This document shows the SMPTE groups register as a hierarchical inheritance tree (as of September, 2020) with those implemented in MXFInspect marked.
Mark | Description |
🔨 | not fully implemented |
more investigation required to remove uncertainty | |
❓ | unclear about what this group should represent |
📜 | properties defined by local tags |
🎯 | easy to implement |
- DMCVTGenericSet1 [12] (abstract) ❓
- DMCVTApp1Set
- DMCVTApp2Set
- DMCVTApp3Set
- DMCVTApp4Set
- InterchangeObject [4/4] (abstract)
- Component [5/5](abstract) (= Structural Component)
- Segment [0/0] (abstract)
- EdgeCode [4/4]
- EssenceGroup [2/2]
- Event [2/2] (abstract)
- GPITrigger [1/1]
- CommentMarker [1/1]
- DescriptiveMarker [5/5]
- DynamicMarker [3/3]
- DynamicClip [4/4]
- DynamicMarker [3/3]
- DescriptiveMarker [5/5]
- Filler [0/0]
- OperationGroup [5/5]
- NestedScope [1/1]
- Pulldown [4/4]
- ScopeReference [2/2]
- Selector [2/2]
- Sequence [1/1]
- SourceReference [4/4] (abstract)
- SourceClip [5/5]
- DescriptiveClip [1/1]
- TextClip [0/0] (abstract)
- HTMLClip [2/2]
- SourceClip [5/5]
- Timecode [3/3]
- TimecodeStream [3/3] (abstract)
- TimecodeStream12M [1/1]
- Transition [2/2]
- Segment [0/0] (abstract)
- ContentStorage [2/2]
- ControlPoint [3/3]
- DefinitionObject [3/3] (abstract)
- DataDefinition [0/0]
- OperationDefinition [7/7]
- ParameterDefinition [2/2]
- PluginDefinition [0/20]
- CodecDefinition [2/2]
- ContainerDefinition [1/1]
- InterpolationDefinition [0/0]
- TaggedValueDefinition [1/1]
- KLVDataDefinition [2/2]
- OPDefinition [0/0]
- CompressionDefinition [0/0]
- Dictionary [9/9]
- EssenceData [9/9] (A05 EssenceContainerData)
- EssenceDescriptor [2/2] (abstract) (B02 GenericDescriptor)
- FileDescriptor [5/5] (abstract)
- AIFCDescriptor [1/1]
- PictureDescriptor [35/35] (abstract)
- CDCIDescriptor [10/10]
- MPEGVideoDescriptor [10/10]
- VC1VideoDescriptor [10/10]
- RGBADescriptor [8/8]
- TIFFPictureEssenceDescriptor [0/0] (abstract)
- CDCIDescriptor [10/10]
- HTMLDescriptor [0/0]
- TIFFDescriptor [6/6]
- WAVEDescriptor [1/1]
- SoundDescriptor [10/10]
- WAVEPCMDescriptor [13/13]
- AES3PCMDescriptor [7/7]
- DCPCMSoundDescriptor [0/0]
- MPEGAudioDescriptor [2/2]
- WAVEPCMDescriptor [13/13]
- DataEssenceDescriptor [1/1]
- ParsedTextDescriptor [1/1]
- SGMLDescriptor [0/0] (abstract)
- XMLDescriptor [0/3] 📜 🎯
- HTMLParsedTextDescriptor [0/1] 📜 🎯
- SGMLDescriptor [0/0] (abstract)
- RP217Descriptor [0/2] 📜 🎯
- VBIDataDescriptor [0/0]
- ANCDataDescriptor [0/0]
- DCTimedTextDescriptor [0/4] 🔨
- EventTextDescriptor [0/2] (abstract)
- STLDescriptor [0/1]
- AuxDataEssenceDescriptor [0/0]
- ParsedTextDescriptor [1/1]
- MultipleDescriptor [1/1]
- DateTimeDescriptor [0/4] 📜 🎯
- FilmDescriptor [0/8] 📜 🎯
- TapeDescriptor [0/8]:scroll:
- PhysicalDescriptor [0/0] (abstract)
- ImportDescriptor [0/0]
- BWFImportDescriptor [0/11]:scroll:
- RecordingDescriptor [0/0]
- AuxiliaryDescriptor [0/2]:scroll: :dart:
- ImportDescriptor [0/0]
- FileDescriptor [5/5] (abstract)
- Preface [10/17]
