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Mottie edited this page Feb 13, 2015 · 6 revisions

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Custom Widget Build

  • A dist folder is dynamically created and updated with .min.js and .min.css versions of all the files.
  • The jquery.tablesorter.js file is copied as-is from the source directory.
  • A custom jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js file is created using npm & grunt; this file also includes a compressed version.
  • If you need a source (uncompressed/developement) version of the file, look in the js/, css/ or addons/ folders.

Installing Node.js & Grunt

  • Install Node.js - it includes npm (node package manager).
  • Open a command window in the tablesorter root directory.
  • Enter npm install to load all the necessary dependencies into the node_modules folder; this includes grunt.
  • Enter npm install -g grunt-cli to install the grunt command-line-interface globablly.
  • Now you are ready to run grunt!

Standard Build

  • A standard build includes the following widgets:

    • storage - local storage of specific widget settings with a cookie fallback.
    • uitheme - Enhancements to add Bootstrap & jQuery UI themes to tablesorter.
    • columns - Column highlighting of sorted columns.
    • filter - Filter rows
    • stickyHeaders - make the header stick to the top of the page while scrolling.
    • resizable - make columns resizable.
    • saveSort - Use the storage widget to save the last sort.
  • To create a jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js (and compressed file) with the standard widgets, enter:


Custom Build

  • To get a custom build, you'll need to create a json file in the root directory, with a list of the widgets to include.
  • Name the file anything you want but do not include any spaces.
  • An example.json file has been included in the root directory for reference, but don't modify it because it will get updated with the repository.

json File

The contents of the json file will look like this:

  "widgets" : "filter stickyHeaders uitheme",
  "includeDependencies" : false


  • widgets option:
    • The widgets option will be a list of widget names taken from the file name between the "widget-" and the ".js" (widget-{name}.js), e.g. use "filter-formatter-jui" for the jQuery UI specific filter formatter file named "widget-filter-formatter-jui.js".
    • For ease of entry, this value is a string of space separated widget names, extra spaces will be ignored.
  • includeDependencies option:
    • This option adds any widget dependencies to the custom widget file during the build when set to true.
    • For example, several widgets need the storage widget to save data, so if you include the "saveSort" widget, the "storage" widget will automatically be included when this option is true.
    • Another example is if you include the "filter-formatter-jui" widget, it will automatically include the "filter" widget.
    • Setting this option to false will flag the build to not include dependencies within the jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js file; just be aware that the included widgets might still need that dependency.
    • Not setting or including this option will make it default to true.
  • To use the custom options:
    • Run grunt custom:{file-name} to create the custom file.

    • This example shows how to use the included example.json set up.

      grunt custom:example.json

Testing a Build

  • The following command will perform jshint & qunit tests on the files

    grunt test
  • Please note that several of the asynchronous qunit tests are fickle (or maybe poorly written by me) and require re-running the test before they work properly.

Build Process File Changes

  • The following changes to files have been made (this might break a few jsFiddle demos):
    • jquery.metadata.js has been moved into the js/extras folder.
    • jquery.tablesorter.widgets-filter-formatter.js
      • moved to the js/widgets folder
      • Broken into two files, and renamed to widget-filter-formatter-html5.js and widget-filter-formatter-jui.js.
    • jquery.tablesorter.widgets-filter-formatter-select2.js
      • Moved into the js/widgets folder.
      • Renamed to widget-filter-formatter-select2.js
    • jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js
      • Has been broken up into separate widget files: widget-column.js, widget-filter.js, widget-resizable.js, widget-saveSort.js, widget-stickyHeaders.js, widget-storage.js and widget-uitheme.js.
      • A default build creates a file of the above widgets combined in the dist/js folder.
      • A copy of this newly created combined widget file is then copied back to the js/ folder to allow external demos (jsFiddle) to still work.
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