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+(*)Added the runtime parameter WARSAW_SUM_ORDER
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  Added the new runtime parameter WARSAW_SUM_ORDER, which causes answers to
reproduce previous versions if true (the default, unless MERGED_CONTINUITY is
true).  Also introduced the new subroutines set_ocean_top_stress_C2 and
set_ocean_top_stress_B2, which simplify the calculation of the stresses on the
ocean, but with a different order so the answers change at roundoff.  In
addition, if WARSAW_SUM_ORDER is false, the ice coverage is passed to the
dynamics routines in the variable ice_cover, rather than as an implicit
calculation of the complement of IST%part_size(:,:,0).  By default, all answers
are bitwise identical in the MOM6_examples test cases, but there are new entries
in the SIS_parameter_doc files.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Dec 22, 2018
1 parent d8fdc91 commit 50423df
Showing 1 changed file with 219 additions and 11 deletions.
230 changes: 219 additions & 11 deletions src/SIS_dyn_trans.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ module SIS_dyn_trans
!! ice-ocean stress to the icebergs in place of the
!! current air-ice stress. This option is here for
!! backward compatibility, but should be avoided.
logical :: Warsaw_sum_order !< If true, use the order of sums in the Warsaw version
!! of SIS2. This option exists for backward compatibilty
!! but may eventually be obsoleted.

logical :: debug !< If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes.
logical :: column_check !< If true, enable the heat check column by column.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,14 +483,17 @@ subroutine SIS_dynamics_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G, I
!### Ridging needs to be added with C-grid dynamics.
rdg_rate(:,:) = 0.0
call mpp_clock_begin(iceClocka)
!### Change (1.0-IST%part_size(:,:,0)) to ice_cover in the line below.
if (CS%slab_ice) then
call slab_ice_dynamics(IST%u_ice_C, IST%v_ice_C, OSS%u_ocn_C, OSS%v_ocn_C, &
WindStr_x_Cu, WindStr_y_Cv, str_x_ice_ocn_Cu, str_y_ice_ocn_Cv)
elseif (CS%Warsaw_sum_order) then
call SIS_C_dynamics(1.0-IST%part_size(:,:,0), misp_sum, mi_sum, IST%u_ice_C, IST%v_ice_C, &
OSS%u_ocn_C, OSS%v_ocn_C, WindStr_x_Cu, WindStr_y_Cv, OSS%sea_lev, &
str_x_ice_ocn_Cu, str_y_ice_ocn_Cv, dt_slow_dyn, G, CS%SIS_C_dyn_CSp)
call SIS_C_dynamics(ice_cover, misp_sum, mi_sum, IST%u_ice_C, IST%v_ice_C, &
OSS%u_ocn_C, OSS%v_ocn_C, WindStr_x_Cu, WindStr_y_Cv, OSS%sea_lev, &
str_x_ice_ocn_Cu, str_y_ice_ocn_Cv, dt_slow_dyn, G, CS%SIS_C_dyn_CSp)
call mpp_clock_end(iceClocka)

Expand All @@ -506,10 +512,14 @@ subroutine SIS_dynamics_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G, I
if (CS%debug) call IST_chksum("Before set_ocean_top_stress_Cgrid", IST, G, IG)

! Store all mechanical ocean forcing.
call set_ocean_top_stress_Cgrid(IOF, WindStr_x_ocn_Cu, WindStr_y_ocn_Cv, &
str_x_ice_ocn_Cu, str_y_ice_ocn_Cv, IST%part_size, G, IG)
if (CS%Warsaw_sum_order) then
call set_ocean_top_stress_Cgrid(IOF, WindStr_x_ocn_Cu, WindStr_y_ocn_Cv, &
str_x_ice_ocn_Cu, str_y_ice_ocn_Cv, IST%part_size, G, IG)
call set_ocean_top_stress_C2(IOF, WindStr_x_ocn_Cu, WindStr_y_ocn_Cv, &
str_x_ice_ocn_Cu, str_y_ice_ocn_Cv, ice_free, ice_cover, G)

if (CS%debug) call IST_chksum("After set_ocean_top_stress_Cgrid", IST, G, IG)
call mpp_clock_end(iceClockc)

