caLIMS is an open source project that provides the functionalities of a Laboratory Information Management System.
It is developed in Java and requires Apache Ant for building.
The purpose of the caLIMS project is to create a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) that tracks a complete laboratory workflow that uses materials from a specimen management service (e.g. caTissue) to generate experimental results for data repositories or data management services (e.g. caArray).
A LIMS is software that is used to promote an accurate flow of sample and associated experimental data to and through a laboratory to produce information that is used to make conclusions and critical decisions.
caLIMS is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for details.
You will find more details about caLIMS in the following links:
- Community Wiki (Requires login. Email NCI CBIIT Application Support for access.)
- [Code Repository] (
- [Documentation] ( (Requires login. Email NCI CBIIT Application Support for access.)
Please email to NCI-LIMS-CONSORTIUM@LIST.NIH.GOV to join us in further developing and improving caLIMS.