- feat: Portable Debug Data images (#56)
- feat: Breadcrumb level (#57)
- feat: #16 Include host machine environment details (#55)
- fix: nullability requirement
- fix: #31 use GeneratedRegex (2024-10-01)
- docs: #17 document BrowserStats and BrowserSpecs (#54)
- test: #18 RaygunErrorBoundary tests (#53)
- ci: fix broken ci components (#51)
- feat: #34 OnBeforeSend
- feat: #29 throttled background processing
- feat: #30 Offline Storage
- feat: MAUI Blazor Hybrid support
- docs: Cleanup READMEs
- chore: Cleanup TODO comments
- chore: Version 1.0.0
- feat: Raygun4Blazor - Preview 1
- feat: #13 Support JavaScript stack trace
- feat: #27 Internal RaygunLogger
- feat: #26 User Manager
- feat: #22 Blazor Server support
- fix: #9 Fix warnings
- fix: fix missing README warning
- refactor: #21 Remove .NetCore from namespace
- test: fix tests
- ci: Create dependabot.yml
- ci: GH Action title check
- ci: Set dependabot interval to "monthly"
- chore: add .idea to gitignore
- chore: Issue and PR templates
- chore: Preparing for release 0.0.2