- VS Code JS Tutorial - JavaScript in Visual Studio Code;
- Can Do That - what Visual Studio Code can do (Workshop);
- ESLint - code analyzer for JavaScript;
- TSLint - code analyzer for TypeScript;
- JSHint - linter for JavaScript;
- Debugger for Chrome - debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome;
- Material Icon Theme - Material Design icons into your VS Code;
- Live Server - launch a local development server;
- Prettier - opinionated code formatter;
- Bracket Pair Colorizer - allows matching brackets to be identified with colours;
- Git Graph - view a Git Graph of your repository and more;
- VSCode Faker - generate fake data inside Visual Studio Code;
- Path Intellisense - Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames;
- Bookmarks - helps you to navigate in your code;
- Better Comments - help you create more human-friendly comments in your code;
- Google Fonts - allows you to browse the Google Fonts list and insert;
- Code Runner - run code snippet or code file for multiple languages;
- JavaScript Snippet Pack - contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax;
- Indent Rainbow - colorizes the indentation in front of your text;
- BEM Helper - improve writing html using BEM naming conventions;
- Visual Studio IntelliCode - AI-assisted development;
- IntelliSense for CSS - provides CSS class name completion for the HTML;
- YAML - provides comprehensive YAML Language;
- NPM - supports running npm scripts defined in the package.json file;
- NPM IntelliSense - autocompletes npm modules in import statements;
- Settings Sync - synchronize all Visual Studio Code settings;
- C# - lightweight development tools for .NET Core and more;
- SQL Server (mssql) - extension for developing Microsoft SQL Server and more.
- Docker - makes it easy to build, manage and deploy containerized applications;
- Remote - SSH - use any remote machine with a SSH server as your dev env;
- CSS Peek - allow peeking to css ID and class strings;
- JS Parameter Annotations - annotations for parameters in your JS / TS Files;
- Commitizen - git commit with conventions;
- Solution Explorer - Visual Studio .sln file explorer for Visual Studio Code;
- Live Share - real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools;
- Version Lens - shows the latest version for each package using code lens;
- TODO Highlight - highlight TODOs, FIXMEs, and any keywords, annotations, etc;
- React JS snippets - simple extensions for React, Redux and GraphQL;
- TypeScript Hero - organize your imports;
- Angular Language Service - provides a rich editing experience for Angular templates;
- Angular Snippets - snippets for Angular for TypeScript and HTML;
- EditorConfig - editor config Support for Visual Studio Code;
- GitLens - helps you to visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and etc;
- Live Sass Compiler - compile Sass or Scss to CSS at realtime with live browser reload;
- PostgreSQL - extension for developing PostgreSQL;
- VSCode Icons - bring icons to your Visual Studio Code;
- Path Intellisense - plugin that autocompletes filenames;