- Milan Bhandari
- David Bushnell
- Tanja de Jong
- Dimitra Giannakopoulou
- Kelly Ho
- George (Yorgo) Karamanolis
- David Kooi
- Jessica Phelan
- Julian Rhein
- Daniel Riley
- Nija Shi
- Gricel Vazquez
FRET had a fascinating private life prior to becoming open source. In fact, it started off as a Scala project! At some point, it got completely redesigned, and was implemented using React. The public history starts with the first open-source version of FRET. A lot of work went into bringing FRET to that stage. We would like to acknowledge those "behind-the-scenes", significant contributions by: David Bushnell, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Tanja de Jong, Anastasia Mavridou, Thomas Pressburger, Julian Rhein, Nija Shi, and Johann Schumann.