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Module target

Targeter Objects

class Targeter()


def __init__(target: Ephemeris, solutions: Mapping[str, Callable] = None, target_radius: Optional[float] = None)

target: LHorizon instance or dataframe; if a dataframe, must have columns named 'ra, dec, dist', 'az, alt, dist', or 'x, y, z' if the LHorizon instance is an OBSERVER query, uses ra_app_icrf and dec_app_icrf, if VECTORS, uses x/y/z

solutions: mapping of functions that each accept six args -- x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 -- and return at least x, y, z position of an "intersection" (however defined). for compatibility with other functions in this module, should return NaN values for cases in which no intersection is found. if this parameter is not passed, generates ray-sphere solutions from the passed target radius.

target_radius: used only if no intersection solutions are passed; generates a system of ray-sphere intersection solutions for a target body of this radius.


def find_targets(pointings: Union[pd.DataFrame, LHorizon]) -> None

find targets using pointing vectors in a passed dataframe or lhorizon. time series must match time series in body ephemeris. stores passed pointings in self.ephemerides['pointing'] and solutions in self.ephemerides['topocentric']

note that target center vectors and pointing vectors must be in the same frame of reference or downstream results will be silly.

if you pass it a set of pointings without a time field, it will assume that their time field is identical to the time field of self.ephemerides["body"].

unless you do something extremely fancy in the solver, the intersections will be 'geometric' quantities and thus reintroduce some error due to light-time, rotation, aberration, etc. between target body surface and target body center -- but considerably less error than if you don't have a corrected vector from origin to target body center.


def find_target_grid(raveled_meshgrid: pd.DataFrame) -> None

finds targets at a single moment in time for a grid of coordinates expressed as an output of lhorizon_utils.make_raveled_meshgrid(). stores them in self.ephemerides["topocentric"] and the raveled meshgrid in self.ephemerides["pointing"].

all non-time-releated caveats from Targeter.find_targets() apply.


def transform_targets_to_body_frame(source_frame="j2000", target_frame="j2000")

transform targets from source_frame to body_frame. you must initialize self.ephemerides["topocentric"] using find_targets() or find_target_grid() before calling this function.

Module config

configuration options for lhorizon. Modifying members of this module will change the default behavior of LHorizon objects.


  • OBSERVER_QUANTITIES: default Horizons QUANTITIES columns for OBSERVER queries
  • VECTORS_QUANTITIES: default Horizons QUANTITIES columns for VECTORS queries
  • TIMEOUT: timeout in seconds for JPL
  • HORIZONS_SERVER: address of Horizons CGI gateway
  • DEFAULT_HEADERS: default headers for Horizons requests
  • TABLE_PATTERNS: tables of regexes used to match Horizons fields and the arguably more-readable column names we assign them to

Module handlers

This module contains a number of specialized query constructors and related helper functions for lhorizon.


def estimate_line_count(
    horizons_dt: MutableMapping[str, dt.datetime], seconds_per_step: float

estimate number of lines that will be returned by Horizons for a given query. Cannot give correct answers for cases in which airmass, hour angle, or other restrictive options are set. Used by bulk query constructors to help split large queries across multiple LHorizons.


def chunk_time(epochs: MutableMapping, chunksize: int) -> list[dict]

chunk time into a series of intervals that will return at most chunksize lines from Horizons.


def datetime_from_horizon_epochs(start: str, stop: str, step: Union[int, str])

convert epoch dict to datetime in order to estimate response length.


def construct_lhorizon_list(
    epochs: MutableMapping, 
    target: Union[int, str, MutableMapping] = "301", 
    origin: Union[int, str, MutableMapping] = "500@399", 
    session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, 
    query_type: str = "OBSERVER", 
    query_options: Optional[Mapping] = None, 
) -> list[LHorizon]

construct a list of LHorizons. Intended for queries that will return over 90000 lines, currently the hard limit of the Horizons CGI. this function takes most of the same arguments as LHorizon, but epochs must be specified as a dictionary with times in ISO format.