call mpp_clock_end(iceClock4)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,11 +605,16 @@ subroutine SIS_dynamics_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G, I
if (CS%slab_ice) then
call slab_ice_dynamics(IST%u_ice_B, IST%v_ice_B, OSS%u_ocn_B, OSS%v_ocn_B, &
WindStr_x_B, WindStr_y_B, str_x_ice_ocn_B, str_y_ice_ocn_B)
elseif (CS%Warsaw_sum_order) then
call SIS_B_dynamics(1.0-IST%part_size(:,:,0), misp_sum, mi_sum, IST%u_ice_B, IST%v_ice_B, &
OSS%u_ocn_B, OSS%v_ocn_B, WindStr_x_B, WindStr_y_B, OSS%sea_lev, &
str_x_ice_ocn_B, str_y_ice_ocn_B, CS%do_ridging, &
rdg_rate(isc:iec,jsc:jec), dt_slow_dyn, G, CS%SIS_B_dyn_CSp)
call SIS_B_dynamics(ice_cover, misp_sum, mi_sum, IST%u_ice_B, IST%v_ice_B, &
OSS%u_ocn_B, OSS%v_ocn_B, WindStr_x_B, WindStr_y_B, OSS%sea_lev, &
str_x_ice_ocn_B, str_y_ice_ocn_B, CS%do_ridging, &
rdg_rate(isc:iec,jsc:jec), dt_slow_dyn, G, CS%SIS_B_dyn_CSp)
call mpp_clock_end(iceClocka)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -627,9 +642,13 @@ subroutine SIS_dynamics_trans(IST, OSS, FIA, IOF, dt_slow, CS, icebergs_CS, G, I

if (CS%debug) call IST_chksum("Before set_ocean_top_stress_Bgrid", IST, G, IG)
! Store all mechanical ocean forcing.
call set_ocean_top_stress_Bgrid(IOF, WindStr_x_ocn_B, WindStr_y_ocn_B, &
str_x_ice_ocn_B, str_y_ice_ocn_B, IST%part_size, G, IG)
if (CS%debug) call IST_chksum("After set_ocean_top_stress_Bgrid", IST, G, IG)
if (CS%Warsaw_sum_order) then
call set_ocean_top_stress_Bgrid(IOF, WindStr_x_ocn_B, WindStr_y_ocn_B, &
str_x_ice_ocn_B, str_y_ice_ocn_B, IST%part_size, G, IG)
call set_ocean_top_stress_B2(IOF, WindStr_x_ocn_B, WindStr_y_ocn_B, &
str_x_ice_ocn_B, str_y_ice_ocn_B, ice_free, ice_cover, G)
call mpp_clock_end(iceClockc)

call mpp_clock_end(iceClock4)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1094,8 +1113,8 @@ subroutine stresses_to_stress_mag(G, str_x, str_y, stagger, stress_mag)
end subroutine stresses_to_stress_mag

!> Calculate the stresses on the ocean integrated across all the thickness categories with
!! the appropriate staggering, and store them in the public ice data type for use by the
!> Calculate the stresses on the ocean integrated across all the thickness categories with
!! the appropriate staggering, and store them in the public ice data type for use by the
!! ocean model. This version of the routine uses wind and ice-ocean stresses on a B-grid.
subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_Bgrid(IOF, windstr_x_water, windstr_y_water, &
str_ice_oce_x, str_ice_oce_y, part_size, G, IG)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1306,6 +1325,190 @@ subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_Cgrid(IOF, windstr_x_water, windstr_y_water, &

end subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_Cgrid

!> Calculate the stresses on the ocean integrated across all the thickness categories with
!! the appropriate staggering, and store them in the public ice data type for use by the
!! ocean model. This version of the routine uses wind and ice-ocean stresses on a B-grid.
subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_B2(IOF, windstr_x_water, windstr_y_water, &
str_ice_oce_x, str_ice_oce_y, ice_free, ice_cover, G)
type(ice_ocean_flux_type), intent(inout) :: IOF !< A structure containing fluxes from the ice to
!! the ocean that are calculated by the ice model.
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The horizontal grid type
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJB_(G)), &
intent(in) :: windstr_x_water !< The x-direction wind stress over open water, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJB_(G)), &
intent(in) :: windstr_y_water !< The y-direction wind stress over open water, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJB_(G)), &
intent(in) :: str_ice_oce_x !< The x-direction ice to ocean stress, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJB_(G)), &
intent(in) :: str_ice_oce_y !< The y-direction ice to ocean stress, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: ice_free !< The fractional open water area coverage, nondim, 0-1
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: ice_cover !< The fractional ice area coverage, nondim, 0-1

real :: ps_ice, ps_ocn ! ice_free and ice_cover interpolated to a velocity point, nondim.
integer :: i, j, k, isc, iec, jsc, jec
isc = G%isc ; iec = G%iec ; jsc = G%jsc ; jec = G%jec

if (IOF%stress_count == 0) then
IOF%flux_u_ocn(:,:) = 0.0 ; IOF%flux_v_ocn(:,:) = 0.0

