This recipe shows how simple it is to compute derived state for your simplux modules.
If you are new to simplux there is a recipe that will help you get started before you follow this recipe.
You can play with the code for this recipe in this code sandbox.
Before we start let's install simplux.
npm i @simplux/core -S
Now we're ready to go.
In simplux all state is contained in modules, so let's create one.
import { createSimpluxModule } from '@simplux/core'
const counterModule = createSimpluxModule('counter', { value: 10 })
To compute derived state for our module we can define so-called selectors. A selector is a pure function that takes the module's state - and optionally some additional arguments - and returns some derived value.
It is important that the selector is pure since it allows memoizing its result for efficiency (which simplux does for you automatically)
import { createSelectors } from '@simplux/core'
// to compute derived state we can define selectors
const { plusOne, plus } = createSelectors(counterModule, {
// we can have selectors that only use the state
plusOne: ({ value }) => value + 1,
// but they can also have arguments
plus: ({ value }, amount: number) => value + amount,
// by default, a selector is evaluated with the module's latest state
console.log(`state + 1:`, plusOne()) // prints 11
console.log(`state + 5:`, plus(5)) // prints 15
// but you can also call a selector with a specific state
console.log(`20 + 1:`, plusOne.withState({ value: 20 })) // prints 21
console.log(`20 + 5:`, plus.withState({ value: 20 }, 5)) // prints 25
// when the module's state is changed, the selector will get
// evaluated with the changed state
counterModule.setState({ value: 50 })
console.log(`changed state + 5:`, plus(5))
And that is all you need to compute derived state with simplux.
By now you are certainly curious how simplux can help you in more complex scenarios. Our other recipes are an excellent starting point for this.