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Hernán Indíbil de la Cruz Calvo edited this page May 22, 2022 · 4 revisions

The Drewom class aims to serve as the middleware between the designs made in QSimov and the target quantum simulator/computer.

By default, it targets the Doki simulator for CPU with OpenMP support. To check all the available connectors, please check the Available connectors section.


  • Drewom(String qmachine="doki", Dictionary extra={"num_threads": -1, "random_generator": np.random.rand, "use_system": True, "return_struct": False, "core": None})
    • qmachine (optional): name of the connector to use. Defaults to "doki", the default simulator
    • extra (optional): a Python dictionary with the configuration for the connector (read the Available connectors section to know the available parameters for each connector. Defaults to {"num_threads": -1, "random_generator": np.random.rand, "use_system": True, "return_struct": False, "core": None}, which means using all threads available to OpenMP, using numpy.random.rand as the random generator, using QSystem instead of QRegistry, only returning the classical registry values and using the CPU version of Doki


  • List execution(QCircuit qcircuit, Integer iterations=1)
    • qcircuit: the QCircuit instance to execute
    • iterations (optional): how many times should the qcircuit be executed. Defaults to 1
    • return -> a list containing the result of each iteration. Check the Available connectors to know the details about the structure of the results
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