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If you don't want to make a manual deployment of the infrastructure needed by Project Y, you can follow the Setup By Script documentation, to create everything automatically.

Clone the solution

Clone the solution in your dev folder:

git clone

Once cloned, you can build the solution, using Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code.

Be sure to have .Net Core 3.1 installed on your system: Get dotnet

Once compiled, you need to:

  • Create the Azure Services required by Project Y to run.
  • Create a Service Principal required by Project Y to authenticate users.
  • Create 2 appsettings files, locally (one for dev / one for prod) to be able to start Project Y web app and web api.

As you can see, the appsettings file (in each project Ygdra.Web.UI and Ygdra.Host) are barely empty.

Azure Services

Project Y will require the following to run:

  • One Resource Group that will host the Ygdra Core Services.
  • One Azure Signal R Service instance that will push notifications to users and to Ygdra Core Services.
    • When creating your Azure Signal R Service, please use Default service mode.
    • Using a free tier may not be sufficient since the number of messages could exceed the daily limit if you are doing lots of configurations.
  • One Azure CosmosDB database that will store some Ygdra metadata and the HangFire running jobs.
    • Once the backend API (Host) is running, two databases will be created called Ygdra and HangFire.

For production, you can also choose to set up the following:

  • Two Azure Web App in the previously created Resource Group:
    • First Web App will be used for the Ygdra Web UI.
    • Second Web App will be used to host the Ygdra Web Api services.
      • This Web App needs to have the Always On option, since we have some background services running by HangFire.

Resource Group

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the subscription that you will be using for your deployment. In the navigation menu, select Resource Groups to see a list of current Resource Groups that already exist.
  2. Click the Add link above the Resource Group list to go to the Create a resource group process.
    • On the Basics tab, verify the subscription is correct and type desired name of your resource group. This is where all of the resources for managing your deployment will be placed.
    • Select the region closest to you. (Make sure that all of the resources required are available in the region you selected.)
    • On the Tags tab if you want to add any optional metadata for your resource group.
    • On the Review and create tab, verify your choices and click Create to create the resource group.

Create Resource Group

Note: In this tutorial, the location is "North Europe" and will be use everywhere. You can choose your own region depending on your needs.

Web Apps

We need two Web Apps to run the solution:

  • First Web App will be used for the Ygdra Web UI.
  • Second Web App will be used to host the Ygdra Web Api services.
    • This Web App needs to have the Always On option, since we have some background services running by HangFire.

Here is the screenshot when creating the app service for the Web UI project:

Web App For UI

Note: In this tutorial, the Web App for UI will be ygdraui and the Web App for API will be ygdraapis.

Open your Web APIS Web app, then go to Configuration -> General Settings, and check you have the property Always On set to On

Always ON

Cosmos DB

We need a Cosmos DB to store the ygdra metadatas

  1. On the list of resource groups, click the resource group you created for this deployment.
  2. Click the Add link above the resources list and click Marketplace to add a resource.
    • In the Create a resource screen select Azure Cosmos DB from the list or use the search to locate "Cosmos DB"
    • On the Basics tab:
      • The "Subscription" and "Resource group" values should already be pre-filled. Verify they are correct.
      • Enter a value for the "Account Name", Leave the API as Core (SQL) and select the appropriate "Location".
      • The other values can be left with the defaults.
    • On the Review + create tab, verify your choices and click Create to create the Cosmos DB Account.

Cosmos DB

Note: You don't need to create a database and any containers in your Cosmos DB account, since it will be done by Project Y on first start.

Once created, open the Keys page, and note your Connection String:

Connection String

Your connection string should looks like


Signal R Services

We need a Signal R Services account that will push notifications to users and to Ygdra Core Services.

  1. On the list of resource groups, click the resource group you created for this deployment.
  2. Click the Add link above the resources list and click Marketplace to add a resource.
    • In the Create a resource search for SignalR and select SignalR Service from the drop down.
    • On the SignalR Service screen, click Create to start the SignalR process.
    • On the Basics tab:
      • The "Subscription" and "Resource group" values should already be pre-filled. Verify they are correct.
      • Enter a value for the "Resource Name" and select the appropriate "Region".
      • The other values can be left with the defaults.
    • On the Review + create tab, verify your choices and click Create to create the SignalR Service.

Signal R Services

Once created, open the Keys page, and note your Connection String:

Connection String

Your connection string should looks like


Final output

Your resource group shoud looks like this:

Resource Group

Azure Service Principal

During the provisioning process, Project Y will use a Service Principal to access some Azure Services.

This Service Principal will have have:

  • RBAC assignments for Contributor and Key Vault Contributor to create resources and store their secrets in the key vault.
  • Will be used to protect our Ygdra.Host Web Api.
  • Will be used to authenticate your users.
  • An application Admin Role, to allow specific users to access the Admin section from the web ui.

Create the RBAC Service Principal

  • Create an RBAC Service Principal for automation authentication.
  • Then, add some specific role assignments to this SPN, needed by Project Y:
    • Contributor to be able to create Azure Resources.
    • Key Vault Contributor to be able to access the Project Y Key Vault.
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "ProjectYDemo" --role "Contributor"
  "displayName": "ProjectYDemo",
  "name": "http://ProjectYDemo",
  "password": "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX",

az role assignment create --assignee <appId> --role "Key Vault Contributor"

# Otherwise, for an existing SPN, you can use this az role assignement command line:
# az role assignment create --assignee <appId> --role "Contributor"
# az role assignment create --assignee <appId> --role "Key Vault Contributor"

From the results output from the CLI, make note of the following:

  • appId: Will be used as ClientID in the appsettings.
  • password: Will be used as ClientSecret in appsettings.
  • tenant: Will be used as TenantId in appsettings.