- Identification [9/9]
- Locator [0/0] (abstract)
- NetworkLocator [1/1]
- TextLocator [1/1]
- Package [4/9] (abstract) 📜
- CompositionPackage [0/4] 🔨
- MaterialPackage abstract [0/0]
- SourcePackage [1/1]
- Track [4/4] (abstract)
- EventTrack [2/2]
- StaticTrack [0/0] (abstract)
- TimelineTrack [7/7]
- Parameter [1/1] (abstract)
- ConstantValue
- VaryingValue
- TaggedValue [2/2]
- KLVData
- RIFFChunk
- SubDescriptor [0/0] (abstract)
- JPEG2000SubDescriptor [14/14]
- StereoscopicPictureSubDescriptor
- DCTimedTextResourceSubDescriptor
- ContainerConstraintsSubDescriptor [0/0]
- MPEG4VisualSubDescriptor
- MCALabelSubDescriptor [0/14]
- AudioChannelLabelSubDescriptor [0/1]
- SoundfieldGroupLabelSubDescriptor [0/1]
- GroupOfSoundfieldGroupsLabelSubDescriptor [0/0]
- AVCSubDescriptor [15/15]
- STLSubDescriptor
- OperationsStereoscopicSubDescriptor
- VC2SubDescriptor
- DMCVTTargetSubDescriptor
- VC5BayerPictureEssenceSubDescriptor
- VC5CDCIPictureEssenceSubDescriptor
- AACSubDescriptor
- ACESPictureSubDescriptor [5/5]
- TargetFrameSubDescriptor [0/10] 🔨
- AS_07_TimecodeLabelSubdescriptor
- PackageMarker
- ApplicationObject
- ApplicationPlugInObject
- ApplicationReferencedObject
- DescriptiveObject [1] (abstract)
- DMS1Object [0] (abstract)
- Publication
- ContactsList [3/3]
- Address [15/15]
- Communications
- PictureFormat
- NameValue
- Processing
- Project
- TextLanguage [0] (abstract)
- Titles
- Branding
- Shot
- CueWords
- Thesaurus [1/1] (abstract)
- DMS1Identification
- GroupRelationship
- DMS1Event
- Award
- CaptionsDescription
- DMS1Annotation
- SettingPeriod
- Scripting
- Classification
- Keypoint
- Participant
- Contract
- Rights
- DeviceParameters
- Contact [3/3] (abstract)
- Person
- Organization
- Location [2/2]
- CryptographicContext
- TextBasedObject [4/4]
- GenericStreamTextBasedSet [1/1]
- AS_07_GSP_DMS_Object
- UTF8TextBasedSet
- UTF16TextBasedSet
- GenericStreamTextBasedSet [1/1]
- AS_12_DescriptiveObject [0] (abstract)
- DMS_AS_12_AdID_Slate
- EBUCoreObject [0] (abstract)
- coreMetadata
- metadataSchemaInformation
- identifier
- title
- alternativeTitle
- subject
- description
- date
- dateType
- type
- objectType
- genre
- targetAudience
- language
- coverage
- spatial
- location
- coordinates
- temporal
- periodOfTime
- rights
- version
- rating
- publicationEvent
- publicationHistory
- publicationChannel
- publicationMedium
- publicationService
- entity
- contact
- organization
- department
- details
- address
- region
- compoundName
- role
- countryType
- customRelation
- basicRelation
- planning
- typeGroup
- formatGroup
- statusGroup
- textualAnnotation
- basicLink
- format
- videoFormat
- imageFormat
- audioFormat
- track
- dataFormat
- captioning
- subtitling
- ancillaryData
- signingFormat
- technicalAttributeString
- technicalAttributeInt8
- technicalAttributeInt16
- technicalAttributeInt32
- technicalAttributeInt64
- technicalAttributeUInt8
- technicalAttributeUInt16
- technicalAttributeUInt32
- technicalAttributeUInt64
