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Simone edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 29 revisions


The installation script (install.m) is contained in distribution/matlab. You can execute it once.

Getting Started

Let start from a simple example (multipleMonitorSimple.m) that you can find in example/TemporalExamples/SimpleExamples/

The script which defines formulas, domain, and type, is contained in

% file

signal { real x; real y}
domain boolean; 
formula future = globally [0, 0.2]  (x > y);
formula past = historically [0, 0.2]  (x > y);

As you can see, it is a temporal script, there are two formulas: future and past and the domain is Boolean.
The signal should be composed of two real value represented by the variable x and y.
For more details about Moonlight scripts please visit the dedicated section

This script has been loaded and used in multipleMonitor.m which is reported below

% file multipleMonitorSimple.m

close all;

%% STEP 1: generating signal
trajFunction = @(t)[sin(t);cos(t)]';
time = 0:0.1:3.1;
values = trajFunction(time);

%% STEP 2: loading the Moonlight Script
moonlightScript = ScriptLoader.loadFromFile("multipleMonitors");

%% STEP 3 (optional): change the domain on the fly

%% STEP 4: getting the monitor associated with a target formula
boolFutureMonitor = moonlightScript.getMonitor("future");

%% STEP 5: monitor the signal 
boolFutureMonitorResult = boolFutureMonitor.monitor(time,values);

Pay attention to comments. As you can see there are 5 steps:

  • STEP 1: define a temporal signal.
  • STEP 2: loading the Moonlight Script from a file named and contained in the same folder as our Matlab script. We use the method loadFromFile of the Matlab class ScriptLoader
  • STEP 3 (optional): we can decide to change the domain of the script on the fly by using one of the two methods setMinMaxDomain() or setBooleanDomain() to set the MinMax or Boolean Domain, respectively.
  • STEP 4: getting the monitor associated with a target formula. We use the method getMonitor("future") which accepts the string of the formula name we want to use.
  • STEP 5: finally we can use the generated monitor (boolFutureMonitor) to monitor each compatible tempora signal