NOTE: this function does not support chunking long lists of explicitly-defined individual epochs. queries of this type are extremely inefficient for Horizons and delivering many of them in quick succession typically causes it to tightly throttle the requester.


def query_all_lhorizons(
    lhorizons: Sequence[LHorizon], 

queries a sequence of LHorizons using a shared session, carefully closing sockets and pausing between them, regenerating session and pausing for a longer interval if Horizons rejects a query


def list_sites(center_body: int = 399) -> pd.DataFrame

query Horizons for all named sites recognized on the specified body and format this response as a DataFrame. if no body is specified, uses Earth (399).


def list_majorbodies() -> pd.DataFrame

query Horizons for all currently-recognized major bodies and format the response as a DataFrame.


def get_observer_quantity_codes() -> str

retrieve observer quantity code table from HORIZONS telnet interface

Module targeter_utils


def array_reference_shift(
    positions: Array, 
    time_series: Sequence, 
    origin: str, 
    destination: str, 
    wide: bool = False

using SPICE / SpiceyPy, transform an array of position vectors from origin (frame) to destination (frame) at times in time_series. also computes spherical representation of these coordinates. time_series must be in et (seconds since J2000). Appropriate SPICE kernels must be loaded prior to calling this function using spiceypy.furnsh() or an even higher-level interface to FURNSH like lhorizon.kernels.load_metakernel()

Module solutions

functionality for solving body-intersection problems. used by lhorizon.targeter. currently contains only ray-sphere intersection solutions but could also sensibly contain expressions for bodies of different shapes.


def ray_sphere_equations(radius: float) -> list[sp.Eq]

generate a simple system of equations for intersections between a ray with origin at (0, 0, 0) and direction vector [x, y, z] and a sphere with radius == 'radius' and center (mx, my, mz).


def get_ray_sphere_solution(radius: float, farside: bool = False) -> tuple[sp.Expr]

produce a solution to the generalized ray-sphere equation for a body of radius radius. by default, take the nearside solution. this produces a tuple of sympy expressions objects, which are fairly slow to evaluate; unless you are planning to further manipulate them, you would probably rather call make_ray_sphere_lambdas().


def lambdify_system(
    expressions: Sequence[sp.Expr], 
    expression_names: Sequence[str], 
    variables: Sequence[sp.Symbol]
) -> dict[str, Callable]

returns a dict of functions that substitute the symbols in 'variables' into the expressions in 'expressions'. 'expression_names' serve as the keys of the dict.


def make_ray_sphere_lambdas(radius: float, farside=False) -> dict[str, Callable]

produce a dict of functions that return solutions for the ray-sphere equation for a sphere of radius radius.

Module base

This is the base module for lhorizon. It implements a class, LHorizon, used to query the JPL Horizons <> solar system ephemerides service.

LHorizon Objects

class LHorizon()

JPL HORIZONS interface object, the core class of lhorizon.


target: Union[int, str, MutableMapping] = "301",
origin: Union[int, str, MutableMapping] = "500@399",
epochs: Optional[Union[str, float, Sequence[float], Mapping]] = None,
session: Optional[requests.Session] = None

target: Union[int, str, MutableMapping] = "301"

Name, number, or designation of the object to be queried. the Moon is used if no target is passed. Arbitrary topocentric coordinates can also be provided in a dict, like:

    'lon': longitude in deg,
    'lat': latitude in deg (North positive, South negative),
    'elevation': elevation in km above the reference ellipsoid,
    ['body': Horizons body ID of the central body; optional;
    Earth is used if it is not provided.]

Horizons must possess a rotational model and reference ellipsoid for the central body in order to process topocentric queries -- don't expect this to work with artificial satellites or most small bodies, for instance. Also note that Horizons always treats west-longitude as positive for prograde bodies and east-longitude as positive for retrograde bodies, with the very notable exceptions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun; despite the fact that they are prograde, it treats east-longitude as positive on these three bodies.

origin: Union[int, str, MutableMapping] = "500@399"

Coordinate origin (representing central body or observer location). Uses the same codes as JPL Horizons -- in some cases, text will work, in some cases it will not. If no location is provided, Earth's center is used. Arbitrary topocentic coordinates can also be given as a dict, in the same format as the target parameter.

epochs: Optional[Union[str, float, Sequence[float], Mapping]]

Either a scalar in any astropy.time - parsable format, a list of epochs in jd, iso, or dt format, or a dict defining a range of times and dates. Timescale is UTC for OBSERVER queries and TDB for VECTORS queries. If no epochs are provided, the current time is used. Scalars or range dictionaries are preferred over lists, as they tend to be processed more easily by Horizons. The range dictionary format is:

    'start':'YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS.fff]',
    'stop':'YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS.fff]',

If no units are provided for step, Horizons evenly divides the period between start and stop into n intervals.

session: Optional[requests.Session]

session object for optimizing API calls. A new session is generated if one is not passed.

allow_long_queries: bool = False

if True, allows long (>2000 character) URLs to be used to query JPL Horizons. These will often be truncated serverside, resulting in unexpected output, and so are not allowed by default.

query_options: dict, optional

lower-level options passed to JPL Horizons. not all of these options are meaningful for all queries. See JPL documentation for fuller descriptions of some of these options. allowed keys and value types are:

