-| Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
-| -------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
-| `options` **(required)** | `OptionsType
` | | An array of objects that represents the available options for a `Select`. | } /> |
-| `animation` | `boolean` \| `number` | `true` \| `200` | An options list open-close animation can be enabled or disabled using a `boolean` parameter. The duration of the animation can be set using a `number` parameter. If you pass `0` as the duration, the animation is still occur but will be instantaneous. | } /> |
-| `clearable` | `boolean` | `true` | Show a clear button to remove selected option. | } /> |
-| `closeOptionsListOnSelect` | `boolean` | `true` | Close the options list after selected option. | } /> |
-| `defaultOption` | `OptionType` | | An object that represents the default option for a `Select`. | } /> |
-| `disabled` | `boolean` | `false` | Disable a `Select` pressable. | } /> |
-| `hasBackdrop` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether a `Select` component should have a `Backdrop` component. | } /> |
-| `hideArrow` | `boolean` | `false` | Determines the arrow icon should be displayed. | } /> |
-| `multiple` | `boolean` | `false` | Determines whether a `Select` component should allow the user to select multiple options. | } /> |
-| `noOptionsText` | `string` | `No options` | Determines the text that should be displayed when there are no available options in a `Select` component. | } /> |
-| `placeholderText` | `string` | `Select...` | Determines the placeholder text that should be displayed in a `Select` component when no option is selected. | } /> |
-| `placeholderTextColor` | `string` | `#808080` | Determines the color of the placeholder text in a `Select` component. | } /> |
-| `scrollToSelectedOption` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether a `Select` component should automatically scroll to the selected option when the options list is opened. | } /> |
-| `pressableSelectedOption` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the selected option should still be pressable after it has been selected. | } /> |
-| `searchable` | `boolean` | `false` | Determines whether a `Select` component should include a search field that allows the user to filter the options by keyword. | } /> |
-| `searchPattern` | `(payload: string) => string` | `(payload: string) => (${payload})` | Regex definition for searching options. | To Do |
-| `styles` | `SelectStyles` | | An object that represents the styles for a `Select` component. | To Do |
-| `theme` | `none` \| `light` \| `dark` | `none` | Pre-prepared styles for light and dark theme. They can be overwritten. | } /> |
+| Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
+| -------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
+| `options` **(required)** | `OptionsType` | | An array of objects that represents the available options for a `Select`. | } /> |
+| `animation` | `boolean` \| `number` | `true` \| `200` | An options list open-close animation can be enabled or disabled using a `boolean` parameter. The duration of the animation can be set using a `number` parameter. If you pass `0` as the duration, the animation is still occur but will be instantaneous. | } /> |
+| `clearable` | `boolean` | `true` | Show a clear button to remove selected option. | } /> |
+| `closeOptionsListOnSelect` | `boolean` | `true` | Close the options list after selected option. | } /> |
+| `defaultOption` | `OptionType` | `OptionType[] | | An object or an array of objects that represent the default option(s) for a `Select`. | } /> |
+| `disabled` | `boolean` | `false` | Disable a `Select` pressable. | } /> |
+| `hasBackdrop` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether a `Select` component should have a `Backdrop` component. | } /> |
+| `hideArrow` | `boolean` | `false` | Determines the arrow icon should be displayed. | } /> |
+| `multiple` | `boolean` | `false` | Determines whether a `Select` component should allow the user to select multiple options. | } /> |
+| `noOptionsText` | `string` | `No options` | Determines the text that should be displayed when there are no available options in a `Select` component. | } /> |
+| `placeholderText` | `string` | `Select...` | Determines the placeholder text that should be displayed in a `Select` component when no option is selected. | } /> |
+| `placeholderTextColor` | `string` | `#808080` | Determines the color of the placeholder text in a `Select` component. | } /> |
+| `scrollToSelectedOption` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether a `Select` component should automatically scroll to the selected option when the options list is opened. | } /> |
+| `pressableSelectedOption` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the selected option should still be pressable after it has been selected. | } /> |
+| `searchable` | `boolean` | `false` | Determines whether a `Select` component should include a search field that allows the user to filter the options by keyword. | } /> |
+| `searchPattern` | `(payload: string) => string` | `(payload: string) => (${payload})` | Regex definition for searching options. | To Do |
+| `styles` | `SelectStyles` | | An object that represents the styles for a `Select` component. | To Do |
+| `theme` | `none` \| `light` \| `dark` | `none` | Pre-prepared styles for light and dark theme. They can be overwritten. | } /> |
diff --git a/website/docs/usage.md b/website/docs/usage.md
index 17a677b2..c1dd6c94 100644
--- a/website/docs/usage.md
+++ b/website/docs/usage.md
@@ -616,6 +616,56 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
export default App;
+### Default Options
+You can use the `defaultOption` prop to pass pre-selected options to either a single or multi select component.
+```SnackPlayer name=Multiple with separated options&dependencies=@mobile-reality/react-native-select-pro@2.0.0
+import React from 'react';
+import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
+import { Select, SelectProvider } from '@mobile-reality/react-native-select-pro';
+const data = [
+ {
+ value: 'value1',
+ label: 'First label',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'value2',
+ label: 'Second label ',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'value3',
+ label: 'Third label',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'value4',
+ label: 'Fourth label',
+ },
+const App = () => {
+ return (