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420 lines (288 loc) · 17.1 KB

File metadata and controls

420 lines (288 loc) · 17.1 KB


  1. Can't connect to ('', 5000) Running the mlflow server failed. Please see the logs above for details.

    ANS: ps aux | grep gunicorn and then manually kill [PID]

  2. mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: Could not find experiment with ID 0

    ANS: Pay attention to the current location you run MLflow, should be the location with the experiments.

  3. MlflowException: Cannot set a deleted experiment 'nyc-taxi-experiment' as the active experiment. You can restore the experiment, or permanently delete the experiment to create a new one.

    ANS: mlflow gc --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlflow.db(replace with your PATH)

  4. [2023-06-09 16:54:01 -0400] [21091] [ERROR] Connection in use: ('', 5000) [2023-06-09 16:54:01 -0400] [21091] [ERROR] Retrying in 1 second.

    ANS: kill -9 $(lsof -i:5000 -t) 2> /dev/null kill the task that is using port 5000


  1. (modified content, untracked content)

    ANS: Jump to the target folder, rm -rf .git*

    Similar: Cancel tracking

    # Remove a file
    git rm --cached readme1.txt // remove tracking but not phisically remove the file
    git rm --f readme1.txt  //remove the file
    # Remove a folder
    git rm --cached -rf .idea  // remove tracking (under current folder )but not phisically remove the file
    git rm --cached -rf **/.idea/   // remove the tracking (under each folder)
    git rm -rf .idea/    // remove tracking but not phisically remove the file
  2. After git push origin main, message as Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


    1. Generate Public Key
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C YOUREMAIL
    ssh -v
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    1. Then, vim to copy the key info, and go to your account in Github 'Setting' -> 'SSH and GPG keys' -> 'new SSH key', paste the key info.

    2. Finally, ssh -T and shows message as "Hi XXX! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access."

  3. git pull origin main But shows message fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

    ANS: git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories

  4. Tracking files

    ANS: git ls-tree -r master --name-only

  5. Do not want to upload specific files(Cancel tracking)


    1). Add all except the targets to commit git add --all -- ':!path/to/file1

    2). touch .gitignore to create .gitignore, then edit it as:

    target          //ignore target folder
    angular.json    //ignore angular.json
    log/*           //ignore all the files under /log
    css/*.css       //ignore all the .css files under /css

    and finally, git add .

  6. hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind. Since the remote is without any files.

    ANS: Force to push the files git push -u origin main -f

  7. Delete commit

    ANS: Reset to staging. git reset --soft HEAD^ p.s. if check with git status, working area is no commits Similar Delete commit 2/3

  8. See full history of log

    ANS: git log --all --full-history


  9. Delete targets from specific folder

    ANS: git rm --cached 02-experiment-tracking/ -r

  10. Show info of Commit History git show 9ddc9dca00b --stat


git push origin aff53c790ed13236fbfdfce5feee473324bc7a5a:master

  1. git merge & git rebase

[Git pull usage]

x--x--C1--C2--C3 (B)

1). git merge -i C1~

x--x--C1--C2--C3 (B)
    |          ^
    |          |
  (origin/B) -->

2). git rebase -i C1~

 x--x--C2'--C1'--C3' (B)
  1. It is suitable for completely deleting large resources from git from a git project, including historical submission records. If it's not enough to delete a file in a directory, as long as the file is in the commit record, there will be information about the file in .git. Use filter-branch to forcibly modify the submission information, and erase the historical submission traces of a certain file, as if this file has never existed 1). Root folder, run git rev-list --all | xargs -rL1 git ls-tree -r --long | sort -uk3 | sort -rnk4 | head -10 2). Edit commit git filter-branch --tree-filter "rm -f {filepath}" -- --all 3). Force to push it to remote git push -f --all


Parent_dir | ├──c1_dir | | | └── | ├── |
| └──c2_dir | ├── └──

case1 : Call the file of the parent directory; such as calling the file in the file. You need to add the following code at the head of the file, and then you can use the functions in the test file in the file.

