Support Page of Kintai-chan App. 勤怠ちゃんアプリのサポートページ
Japanese description is under English.
Last update: Jan 5, 2024
App Version | Date | MEMO |
1.0.0 | Jul 31, 2021 | v1.0.0 has been released. |
1.0.1 | Oct 31, 2021 | ・watchOS 8 Support ・Fixed the app crashing when registering / editing. |
1.0.2 | Apr 08, 2022 | Minor revision |
1.0.3 | Oct 22, 2022 | ・watchOS 9 Support ・Multi-Post available ・Fixed list not showing on watchOS 7 devices. |
1.0.4 | Mar 27, 2023 | Bug fixes and stability improvement |
1.0.5 | Jan 5, 2024 | UI and stability improvement |
This app is a sample app made for Qiita Advent Calendar 2019.
The commentary is as follows. Written in Japanese.
I remaked for watchOS 7 and later. Of course I use SwiftUI.
- English - 英語
- Japanese - 日本語
- watchOS 7.0 and later - watchOS 7 以降
You need an iOS 13 or higher iPad or iPhone paired with your Apple Watch to input the information needed to post Slack.
- Apple Watch Series 3
- Apple Watch Series 4
- Apple Watch Series 5
- Apple Watch SE
- Apple Watch Series 6
- Apple Watch Series 7
- Apple Watch Series 8
- Apple Watch Ultra
Make attendance contact smart with Apple Watch.
Opening the app on your PC or smartphone and
contacting attendance is surprisingly troublesome.
With this app, you can make smart attendance notifications
with just a few taps on the screen of your Apple Watch.
Register the Slack post settings and each attendance word in advance,
and tap the corresponding cell from the list to complete the post.
It may be possible to use it as a to-do list for housework and share it with your family.
From v1.0.3
, it is possible to post to multiple Slack channels.
This app is a Watch app written in Swift and SwiftUI.
- Install this App
- Enter the required information in Slack Settings
- Register the activity you want to post
- Select from the list and tap the cell to post to Slack
Preset data with a set of Emoji and words is provided at the time of installation. Register, edit, or delete as necessary.
You can register by tapping the "New entry" cell at the bottom of the activity list.
To edit the activity, tap the 3-point button on the upper right of the cell and edit as appropriate.
You can delete an activity by swiping the cell to the left.
List | Edit | New entry | Add | delete |
The information required for a Slack post is a Webhook URL and a GitHub account. Get the Webhook URL for the attendance channel you want to post and enter it. The GitHub account is used to get the poster's nickname and image. If you enter a nickname, that will be given priority.
Your favorite color is reflected in the color of the Attachment bar. If there is no input, the theme color of this app (#009944) will be used. Enter each value on the paired iPhone. Copy and paste is also possible.
From v1.0.3
, it is possible to post to multiple Slack channels.
On the "Slack settings" screen, turn on the "Enable multi-post" switch,
Enter the link of the channel you want to post in the "Webhook URL 2" field.
Turn on the switch | Enter Webhook URL 2 field |
Multi-post will be disabled if not entered.
Please turn off the switch if you do not multi-post.
Entered link are not deleted.(No need to re-enter)
On "Slack Settings" screen, enter the information required when posting Slack and use it as a parameter when sending.
Similarly, text input is performed on the iOS 13 iOS device that is paired.
Enter Slack's Webhook URL and GitHub account name,
User name and favorite color code.
This information will be used when posting to Slack.
When the "?" Button is tapped, an explanation screen is displayed for each item in a modal manner.
Slack Webhook URL can be obtained from the following link.
Set the icon and user name for Slack posting in this site.
The activity is a set of Emoji and words. If you turn on the switch, you can post Emoji as a set when posting. You can also post only words, too.
Please consider setting Complication. And then you can launch this App immediately, and posting is completed with 2 taps!
Please feel free to contact us if you find a bug or have any feedback.
Suggestions for adding functions and code corrections are also welcome.
let name = "Takuya Aso"
let email = "milanista224" + "@" + ""
let profession = "iOS Engineer"
let location = "Tokyo"
let fan = "AC Milan"
このアプリでは,Apple Watchの画面を数回タップするだけでスマートに勤怠連絡ができます。事前にSlack投稿の設定と各勤怠のワードを登録しておいて,リストから該当のセルをタップするだけ投稿完了です。
より Slack の複数チャネルへの投稿が利用可能になりました。
- アプリをインストール
- Slack設定で必要項目を入力
- 投稿したいアクティビティを登録
- リストから選びセルをタップしてSlackへ投稿
編集ボタン | 編集画面 | 新規登録セル | 追加画面 | アクティビティ削除 |
Slack投稿に必要な情報はWebhook URLとGitHubアカウントです。Webhook URLは投稿したい勤怠チャンネルのものを取得し入力すると良いです。GitHubアカウントは投稿主のニックネーム,画像取得に使われます。ニックネームを入力するとそちらが優先して利用されます。お気に入りカラーはAttachmentのバーの色に反映されます。入力がない場合はこのアプリのテーマカラー(#009944)が使用されます。 それぞれの値の入力は,ペアリングしているiPhoneで行ってください。コピーアンドペーストも可能です。
同様に、テキスト入力は、ペアリングされているiOS 13以上のiOSデバイスで実行されます。
「?」 ボタンをタップすると、各項目の説明画面がモーダルで表示されます。
Slack WebhookのURLは、次のリンクから取得できます。
より Slack の複数チャネルへの投稿が利用可能になりました。
「Webhook URL 2」の項目に投稿したいチャネルのリンクを入力してください。
複数投稿を利用のスイッチをオンに | Webhook URL 2に入力 |
複数投稿は無効になり「Webhook URL」のチャネルのみに投稿されます。
let name = "Takuya Aso"
let email = "milanista224" + "@" + ""
let profession = "iOS Engineer"
let location = "Tokyo"
let fan = "AC Milan"