! Copy and interpolate the ice-ocean stress_Bgrid. This code is slightly
! complicated because there are 3 different staggering options supported.
if (IOF%flux_uv_stagger == AGRID) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
ps_ocn = G%mask2dT(i,j) * ice_free(i,j)
ps_ice = G%mask2dT(i,j) * ice_cover(i,j)
IOF%flux_u_ocn(i,j) = IOF%flux_u_ocn(i,j) + 0.25 * &
(ps_ocn * ((windstr_x_water(I,J) + windstr_x_water(I-1,J-1)) + &
(windstr_x_water(I-1,J) + windstr_x_water(I,J-1))) + &
ps_ice * ((str_ice_oce_x(I,J) + str_ice_oce_x(I-1,J-1)) + &
(str_ice_oce_x(I-1,J) + str_ice_oce_x(I,J-1))) )

IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,j) = IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,j) + 0.25 * &
(ps_ocn * ((windstr_y_water(I,J) + windstr_y_water(I-1,J-1)) + &
(windstr_y_water(I-1,J) + windstr_y_water(I,J-1))) + &
ps_ice * ((str_ice_oce_y(I,J) + str_ice_oce_y(I-1,J-1)) + &
(str_ice_oce_y(I-1,J) + str_ice_oce_y(I,J-1))) )
enddo ; enddo
elseif (IOF%flux_uv_stagger == BGRID_NE) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do J=jsc-1,jec ; do I=isc-1,iec
ps_ocn = 1.0 ; ps_ice = 0.0
if (G%mask2dBu(I,J)>0.5) then
ps_ocn = 0.25 * ((ice_free(i+1,j+1) + ice_free(i,j)) + &
(ice_free(i+1,j) + ice_free(i,j+1)) )
ps_ice = 0.25 * ((ice_cover(i+1,j+1) + ice_cover(i,j)) + &
(ice_cover(i+1,j) + ice_cover(i,j+1)) )
IOF%flux_u_ocn(I,J) = IOF%flux_u_ocn(I,J) + (ps_ocn * windstr_x_water(I,J) + ps_ice * str_ice_oce_x(I,J))
IOF%flux_v_ocn(I,J) = IOF%flux_v_ocn(I,J) + (ps_ocn * windstr_y_water(I,J) + ps_ice * str_ice_oce_y(I,J))
enddo ; enddo
elseif (IOF%flux_uv_stagger == CGRID_NE) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do j=jsc,jec ; do I=isc-1,iec
ps_ocn = 1.0 ; ps_ice = 0.0
if (G%mask2dCu(I,j)>0.5) then
ps_ocn = 0.5*(ice_free(i+1,j) + ice_free(i,j))
ps_ice = 0.5*(ice_cover(i+1,j) + ice_cover(i,j))
IOF%flux_u_ocn(I,j) = IOF%flux_u_ocn(I,j) + 0.5 * &
(ps_ocn * (windstr_x_water(I,J) + windstr_x_water(I,J-1)) + &
ps_ice * (str_ice_oce_x(I,J) + str_ice_oce_x(I,J-1)) )
enddo ; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do J=jsc-1,jec ; do i=isc,iec
ps_ocn = 1.0 ; ps_ice = 0.0
if (G%mask2dCv(i,J)>0.5) then
ps_ocn = 0.5*(ice_free(i,j+1) + ice_free(i,j))
ps_ice = 0.5*(ice_cover(i,j+1) + ice_cover(i,j))
IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,J) = IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,J) + 0.5 * &
(ps_ocn * (windstr_y_water(I,J) + windstr_y_water(I-1,J)) + &
ps_ice * (str_ice_oce_y(I,J) + str_ice_oce_y(I-1,J)) )
enddo ; enddo
call SIS_error(FATAL, "set_ocean_top_stress_B2: Unrecognized flux_uv_stagger.")
IOF%stress_count = IOF%stress_count + 1

end subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_B2

!> Calculate the stresses on the ocean integrated across all the thickness categories with the
!! appropriate staggering, and store them in the public ice data type for use by the ocean
!! model. This version of the routine uses wind and ice-ocean stresses on a C-grid.
subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_C2(IOF, windstr_x_water, windstr_y_water, &
str_ice_oce_x, str_ice_oce_y, ice_free, ice_cover, G)
type(ice_ocean_flux_type), intent(inout) :: IOF !< A structure containing fluxes from the ice to
!! the ocean that are calculated by the ice model.
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The horizontal grid type
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: windstr_x_water !< The x-direction wind stress over open water, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)), &
intent(in) :: windstr_y_water !< The y-direction wind stress over open water, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: str_ice_oce_x !< The x-direction ice to ocean stress, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)), &
intent(in) :: str_ice_oce_y !< The y-direction ice to ocean stress, in Pa.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: ice_free !< The fractional open water area coverage, nondim, 0-1
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), &
intent(in) :: ice_cover !< The fractional ice area coverage, nondim, 0-1

