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Registry workshop 2023‐08‐22

thomas loubrieu edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 2 revisions


  1. Review current status and plans
  2. Q&A

Meeting Recording: To Be Added

Review current status and plan


Visualization of metadata in the API (e.g. json is not easy to read) (In-Sook)

The user visualization of data is going to be developed as part of the web modernization effort.

We also want to develop a basic html view (with no stype) from the API for users to be able to visualize the metadata in a friendly way. Ticket created

As a reminder, the API (Application Programming Interface) is meant for machine to machine interface so the human friendly vizualization will not be developed in this component.

How the disk space currently happening on the multi-domain setup will be managed in the multitenant registry (Pat):

We are thinking of using the serveless OpenSearch option which enables auto-scaling (e.g. add automatically resources to the cluster when needed).

Pretty print from command line without json_pp --> argument of the API to pretty print (Ann):

Ticket has been created

Request to enable selection of the format from an URL parameter (Dan):

Ticket has been created

Status of the request to have q parameter on members end-point (Dan):

See ticket

Metrics for annual report and later (Ann):

Ticket created

Should we use the statistics on the volume of the labels to plan the space, costs (could be done as part of the review of mission) (Ann):

Currently we can use the autoscaling options to adapt the computing resources to the needed labels but in the future we might need metrics with statistics on the number and size of the labels per mission to estimate and plan the associated costs.