  • airmass_lessthan: int cuts off points with airmass > value
  • solar_elongation: Sequence[int] e.g. (30, 60) suppresses times at which angular separation between Sun and target in degrees exceeds this value
  • max_hour_angle: float suppresses times at which local hour angle at Earth topocentric location exceeds this value in angular hours
  • rate_cutoff: float suppresses times at which observer-target relative rate in arcseconds/hour exceeds this value
  • skip_daylight: bool = False suppresses times at which Sun is visible from observer
  • refraction: bool = False apply correction for atmospheric refraction (Earth sites only)
  • refsystem: str = "J2000" base coordinate reference system. default is "J2000", Earth mean equator and equinox of January 1 2000, closely aligned with ICRF and equivalent to SPICE "J2000'. Can also be "B1950", FK5 / Earth mean equator of 1950.
  • quantities: str Horizons quantity codes, expressed as a comma-separated string. defaults for each query type can be set in lhorizon.config. See JPL documentation for a full list of code. "A" will return all available quantities.
  • extra_precision: bool=False: return full available precision for RA/Dec values in OBSERVER tables


All parameters are also accessible class attributes. However, we do not suggest that users modify target, origin, epochs, or query_type after initialization. If session, query_options, or allow_long_queries are modified, lhorizon.prepare_request() must be called in order for changes to these attributes to affect subsequent queries to JPL Horizons.


request.PreparedRequest object: request for JPL Horizons.


requests.response objects: response from JPL Horizons. Examining lhorizon.response.content is a DIY alternative to using the lhorizon.table() or lhorizon.dataframe() methods.



def dataframe() -> pd.DataFrame

return a DataFrame containing minimally-formatted response text from JPL Horizons -- column names and quantities as sent, with almost no changes but whitespace stripping.

this function triggers a query to JPL Horizons if a query has not yet been sent. Otherwise, it uses the cached response.


def table() -> pd.DataFrame

return a DataFrame with additional formatting. Regularizes column names, casts times to datetime, attempts to regularize units. All contents should be in m-s. JPL Horizons has an extremely wide range of special-case response formatting, so if these heuristics prune necessary columns or appear to perform incorrect conversions, fall back to LHorizon.dataframe().

this function triggers a query to JPL Horizons if a query has not yet been sent. Otherwise, it uses the cached response.


def check_queried() -> bool

determine whether this LHorizon has been queried with its currently- formatted request. Note that if you manually change the request parameters of a queried LHorizon and do not subsequently call LHorizon.prepare_request(), LHorizon.check_queried() will 'incorrectly' return True.


def query(refetch: bool = False) -> None

send this LHorizon's currently-formatted request to JPL HORIZONS and update this LHorizon's response attribute. if we have already fetched with identical parameters, don't fetch again unless explicitly told to.


def prepare_request()

Prepare request using active session and parameters. this is called automatically by LHorizon.init(), but can also be called after query parameters or request have been manually altered.


def __str__()

String representation of LHorizon object instance


def __repr__()

String representation of LHorizon object instance

Module lhorizon_utils


def listify(thing: Any) -> list

Always a list, for things that want lists. use with care.


def snorm(
    thing: Any, 
    minimum: float = 0, 
    maximum: float = 1, 
    m0: Optional[float] = None, 
    m1: Optional[float] = None
) -> Union[list[float], float]

simple min-max scaler. minimum and maximum are the limits of the range of the returned sequence. m1 and m2 are optional parameters that specify floor and ceiling values for the input other than its actual minimum and maximum. If a single value is passed for thing, returns a float; otherwise, returns a sequence of floats.


def hunt_csv(regex: Pattern, body: str) -> list

finds chunk of csv in a larger string defined as regex, splits it, and returns as list. really useful only for single lines. worse than StringIO -> numpy or pandas csv reader in other cases.


def are_in(items: Iterable, oper: Callable = and_) -> Callable

iterable -> function returns function that checks if its single argument contains all (or by changing oper, perhaps any) items


def is_it(*types: type) -> Callable[[Any], bool]

partially-evaluated predicate form of isinstance


def numeric_columns(data: pd.DataFrame) -> list[str]

return a list of all numeric columns of a DataFrame


def utc_to_jd(utc_time: Any)

converts passed utc time or times to julian day number


def utc_tdb_offset(time_series: pd.Series)

return offset between utc and tdb at each point of passed pandas time series in seconds


def utc_to_tdb(utc_time: Any)

convert passed utc time or times to tdb (Horizons' preferred timescale for vector queries). does not account for observer position.


def tdb_to_et(tdb_time: Any)

convert time(s) in TDB to ET, 'ephemeris time' -- absolute seconds since J2000 -- the timescale preferred by SPICE.


def utc_to_et(utc_time: Any)

convert times in UTC to ET, 'ephemeris time' -- absolute seconds since J2000 -- the timescale preferred by SPICE.


def sph2cart(
    lat: Union[float, Array], 
    lon: Union[float, Array], 
    radius: Union[float, Array] = 1, 
    unit: str = "degrees"

convert spherical to cartesian coordinates. assumes input is in degrees by default; pass unit="radians" to specify input in radians. if passed any arraylike objects, returns a DataFrame, otherwise, returns a tuple of values.