- technicalAttributeFloat
- technicalAttributeRational
- technicalAttributeAnyURI
- technicalAttributeBoolean
- dimension
- packageInfo
- medium
- codec
- rational
- aspectRatio
- height
- width
- part
- partMetadata
- hash
- locator
- containerFormat
- audioFormatExtended
- audioProgramme
- IDRef
- loudnessMetadata
- audioContent
- audioObject
- audioPackFormat
- audioChannelFormat
- audioBlockFormat
- audioBlockMatrixCoefficient
- audioStreamFormat
- audioTrackFormat
- audioTrackUID
- audioMXFLookup
- audioBlockMatrix
- time
- metadataFormat
- timecodeFormat
- videoNoiseFilter
- audience
- filter
- filterSetting
- referenceScreen
- referenceScreenCentrePosition
- referenceScreenWidth
- audioContentDialogue
- audioObjectInteraction
- gainInteractionRange
- positionInteractionRange
- audioBlockPosition
- audioBlockDivergence
- audioBlockZoneExclusion
- audioBlockZone
- audioBlockJumpPosition
- event
- award
- affiliation
- AS_07_DMS_Device
- AS_07_DMS_Identifier
- DMS1Object [0] (abstract)
- DescriptiveFramework [1/1] (abstract)
- DMS1Framework [12/12] (abstract)
- SceneFramework
- ProductionClipFramework [4/4] (abstract)
- ProductionFramework [7/7]
- ClipFramework
- CryptographicFramework
- DMS_AS_03_Framework
- TextBasedFramework
- AS_07_GSP_DMS_Framework
- AS_07_GSP_BD_DMS_Framework
- AS_07_GSP_TD_DMS_Framework
- AS_07_GSP_DMS_Framework
- EIDRFramework
- DM_Segmentation_Framework [0] (abstract)
- DM_AS_11_Segmentation_Framework
- AS_07_Segmentation_DMS_Framework
- DMS_AS_10_Core_Framework
- DM_AS_11_Core_Framework
- DMS_AS_12_Framework
- EBUCoreMainFramework
- APP_InfaxFramework
- APP_PSEAnalysisFramework
- APP_VTRReplayErrorFramework
- APP_DigiBetaDropoutFramework
- APP_TimecodeBreakFramework
- DM_AS_11_UKDPP_Framework
- AS_07_Core_DMS_Framework
- DMS1Framework [12/12] (abstract)
- Component [5/5](abstract) (= Structural Component)
- MetaDefinition [4/4] (abstract)
- ClassDefinition [3/3]
- PropertyDefinition [4/4]
- TypeDefinition [0/0] (abstract)
- TypeDefinitionInteger [2/2]
- TypeDefinitionStrongObjectReference [1/1]
- TypeDefinitionWeakObjectReference [2/2]
- TypeDefinitionEnumeration [3/3]
- TypeDefinitionFixedArray [2/2]
- TypeDefinitionVariableArray
- TypeDefinitionSet [1/1]
- TypeDefinitionString [1/1]
- TypeDefinitionStream [0/0]
- TypeDefinitionRecord [2/2]
- TypeDefinitionRename [1/1]
- TypeDefinitionExtendibleEnumeration [2/2]
- TypeDefinitionIndirect [0/0]
- TypeDefinitionOpaque [0/0]
- TypeDefinitionCharacter [0/0]
- PartitionPack [13] (abstract)
- HeaderPartitionPack [0] (abstract)
- HeaderPartitionOpenIncomplete
- HeaderPartitionClosedIncomplete
- HeaderPartitionOpenComplete
- HeaderPartitionClosedComplete
- BodyPartitionPack [0](abstract)
- BodyPartitionOpenIncomplete
- BodyPartitionClosedIncomplete
- BodyPartitionOpenComplete
- BodyPartitionClosedComplete
- GenericStreamPartition
- FooterPartitionPack [0] (abstract)
- FooterPartitionClosedIncomplete
- FooterPartitionClosedComplete *
- HeaderPartitionPack [0] (abstract)