After we have set up a series of TLS and ECert CA services, we'll use the CAs to generate Local MSP structures for all of the nodes, using the local MSPs to launch our network peers and orderers.
./network up
✅ - Creating local node MSP ...
✅ - Launching orderers ...
✅ - Launching peers ...
🏁 - Network is ready.
Before we launch the network peers and orderers, each node in the network needs to have available:
- TLS Root Certificates for all organizations in the network
- TLS Certificates and Signing Keys for SSL server/hostname verification of the network node
- Enrollment Certificates validating the network node identity (local MSP)
- Enrollment Certificates for an
identity / role for the organization.
In order to create the local node MSP, we must first register and enroll the node identities with the ECert CAs, and then organize the TLS and MSP certificates into a location suitable for launching the network services.
The key steps in this process are:
In the test network, each organization includes a function that wraps the registration, enrollment, and MSP aggregation
into a series of fabric-ca-client calls. The script will be executed directly on the
org's ECert CA pod, with access to the persistent volume for storage of the MSP and TLS certificates. While this is
largely boilerplate scripting, the process is straightforward: For each node in the network, we'll use the CAs to
generate TLS+MSP certificates, bundling into an MSP with a config.yaml
specifying the fabric roles associated with
the target usage in the network.
For example, the ordering organization sets up the node local MSP with:
# Each identity in the network needs a registration and enrollment.
fabric-ca-client register org0-orderer1 --id.secret ordererpw --id.type orderer --url https://org0-ecert-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/org0-ecert-ca/rcaadmin/msp
fabric-ca-client register org0-orderer2 --id.secret ordererpw --id.type orderer --url https://org0-ecert-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/org0-ecert-ca/rcaadmin/msp
fabric-ca-client register org0-orderer3 --id.secret ordererpw --id.type orderer --url https://org0-ecert-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/org0-ecert-ca/rcaadmin/msp
fabric-ca-client register org0-admin --id.secret org0adminpw --id.type admin --url https://org0-ecert-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/org0-ecert-ca/rcaadmin/msp --id.attrs "hf.Registrar.Roles=client,hf.Registrar.Attributes=*,hf.Revoker=true,hf.GenCRL=true,admin=true:ecert,abac.init=true:ecert"
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-orderer1:ordererpw@org0-ecert-ca --csr.hosts org0-orderer1 --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-orderer2:ordererpw@org0-ecert-ca --csr.hosts org0-orderer2 --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-orderer3:ordererpw@org0-ecert-ca --csr.hosts org0-orderer3 --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-admin:org0adminpw@org0-ecert-ca --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
# Each node in the network needs a TLS registration and enrollment.
fabric-ca-client register org0-orderer1 --id.secret ordererpw --id.type orderer --url https://org0-tls-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-ca/tlsadmin/msp
fabric-ca-client register org0-orderer2 --id.secret ordererpw --id.type orderer --url https://org0-tls-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-ca/tlsadmin/msp
fabric-ca-client register org0-orderer3 --id.secret ordererpw --id.type orderer --url https://org0-tls-ca --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-ca/tlsadmin/msp
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-orderer1:ordererpw@org0-tls-ca --csr.hosts org0-orderer1 --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-orderer2:ordererpw@org0-tls-ca --csr.hosts org0-orderer2 --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
fabric-ca-client enroll --url https://org0-orderer3:ordererpw@org0-tls-ca --csr.hosts org0-orderer3 --mspdir /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
# Copy the TLS signing keys to a fixed path for convenience when starting the orderers.
cp /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/*_sk /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
cp /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/*_sk /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
cp /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/*_sk /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
# Create an MSP config.yaml (why is this not generated by the enrollment by fabric-ca-client?)
echo "NodeOUs:
Enable: true
Certificate: cacerts/org0-ecert-ca.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: client
Certificate: cacerts/org0-ecert-ca.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: peer
Certificate: cacerts/org0-ecert-ca.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: admin
Certificate: cacerts/org0-ecert-ca.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: orderer" > /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
cp /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
cp /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations/ordererOrganizations/
Running Fabric in Kubernetes places some unique constraints on the Chaincode lifecycle:
Many cloud-native vendors rely on to manage the lifecycle of containers within a cluster. By contrast, Fabric assumes the presence of a Docker daemon to compile and launch chaincode containers. Without a local Docker daemon, Fabric's default chaincode pipeline is doomed!