  1. this assumes a coordinate convention in which latitude runs from -90 to 90 degrees.


def cart2sph(
    x0: Union[float, Array], 
    y0: Union[float, Array], 
    z0: Union[float, Array], 
    unit: str = "degrees"
) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, tuple]

convert cartesian to spherical coordinates. returns degrees by default; pass unit="radians" to return radians. if passed any arraylike objects, returns a DataFrame, otherwise, returns a tuple of values.


  1. this assumes a coordinate convention in which latitude runs from -90 to 90 degrees.
  2. returns longitude in strictly positive coordinates.


def hats(
    vectors: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]
) -> Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]

convert an array of passed "vectors" (row-wise-stacked sequences of floats) to unit vectors


def make_raveled_meshgrid(
    axes: Sequence[np.ndarray], 
    axis_names: Optional[Sequence[str, int]] = None

produces a flattened, indexed version of a 'meshgrid' (a cartesian product of axes standing in for a vector space, conventionally produced by numpy.meshgrid)


def default_lhorizon_session() -> requests.Session

returns a requests.Session object with default lhorizon options


def perform_telnet_exchange(
  message: bytes, 
  read_until_this: bytes, 
  connection: Telnet
) -> bytes

send message via connection, block until read_until_this is received or connection's timeout is met, and return all input up to encounter with read_until_this.


def have_telnet_conversation(
  conversation_structure: Sequence[tuple[bytes, bytes]], 
  connection: Telnet, lazy: bool = False
) -> Union[Iterator, tuple[bytes]]

perform a series of noninteractive telnet exchanges via connection and return the output of those exchanges.

if lazy is True, return the conversation as an iterator that performs and yields the output of each exchange when incremented.

Module _request_formatters

formatters to translate various parameters and options into URL parameters that can be parsed by JPL Horizons' CGI. These are mostly intended to be used by LHorizon methods and should probably not be called directly.


def format_geodetic_origin(location: Mapping) -> dict

creates dict of URL parameters for a geodetic coordinate origin


def format_geodetic_target(location: Mapping) -> str

creates command string for a geodetic target


def format_epoch_params(epochs: Union[Sequence, Mapping]) -> dict

creates dict of URL parameters from epochs


def make_commandline(target: Union[str, int, Mapping], closest_apparition: Union[bool, str], no_fragments: bool)

makes 'primary' command string for Horizons CGI request'


def assemble_request_params(commandline: str, query_type: str, extra_precision: bool, max_hour_angle: float, quantities: str, refraction: bool, refsystem: str, solar_elongation: Sequence[float], vec_corr: str, vec_table: int, ref_plane: str) -> dict[str]

final-stage assembler for Horizons CGI URL parameters

Module _response_parsers

helper functions for parsing response text from the JPL Horizons CGI. these functions are intended to be called by LHorizon methods and should generally not be called directly.


def make_lhorizon_dataframe(
    jpl_response: str, topocentric_target: bool = False
) -> pd.DataFrame

make a DataFrame from Horizons API response JSON.


def clean_visibility_flags(horizon_dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame

assign names to unlabeled 'visibility flag' columns -- solar presence, lunar/interfering body presence, is-target-on-near-side-of-parent-body, is-target-illuminated; drop then if empty


def clean_up_vectors_series(pattern: str, series: Array) -> pd.Series

regularize units, format text, and parse dates in a VECTORS table column


def clean_up_observer_series(pattern: str, series: Array) -> Optional[pd.Series]

regularize units, format text, and parse dates in an OBSERVER table column


def clean_up_series(query_type: str, pattern: str, series: Array) -> pd.Series

dispatch function for Horizons column cleanup functions


def polish_lhorizon_dataframe(horizon_frame: pd.DataFrame, query_type: str) -> pd.DataFrame

make a nicely-formatted table from a dataframe generated by make_lhorizon_dataframe. make tractable column names. also convert distance units from AU or km to m and arcseconds to degrees.

Module kernels

Module kernels.load


def load_metakernel()

convenience wrapper for spiceypy.furnsh() and thus SPICE FURNSH. it's impossible to accurately 'target' paths in a flexible way inside a SPICE metakernel; this sweeps directory structure messiness under the rug.