# Code of Merit 1. This Code of Conduct governs the technical procedures of this project, and has no bearing on any activity outside it. 2. In this space, there is room only for raw technical prowess. Non-technical discussions must occur in a separate space. 3. Technically superior implementations should replace technically inferior implementations. Technical advantage is the single most-important metric for code in this project. 4. There is little room for ambiguity. Communicate plainly or not at all. 5. Discuss or debate the idea, not the person -- period. 6. Individual characteristics -- including, but not limited to, body, sex, sexual preference, race, language, religion, nationality, or political preferences -- are irrelevant in the scope of the project and will not be taken into account concerning a contributor's value of their or your contribution(s) to the project. 7. The project creator(s)/lead developer(s)/core team constitute the managing member(s) of this project and collectively have the final say in every matter of the project, technical or otherwise -- and this includes overturning previous decisions. There are no limitations to this power. 8. Authority or position in the project is proportional to an individual's overall contributions to and time on the project -- seniority must be earned. 9. Participation in this project equates to agreement to this Code of Conduct. This document is adapted from the Code of Merit v1 <<https://codeofmerit.org>>.