   import sys
    import  test

case2 : Call the simple file of c2_dir in the subfolder; for example, calls, and does not call other files in its same level directory; first add an empty "" under the folder file, and then you can call the file directly, so that you can use the function in the file.

from c2_dir import b

case3 : Call the files under the subfolder c2_dir; for example, calls, and calls file; Same as case2, first add an empty "" file, and then in the file as follows:

import sys
import c2_dir.c as c

under, apply from c2_dir import b to avoid when used in but got error because evoke (error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'c')

case4: call a and b from the parent directory

from test1.a import showdata
from test1.a import plus
from test2.b import  show


case5: If wants to call a in another folder, you need to add sys.path.apend(“..”)
import sys
from c1_dir import a as t



  1. Github - Token for identification

Step 1: Go to github Setting->Developer setting->Personal access tokens (classic)->Generate new token(classic) (Note: Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You won’t be able to see it again!)

With your token, connect your remote.

ssh mlops(replace it with yours)
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gh
gh auth login

Follow the questions and finally paste your tokens as required.

Note: If you change to another computer, you have to regenerate a new token and gh auth login again


  1. FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

ANS: Check the access of S3 block if it is public or not



  1. ERROR: ' Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running aws configure. ' awsconfig.png

    1). Check configure list if the credential is already set, aws configure list 2). (optional) If it does not, and shows as follows, set the config file.

    • AWS Access Key ID [None]: The access key id from IAM
    • AWS Secret Access Key [None]: The Secret key id from IAM
    • default region name should be the similar format as: ca-central-1
  2. aws s3 ls <target> --recursive shows the history of all uploaded files

If an error reported as "MlflowException: API request to endpoint /api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/get-by-name failed with error code 403 != 200. Response body: ''", it is because mlflow did not start.

  1. "OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: 'dict_vectorizer.bin'" ANS: Run jupyter notebook, and run it online.

  2. HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden when call apply_model() in score.ipynb

Solution: instead of input_file = f'{taxi_type}_tripdata_{year:04d}-{month:02d}.parquet' use input_file = f'{taxi_type}_tripdata_{year:04d}-{month:02d}.parquet'

  1. When creating prefect storage, error: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: block_spec [SQL: ALTER TABLE block_spec RENAME TO block_schema] (Background on this error at:


pipenv run pip install SQLAlchemy==1.4.49 
rm ~/.prefect/orion.db
pipenv shell        
prefect orion database reset -y 
prefect orion start  


  1. If your log data is not base64-encoded, as: kinesisKMS.png


    The EncryptionType since the encryption type is on NONE now, which do not encrypt the records in the stream. log.png

    ANS: Check doc here.


    1. Go to Kinesis: ride-events lambdatrigger.png

    2. Go to Configuration > Encryption > Edit, click on Enable server-side encryption and Use AWS managed CMK, then save changes.

    3. Resend a record to Kinesis, if it says Invalid base64: xxxx, add --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out and resend it again.

  2. Kinesis does not be connected.: json.png

    ANS: This is because the Kinesis ('ride-event') is enabled for trigger of lambda. Try to reconnect it.

  3. An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateRepository operation: User: arn:aws:iam::135673905301:user/mlops-zoom-user is not authorized to perform: ecr:CreateRepository on resource: arn:aws:ecr:ca-central-1:135673905301:repository/duration-model because no identity-based policy allows the ecr:CreateRepository action

    ANS: Go to IAM User policy and add AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess

  4. No Basic Auth Credentials Error

    ANS: aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region> and then re-run the docker run

  5. Invalid base64

           "ride": {
               "PULocationID": 130,
               "DOLocationID": 205,
               "trip_distance": 3.66
           "ride_id": 256

    when put a new record to the trigger kinesis stream in Step 9.

    ANS: Change to add --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ in the shell code

  6. An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the GetShardIterator operation: Shard shardId-000000000000 in stream ride_predictions under account 135673905301 does not exist


    • Verify the Kinesis Data Stream Name: Double-check that the stream name specified in the Lambda function is correct. Ensure that there are no typos or spelling errors in the stream name.

