takes in a sound file and converts it to a multichannel MIDI file. It accomplishes this by performing FFT's on all channels of the audio data at user specified time steps. It then separates the resulting frequency analysis into equivalence classes which correspond to the twelve tone scale; the volume of each class being the average volume of its constituent frequencies. It then formats this data for MIDI and writes it out to a user specified file. It has the ability to convert whichever audio file formats are supported by the soundfile module. libsndfile must be installed before running audio-to-midi
> python3 ./ install
> audio-to-midi --help
usage: audio-to-midi [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--time-window TIME_WINDOW] [--activation-level ACTIVATION_LEVEL] [--condense]
[--condense-max] [--single-note] [--note-count NOTE_COUNT] [--bpm BPM] [--beat BEAT] [--transpose TRANSPOSE]
[--pitch-set PITCH_SET [PITCH_SET ...]] [--pitch-range PITCH_RANGE PITCH_RANGE] [--no-progress]
positional arguments:
infile The sound file to process.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
The MIDI file to output. Default: <infile>.mid
--time-window TIME_WINDOW, -t TIME_WINDOW
The time span over which to compute the individual FFTs in milliseconds.
The amplitude threshold for notes to be added to the MIDI file. Must be between 0 and 1.
--condense, -c Combine contiguous notes at their average amplitude.
--condense-max, -m Write the maximum velocity for a condensed note segment rather than the rolling average.
--single-note, -s Only add the loudest note to the MIDI file for a given time window.
--note-count NOTE_COUNT, -C NOTE_COUNT
Only add the loudest n notes to the MIDI file for a given time window.
--bpm BPM, -b BPM Beats per minute. Defaults: 60
--beat BEAT, -B BEAT Time window in terms of beats (1/4, 1/8, etc.). Supercedes the time window parameter.
Transpose the MIDI pitches by a constant offset.
--pitch-set PITCH_SET [PITCH_SET ...], -p PITCH_SET [PITCH_SET ...]
Map to a pitch set. Values must be in the range: [0, 11]. Ex: -p 0 2 4 5 7 9 11
The minimumand maximum allowed MIDI notes. These may be superseded by the calculated FFT range.
--no-progress, -n Don't print the progress bar.
>$ audio-to-midi ./this_is_a_test.wav -b 120 -t 30
samplerate: 44100 Hz
channels: 1
duration: 2.000 s
format: WAV (Microsoft) [WAV]
subtype: Signed 16 bit PCM [PCM_16]
window: 5.0 ms
frequencies: min = 200.0 Hz, max = 20000 Hz
100% (401 of 401) |##############################################################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time: 0:00:00
> ls ./*.mid