cmd | operation | Flags | Example |
docker pull <name> |
pull the image from hub for later use | ||
docker run <name> |
run the container | 1.-d =False run container in detach mode i.e. background or not,2. -t to allocate psuedo-tty(virtual terminal),3. -p port mapping.4. -e entry point 5. -v mounts host volume in container image, 6. --name set container name 7. -rm remove the container if it exits8. -runtime change the runtime if its set to nvidia container can use CUDA Toolkit.9. -e set environment variable. |
1.-d 2. -t 3. -p <host>:<container> 4. -e <name of varable>=<value> 5. -v <host_dir>:<container_dir> 6. -name 7. -rm 8. $ docker run -it --rm -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 --runtime=nvidia nvidia/cuda 9. $ docker run -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 tensorflow/tensorflow |
docker attach <ID/name> |
attache running container | ||
docker restart <ID/name> |
restart container | ||
docker stop <ID/name> |
stop container | ||
docker rm <ID/name> |
remove container | -f force remove |
docker rmi <ID/name> |
remove image | -f force remove |
cmd | operation | Flags | Example |
docker build -t <image> . |
builds the new image from Dockerfile present in the current dir. | -t tag/name of image |
docker push <DockerHub_user_id>/<Image_name>:<tag> |
push docker images to docker hub. | docker push talhailyas/tensorflow:2.3.0 |
docker tag <prev_image_name>:<tag> <new_image_name>:<tag> |
change docker image name | docker tag tensorflow:2.3.0 tensorflow:2.3.0-gpu |
docker commit <container_name> <image_name>:<tag> |
commit changes to already built container | docker commit tf3 tensorflow:2.3.0 |
cmd | operation | comment |
docker iamges ls |
prints the space used by each iamge | |
docker ps -s |
shows sizes (physical/virtual) of each container when running | |
docker system df |
shows how many images are on host machine how many ar running and how much memory they are using/sharing with each other | adding -v flage here sets the verbosity of the command output |
docker inspect <image> |
to see stored location or WD of specific images | none |
docker network ls |
list networks | |
docker exec <container_name or container_id> <command> <params> |
runs bash command outside of running container | e.g. docker exec ttf3 apt-get update |
cmd | operation | comment |
docker kill $(docker ps -q) |
stop all containers | docker ps will list all contaniners,-q flag will return ids of all containers and docker kill will stop them |
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) |
remove all docker containers | -a flag will return all the containers even the ones not running |
docker rmi $(docker images -q) |
remove all docker images | rm means remove container rmi means remove image |
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) |
stop all containers |
// save image.
$ // docker save <option> <file_name>.tar <image_name>:<tag>
$ docker save -o /home/jonghyeok/data/jonghyeok.tar numpy_nvidia/cuda:10.0-base
// load image.
$ // docker load < <file_name>.tar
$ docker load < /home/jonghyeok/data/jonghyeok.tar
// save container.
$ docker export <container_name> > <file_name>.tar
// load container.
$ docker import <file_name>.tar