    • Check Kinesis Data Stream Existence: Confirm that the Kinesis data stream "ride_predictions" exists under the AWS account with the ID "135673905301." You can do this by logging in to the AWS Management Console, navigating to the Kinesis service, and checking the list of streams for the specified AWS account.

    • Verify the Shard ID: If you are manually specifying the shard ID in your Lambda function, ensure that you are using the correct shard ID for the "ride_predictions" stream. Shard IDs are unique identifiers for individual shards in a Kinesis data stream.

    • Check Lambda Function Permissions: Ensure that the Lambda function has the necessary permissions to interact with the Kinesis data stream. The Lambda function's execution role should have appropriate permissions (e.g., kinesis:DescribeStream, kinesis:GetShardIterator) to interact with the specified Kinesis stream.

    • Check AWS Region: Make sure that both the Lambda function and the Kinesis data stream are in the same AWS region. Cross-region operations might not be allowed if not explicitly configured.

    • Confirm the Code Logic: Review the Lambda function's code to ensure that the GetShardIterator operation is being called correctly. Double-check that there are no logical errors causing the issue.

    • Look for Recent Changes: If the error started occurring after a recent update or deployment, consider rolling back changes to isolate the cause.

    • CloudWatch Logs: Enable logging for the Lambda function and check the CloudWatch logs to get more details about the error. This might provide additional insights into the issue.


  1. grafana_1 | Error: ✗ Datasource provisioning error: read /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/datasource.yaml: is a directory

Solutions: docker-compose rm then restart it with docker-compose up --build

  1. OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: './data' since can not find the relative path


  • Change path './data' to absolute address
  • Or change the config file of jupyter notebook
    jupyter notebook --generate-config 
    cd /Users/amberm (YOUR_USER_NAME)/.jupyter
    and then change the default path to the one under your path
    ## The directory to use for notebooks and kernels
    #  Default: ''
    c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'YOUR_PRO_PATH'
  1. Install evidently package

Solutions: conda install -c conda-forge evidently


  1. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model' when run ANS: Insert into

    import os, sys

  3. Info of AWS S3 Check Run_id of the models in S3: aws s3 ls s3://{YOUR_S3_BUCKET}/1/ Check models of the models in S3: aws s3 ls s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/7c8bb75fadea44aa9337ec3de35c430e/artifacts/model/ Download models from S3 to ./model folder: aws s3 cp --recursive s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/7c8bb75fadea44aa9337ec3de35c430e/artifacts/model/ model

  4. Check the info of files in model folder: ls -lh model/

  5. mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: The following failures occurred while downloading one or more artifacts from s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/None/artifacts: {'model': "ClientError('An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Not Found')"}

    ANS: export RUN_ID=YOUR_RUN_ID

  6. Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint integration-test-backend-1 (64fec1e2d167699754312ba77a8a7da4dde1031372c81088e6f2201ff9340acd): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

    ANS: PORT 8080:8080 is already allocated, so docker ps and `docker stop CURRENT_8080_PID

  7. zsh: permission denied: ./

    ANS: chmod +x FILE_ADDRESS

  8. ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c pipenv install --system --deploy" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 when run bash file.

    ANS: Since pipenv installs the dependency from Pipfile.lock, here is expected to update Pipfile.lock with pipenv install Pipfile. and then re-run ./

  9. When redeploy the kinesis stream in localstack An error occurred (ResourceInUseException) when calling the CreateStream operation: Stream ride_preditions already exists

    ANS: Rename the current stream, or delete the existed stream at the endpoint.

    aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
    --region=ca-central-1 \
    kinesis delete-stream --stream-name ride_preditions
  10. Check the kinesis stream from AWS/LOCALSTACK:aws kinesis list-streams/aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \ kinesis list-streams

  11. Pre-commit fails to install with error An unexpected error has occurred: CalledProcessError: command: ('/Users/amberm/.cache/pre-commit/reposbydn2wf/py_env-python3/bin/python', '-mpip', 'install', '.') return code: 1 ....... ANS: Check the version of the hooks for installation. (I upgraded isort to 5.12.0 while the demo was 5.10.1)