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music chat design


  • The interaction is based on a standard chat app.
  • It is personal but anonymous.
  • It is delivered as a progressive web app with responsible layout; on desktop the extra space may be used to display multiple views side-by-side, including content documents/videos.
  • A single server may host different organisations (sites).
  • Each site may have its own branding.
  • A single organisation may offer different experiences/versions to different groups or at different times.
  • Interaction is broken down into something equivalent to "chats" (or groups or users), but which may represent (e.g.) different topics.
  • There is a reward system based on visible stickers/badges. (There may also be invisible "rewards", i.e. internal state.)
  • Access to chats and delivery of content can be based on which rewards the user has. Rewards can be given within chats.
  • The dialog system within a single chat is very simple, and will be limited to closed multiple choice responses.
  • Most content will be static/pre-configured.
  • At least initially, authoring will be by populating a spreadsheet template.
  • It may be possible to post additional messages to a group.
  • Content (links) can be delivered through the chat including videos (most likely hosted on YouTube), images, audio files, documents and web pages (links).
  • There may be some integration with e.g. google classrooms for user uploads/submissions.

Assuming MongoDB for now.

See example config spreadsheet

Security and accounts


  • whitelisted emails, per site or group
  • request admin session - enter email, get temporary link
  • maybe require email again and a password
  • send all admin email on significant changes


  • identified by allocated ID/code in link
  • group option to require 'initials'
  • group option to require an email (not stored) to sent link to
  • group option to allow self-enrolment
  • group option to require PIN?

Data model

NB see typescript types.ts


Colletion 'Sites'. Note, this could be static config.

Site properties:

  • _id (string) - site identifier, hopefully URL-able (shortname)
  • name (string) - site title
  • description (string) - short description of site
  • admins (array of Admin) - site admins
  • ??favicon - site favicon (encoded? url?)
  • ?? site-specific template and CSS stuff (colours, images, etc.)

Admin has:

  • email (string)
  • password (string) - suitably hashed
  • enabled (bool)

Collection 'AdminSessions'.

AdminSession properties:

  • admin (string) - email
  • password (string) - suitably hashed
  • sessionkey (string) - if current session active
  • sessionexpires (Date) - when session expires

Collection AdminLogs

AdminLog has:

  • admin (string) - email
  • date (Date)
  • action (string)
  • level (string) - 'info', 'warn'
  • clientip (string)
  • details (object)


Within a single site there may be one or more Groups. Each group has its own independent set of users, activities and content. A group represens a single bounded set of related activities with the same set of users/students and admins/teachers. It could involve one school or many. It is comparable to a Google "Class" or Moodle "Course".

Group IDs will be prefixed with the Site ID, e.g. "S1/G1".

Collection 'Groups'.

Group properties:

  • id (string) group/class identifier (shortname), URLable
  • _id (string) - site ID '/' group id
  • name (string) - display name/title
  • description (string) - short description
  • showpublic (bool) - show on public site group list
  • requireinitials (bool) - require user initials
  • requirepin (bool) - require user to set PIN
  • requireemail (string) - require email (not stored) to send usercode to
  • allowselfenrol (bool) - allow self-enrolment
  • password (string) - group joining password
  • allowguest (bool) - allow (stateless) keyless guest access
  • rewards (array) - array of Rewards - rewards available
  • site (object) - Site de-norm, partial, e.g. CSS/brand
  • ?? group-specific admin

Reward, used in Group.rewards, properties:

  • _id (string) - requard id, short name
  • icon (string) - reward icon filename (default scope is site icons)
  • noicon (string) - optional icon filename when you don't have it
  • comment (string) - for admin/author


A User is an end-user of a group, i.e. a student/class-member. Each user belongs to a specific Group. Users are anonymous, and access control/identification is via a user code generated for each User if/when they are for their progress to be saved (or if signed up by the organisation).

Collections 'Users'.

User properties:

  • _id (string) - PK, site/group/usercode
  • usercode (string) - random ID
  • initials (string) - if required (Group.requireinitials)
  • ?? pin (string) - for security (Group.requirepin)
  • groupid (string) - user's site '/' group (FK)
  • group (object) - group de-norm {name, description, site, requireinitials, requirepin, requireemail, allowguest}
  • rewards (array) - array of UserReward - probably only those the user has or that have an icon for not having
  • chats (array) - array of UserChat, de-norm cache of top-level ChatInfo excluding messages
  • content (array) - array of Content, user's personal content list
  • created (Date)
  • lastmodified (Date)

UserReward, used in User.rewards:

  • _id (string) - reward id, short name
  • got (bool)
  • icon (string) - denorm from Reward, reward icon filename (default scope is site icons)
  • noicon (string) - denorm from Reward, optional icon filename when you don't have it


Content, used in User.content, UserMessage and MessageDef:

  • _id (string) - unique across MessageDefs
  • title (string) - for user resources view
  • description (string) - for user resources view
  • section (string) - section title in user resources view
  • sortorder (number) - for sorting, low to high
  • type (string) - one of image, youtube, mp3, document, website
  • url (string)
  • hidden (bool) - don't show in/add to content tab

?? other content types, e.g. multi-track or switchable audio.


One User's actual conversation in one Chat.

Collection 'UserChats'.

UserChat, has:

  • _id (string) - PK, site/group/chat/usercode
  • chatdef (object) - de-norm ChatDef, excluding messages
  • enabled (bool) - disabled => locked
  • unread (bool) - new content
  • waiting (bool) - waiting for response
  • messages (array) - array of UserMessage
  • nextix (int) - index of current/next MessageDef
  • ?? visible (bool) - in master list

UserMessage, part of UserChat, (cf MessageDef):

  • userinput (string) - user's input (optional)
  • message (string) - message to user (optional)
  • content (object) - Content (optional)
  • rewardicons (array of string) - URLs of rewards given (optional)
  • date (Date) - date/time added
  • ?? new or seen

Note, elements present are displayed in the above order, userinput then message then content then rewards.

ChatDef and MessageDef

Definition of a Chat, Group-specific.

Collection ChatDefs.

ChatDef, has:

  • id (string) - chat ID, URLable, unique within group
  • _id (string) - PK, site/group/chat
  • groupid (string) - FK Group, i.e. site/group
  • ifall (array of string) - rewards required to enable (and)
  • andnot (array of string) - rewards that disable (and)
  • sortorder (number) - for sorting
  • name (string) - display name
  • description (string) - description (on card)
  • icon (string) - filename of icon/avatar, defaults to site icons dir
  • messages(array) - array of MessageDef
  • ?? visible controls

MessageDef, part of ChatDef, has:

  • label (string) - optional jump label
  • (trigger conditions:)
  • ifall (array of string) - rewards required to enable (and)
  • andnot (array of string) - rewards that disable (and)
  • after (number) - optional, second to wait before enabling
  • waitfor (string) - user input to wait for (prompt)
  • ornext (bool) - also check the next MessageDef
  • ?? wait for teacher
  • (actions:)
  • message (string) - message to user
  • content (object) - Content
  • rewards (array of string) - IDs of rewards to give
  • reset (array of string) - IDs of (usually hidden) rewards to remove
  • jumpto (string) next label (default is next after ornext group)