Releases: Minerx117/NemosMiner
Releases · Minerx117/NemosMiner
NemosMiner v3.9.9.64
- Brains: Remove trailing spaces from 'currency' property (workaround for error in pool API data)
- Core: Added config item 'MinInterval' (Default=0); minimum number of cycles a miner must mine continously the same available algorithm@pool before switching is allowed
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Core: Use relative file paths where possible (avoid personal information in log files)
- Core: Avoid unnecessary miner switching
- Core: Clear watchdog timer if miner object is gone
- Core: Do not stop miner prematurely if no hashrate is received
- WebGUI / Config editor: Algorithm list not saved as array (algorithm filtering not working)
Miner updates:
- GMiner-v2.65
- NBMiner-v39.0
NemosMiner v3.9.9.63
- BalancesTracker / '.\Data\EarningsChartData.json': Renamed property 'Pools' to 'Earnings'
- Core: Add '.\Data' folder
move operational data files from '.\Logs' to '.\Data' folder; files in '.\Logs' folder can now be deleted without losing important data
move data files from '.\Includes' to '.\Data' folder; separate data from code - Core: Change structure of '\Data\UnprofitableAlgorithms.json'
- Core: End SnakeTail when closing main window
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Core: Renamed config item 'ShowMinerWindows' to 'MinerWindowStyle'
- Core: Renamed config item 'ShowMinerWindowsNormalWhenBenchmarking' to 'MinerWindowStyleNormalWhenBenchmarking'
- Brains: Remove training spaces from 'currency' property (workaround for error in pool API data)
- Core: Keep pool & miner info in API consistent while processing
- Pools: Ability to exclude pool regions (Property 'ExcludeRegion' in '.\Config\PoolsConfig.Json' config file)
- Web GUI: Display [Double]::NaN as 'N/A'
- Core:Miners: Earning_Accuracy was always 0% (regression from
- Miners: CryptoDredge & CcminerNeoscryptXaya: CPU priority too high
Miner updates:
- NanoMiner-v3.3.8
- Suprminer-v2.31 (new): Support for HeavyHash
- Trex-v0.21.6
- AhashPool, Blockmasters, NLPool, ZPool & ZergPool: Always use price information from brain job
NemosMiner v3.9.9.62
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Core: Moved .\Includes*.dll to .\Cache
- Rename \Includes*.txt to .json (to reflect what they are)
- Legacy GUI: Optimize data grid columns width
- Legacy GUI: Re-enable 'config monitoring settings in web gui' link
- Pools (Brains): Merge ZergPool & ZergPoolCoins to ZergPool (smaller code base)
- Pools (Brains): Add Currency & CoinName information (where available)
- VertHashMiner-v0.7.2: Device selection & data file parameter broken (regression from
- Pools (Brains): Always update price data, even if pool API is not responding on time
- Web GUI / utilities.js: Fix percent formatting
Miner updates:
- GMiner-v2.64
- PhoenixMiner-v5.7b
- ZergPool(24hr/Coins): Added USDT(ERC20) as guaranteed payout currency
NemosMiner v3.9.9.61
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Core: Balance listing in main screen broken (regression from
- MiningPoolHub(Coins): Verthash stratum error (API data incorrect)
NemosMiner v3.9.9.60
Important: Auto-updater in is broken.
If you are getting errors during the auto update process, the cleanest way to is:
- Rollback from backup zip file that was created when you upgraded to
- stop NemosMiner
- remove all files in your NemosMiner folder except the AutoupdateBackup files
- restore the contents from the zip file. This will recreate your previous NemosMiner installation (incl. config & stats).
- Replace /Includes/Includes.psm1 from
- Restart nemos miner. The auto-updater will update to
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Legacy GUI: Optimize code, hourglass mouse pointer when busy
- Core: Pool price decay message not shown
- VertHash miners: Fix verthash.dat creation
Miner updates:
- JayddeeCpu-v3.17.1
- NBMiner-v38.1
- SRBMinerMulti-v0.7.9
- Trex-v0.21.5
- ZPool: Lower minimum BTC payout threshold to 0.0015 BTC
NemosMiner v3.9.9.59
Important: Auto-updater in is broken (auto-updates to later versions will fail).
It is recommended to skip this version.
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Core / CPUID.cs: Make compatible with pwsh 7.2.0-preview.8
Miner updates:
- ClaymoreDualME-v2.6
- GMiner-v2.63 (for contest support you need to configure a valid ETH address)
- MiniZ-v1.8y4rc1
- SRBMinerMulti-v0.7.8
- TeamRed-v0.8.3
- BalancesKeepAlive: Force mining to pools before balances get cleared by the pool (new config item 'BalancesKeepAlive = $true')
NemosMiner v3.9.9.58
- Core: Minor code enhancements, speed improvements & cleanup
- Legacy GUI: Make window resizable
- Legacy GUI: Make data grids sortable
- MiniZ-v1.8y3 broken (regression from
- WebGUI / Config editor: Never add unsupported device names to 'ExcludeDeviceName'
Miner updates:
- JayddeeCpu-v3.17.0
- Trex-v0.21.4
NemosMiner v3.9.9.57
- Core / Set-Stat: Improve self-healing if measured value is out of tolerance
- Core / DataReader processes: Reduce memory consumption
- EthashLowMem miners: Enable algorithm for 2GB cards
- SRBMiner-v0.7.7: Enable Ethash on MiningPoolHub(Coins)
- WebGUI: Optimize utilities.json, code cleanup
- WebGUI / Earnings Chart: Added 'Total' to tooltips
- NanoMiner crash if multiple instances are launched in sequence (nanopool/nanominer#259); temp fix
Miner updates:
- GMiner-v2.60
- lolMiner-v1.31
- MiniZ-v1.8y3
- NanoMiner-v3.3.7
- Trex-v0.21.3
NemosMiner v3.9.9.56
- Miners: Remove obsolete property 'Wrap'
- WebGUI / Watchdog Timers: Add button 'Reset all watchdog timers'
- Switching log: fix duration formatting
- VertHash miners: Fix WarmupTime when verthash.dat needs creation
Miner updates:
- BMiner-v16.4.6
- GMiner-v2.59
- Trex-v0.21.0
NemosMiner v3.9.9.55
- Fix saving stats if stored value was unreal for 4 times in a row
- Fix Randomx* algorithm names
Miner updates:
- NanoMiner-v3.3.6
- NBMiner-v38.1
- SRBMinerMulti-v0.7.7