets - modest collection of cheatsheets;
- Temp Mail - generator of temporary email address;
- Ethereal - fake SMTP service;
- Gource - animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre;
- Diffchecker - diff tool to compare text differences between two text files;
- Code Beautify - online code beautifier which allows you to beautify your source code;
- Web Dev Checklist - web developer checklist;
- GUID generator - online GUID generator;