We need the underlying Managed Identity Object Id, from the Service Principal.
You can get it with from this command line:

az ad sp show --id <appId> --query objectId
  • The output value will be used as ClientObjectId in the appsettings.

Application / Web app Authentication

From the Azure Portal, go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations.
Choose your newly created Application (called ProjectYDemo refering the previous script in this walkthrough)

SPN 00

We will configure this SPN, through all the sections available on the left menu:


From your Application go to Authentication section, and add some web redirections:

We can use the same SPN for both prod and dev. So far, each url will be submitted twice.
One for localhost dev mode, and one for production mode.

Redirection for Ygdra.Host:

Redirection for Ygrdra.Web.UI:

SPN 01

Be sure to check Acess tokens and ID tokens (We need both, especially for Swagger)
Then allow accounts in any organization (Project Y uses the /common endpoint)

SPN 02

Certificate and Secrets

From your Application go to Certificates and secrets, and generate your secret. Be sure to note this secret somewhere. You will need it in your appsettings files.

Web Api protection

From your Application go to Expose an API section, and edit the Application ID URI.
This application ID Uri should looks like:


Then, add a new scope:

  • Scope Name: user_impersonation
  • Who can Consent: Admins and Users

The newly scope should looks like https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}{CLIENT_ID}/user_impersonation

From your Application go to Api Permissions section, and add permissions:

  • Microsoft Graph : User.Read, User.ReadBasic.All
  • Your API : user_impersonation

SPN 03

Create the Admin Role

From your Application, Go to App Roles and create a new app role:

  • Display Name: Admin
  • Allowed members types: Users/Groups
  • Value: Admin (this value MUST be 'Admin' since it's used in the Ygdra code)
  • Description: Ygdra Administrators
  • Do you want to enable this app role: Yes

SPN 04

Add your user to Admin Role

From your Application go to Overview section, then click on your Managed Application in local directory Entreprise Application link.
You will be redirected to the Managed Identity that supports your Application.

You should see now, from the Entreprise Application properties, the Object ID value, that we get from the az ad sp show --id <appId> --query objectId query, previously.

From your Entreprise Application, go to Users and Groups section.
Then assign your user to the Admin role.

Azure Web Apps Configuration

Once you have cloned the Poject Y repository, please add a new appsettings.Development.json file (and appsettings.Production.json when you will deploy into production)

Note: These two files are part of the .gitignore file, and then, will not be commited to the Github repository.

Configuration for the Azure Web Api project Ygdra.Host:

  "AzureAd": {
    "Instance": "",
    "Domain": "", // Domain of your tenant. For example
    "TenantId": "", // Tenant Id of your domain. You can find it from the Azure Active Directory Blade Overview Page
    "SubscriptionId": "", // Subscription Id where everything will be deployed. You can find it from the Azure Subcriptions Blade
    "ClientId": "", // Client Id of your Service Principal 
    "ClientObjectId": "", // Client Object Id from your Service Principal. Not the Application ID, the underline Managed Application ID !
    "ClientSecret": "", // Client Secret from your Service Principal
    "CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc"
  "Graph": {
    "BaseAddress": "",
    "Scopes": "User.Read User.ReadBasic.All"
  "YgdraServices": {
    "BaseAddress": "", // Ygdra Web Api Core Http Url. Something like "https://localhost:44339" if running locally, or something like "https://<YgdraWebApiName>" if running from Azure
    "Scopes": "user_impersonation"
  "YProvider": {
    "Provider": "YCosmosDbProvider",
    "Endpoint": "", // Ygdra Cosmos DB web url. Something like "https://<YgdraCosmosDbName>"
    "AccountKey": "", // CosmosDB Account Key
    "Database": "Ygdra",
    "Container": "Ygdra"
  "HangFire": {
    "Endpoint": "", // HangFire will save everything on CosmosDB. Endpoint is the CosmosDB Web Url. Something like "https://<YgdraCosmosDbName>"
    "AccountKey": "", // Cosmos DB Account Key
    "Database": "Ygdra",
    "Container": "Hangfire"
  "SignalR": {
    "ConnectionString": "" // Signal R Service Connection String. Something like "Endpoint=https://....;AccessKey=....;Version=..;"
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"

Configuration for the Azure Web UI project Ygdra.Web.UI:

  "AzureAd": {
    "Instance": "",
    "Domain": "", // Domain of your tenant. For example
    "TenantId": "", // Tenant Id of your domain. You can find it from the Azure Active Directory Blade Overview Page
    "SubscriptionId": "", // Subscription Id where everything will be deployed. You can find it from the Azure Subcriptions Blade
    "ClientId": "", // Client Id of your Service Principal 
    "ClientObjectId": "", // Client Object Id from your Service Principal
    "ClientSecret": "", // Client Secret from your Service Principal
    "CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc"
  "Graph": {
    "BaseAddress": "",
    "Scopes": "User.Read User.ReadBasic.All"
  "YgdraServices": {
    "BaseAddress": "", // Ygdra Web Api Core Http Url. Something like "https://localhost:44339" if running locally, or something like "https://<YgdraWebApiName>" if running from Azure
    "Scopes": "user_impersonation"
  "SignalR": {
    "ConnectionString": "" // Signal R Service Connection String. Something like "Endpoint=https://....;AccessKey=....;Version=..;"
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"