For security and operational concerns, it is a "non-starter" to run a docker daemon on Kubernetes worker nodes.
For cloud-ready development, test, validation, CI/CD, and production practices, the use of the Chaincode as a Service pattern provides a vastly superior user experience. However, with the current (2.3) Fabric builds, the configuration of External Chaincode Builders is non-trivial and includes some real complexity for deployment to Kubernetes.
Running Chaincode builds in Docker in Docker, running in Kubernetes in Docker is ... interesting. Let's step back and keep it simple.
For the Kube Test Network, we've configured the peer nodes to launch with the fabric-ccs-builder External Chaincode Builders pre-bundled into the network. When chaincode is installed on the peers, the external builder binaries will be invoked, bypassing the reliance on a local Docker daemon running in Kubernetes.
This configuration is accomplished by registering an external builder in the peer core.yaml:
- path: /var/hyperledger/fabric/chaincode/ccs-builder
name: ccs-builder
At launch time, the Kubernetes deployment includes an init container that will load the fabric-ccs-builder binaries from a public container registry, copying the external builders into the target volume in the peer:
- name: fabric-ccs-builder
image: {{FABRIC_CONTAINER_REGISTRY}}/fabric-ccs-builder
command: [sh, -c]
args: ["cp /go/bin/* /var/hyperledger/fabric/chaincode/ccs-builder/bin/"]
- name: ccs-builder
mountPath: /var/hyperledger/fabric/chaincode/ccs-builder/bin
With this configuration we eliminate the reliance on Docker daemon, fully supporting the Chaincode-as-a-Service pattern for building smart contracts in a cloud-native environment.
- Pro tip: Use the companion container registry at
to deploy custom chaincode into the test network. - Pro tip: Deploy a chaincode with
address: host.docker.internal:9999
and run your chaincode in a debugger. - Note: An external chaincode builder will be included in future releases of Fabric.
✅ - Launching orderers ...
✅ - Launching peers ...
Once the local MSP structures for the network nodes have been created, the orderers and peers may be launched in the
namespace. System nodes will read base configuration files (orderer.yaml and core.yaml) from the organization
config folder, made available in Kubernetes as the fabric-config${org}
config map.
Each orderer and peer creates one Deployment
, Pod
, and Service
in the namespace. In addition, each org
defines an orgN-peerM-config
with environment variable overrides replacing the default settings
in the core.yaml file. Note that each node's environment includes pointers to the
node local MSP folders, certificates, and TLS signing keys that we generated above.
Note that the deployment yaml files include some basic template substitution and parameters. For simplicity and clarity, we elected to use basic string substitution with sed/awk/bash/etc., rather than introduce a Kube template binding system (e.g. Helm, Kustomize, Kapitan, Ansible, etc.) for manipulating yaml templates:
cat kube/org0/org0-orderer1.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
cat kube/org0/org0-orderer2.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
cat kube/org0/org0-orderer3.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
# Wait for the orderers to completely start before launching the network peer nodes.
kubectl -n $NS rollout status deploy/org0-orderer1
kubectl -n $NS rollout status deploy/org0-orderer2
kubectl -n $NS rollout status deploy/org0-orderer3
cat kube/org1/org1-peer1.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
cat kube/org1/org1-peer2.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
cat kube/org2/org2-peer1.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
cat kube/org2/org2-peer2.yaml | sed 's,{{FABRIC_VERSION}},'${FABRIC_VERSION}',g' | kubectl -n $NS -f -
- Pro tip: Run an early-release Fabric build by setting
After the peers and orderers have started, the Kube namespace includes pods, deployments, and service bindings for:
Org0 (
- TLS Certificate Authority : https://org0-tls-ca
- ECert Certificate Authority : https://org0-ecert-ca
- Orderer1 : grpcs://org0-orderer1
- Orderer2 : grpcs://org0-orderer2
- Orderer3 : grpcs://org0-orderer3
Org1 (
- TLS Certificate Authority : https://org1-tls-ca
- ECert Certificate Authority : https://org1-ecert-ca
- Peer Node 1 : grpcs://org1-peer1
- Peer Node 2 : grpcs://org1-peer2
Org2 (
- TLS Certificate Authority : https://org2-tls-ca
- ECert Certificate Authority : https://org2-ecert-ca
- Peer Node 1 : grpcs://org2-peer1
- Peer Node 2 : grpcs://org2-peer2