real :: ps_ice, ps_ocn ! ice_free and ice_cover interpolated to a velocity point, nondim.
integer :: i, j, k, isc, iec, jsc, jec
isc = G%isc ; iec = G%iec ; jsc = G%jsc ; jec = G%jec

if (IOF%stress_count == 0) then
IOF%flux_u_ocn(:,:) = 0.0 ; IOF%flux_v_ocn(:,:) = 0.0

! Copy and interpolate the ice-ocean stress_Cgrid. This code is slightly
! complicated because there are 3 different staggering options supported.

if (IOF%flux_uv_stagger == AGRID) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
ps_ocn = G%mask2dT(i,j) * ice_free(i,j)
ps_ice = G%mask2dT(i,j) * ice_cover(i,j)
IOF%flux_u_ocn(i,j) = IOF%flux_u_ocn(i,j) + &
(ps_ocn * 0.5 * (windstr_x_water(I,j) + windstr_x_water(I-1,j)) + &
ps_ice * 0.5 * (str_ice_oce_x(I,j) + str_ice_oce_x(I-1,j)) )
IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,j) = IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,j) + &
(ps_ocn * 0.5 * (windstr_y_water(i,J) + windstr_y_water(i,J-1)) + &
ps_ice * 0.5 * (str_ice_oce_y(i,J) + str_ice_oce_y(i,J-1)) )
enddo ; enddo
elseif (IOF%flux_uv_stagger == BGRID_NE) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do J=jsc-1,jec ; do I=isc-1,iec
ps_ocn = 1.0 ; ps_ice = 0.0
if (G%mask2dBu(I,J)>0.5) then
ps_ocn = 0.25 * ((ice_free(i+1,j+1) + ice_free(i,j)) + &
(ice_free(i+1,j) + ice_free(i,j+1)) )
ps_ice = 0.25 * ((ice_cover(i+1,j+1) + ice_cover(i,j)) + &
(ice_cover(i+1,j) + ice_cover(i,j+1)) )
IOF%flux_u_ocn(i,j) = IOF%flux_u_ocn(i,j) + &
(ps_ocn * 0.5 * (windstr_x_water(I,j) + windstr_x_water(I,j+1)) + &
ps_ice * 0.5 * (str_ice_oce_x(I,j) + str_ice_oce_x(I,j+1)) )
IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,j) = IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,j) + &
(ps_ocn * 0.5 * (windstr_y_water(i,J) + windstr_y_water(i+1,J)) + &
ps_ice * 0.5 * (str_ice_oce_y(i,J) + str_ice_oce_y(i+1,J)) )
enddo ; enddo
elseif (IOF%flux_uv_stagger == CGRID_NE) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do j=jsc,jec ; do I=Isc-1,iec
ps_ocn = 1.0 ; ps_ice = 0.0
if (G%mask2dCu(I,j)>0.5) then
ps_ocn = 0.5*(ice_free(i+1,j) + ice_free(i,j))
ps_ice = 0.5*(ice_cover(i+1,j) + ice_cover(i,j))
IOF%flux_u_ocn(I,j) = IOF%flux_u_ocn(I,j) + &
(ps_ocn * windstr_x_water(I,j) + ps_ice * str_ice_oce_x(I,j))
enddo ; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(ps_ocn, ps_ice)
do J=jsc-1,jec ; do i=isc,iec
ps_ocn = 1.0 ; ps_ice = 0.0
if (G%mask2dCv(i,J)>0.5) then
ps_ocn = 0.5*(ice_free(i,j+1) + ice_free(i,j))
ps_ice = 0.5*(ice_cover(i,j+1) + ice_cover(i,j))
IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,J) = IOF%flux_v_ocn(i,J) + &
(ps_ocn * windstr_y_water(i,J) + ps_ice * str_ice_oce_y(i,J))
enddo ; enddo
call SIS_error(FATAL, "set_ocean_top_stress_C2: Unrecognized flux_uv_stagger.")

IOF%stress_count = IOF%stress_count + 1

end subroutine set_ocean_top_stress_C2

!> SIS_dyn_trans_register_restarts allocates and registers any variables associated
!! slow ice dynamics and transport that need to be included in the restart files.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1452,6 +1655,11 @@ subroutine SIS_dyn_trans_init(Time, G, IG, param_file, diag, CS, output_dir, Tim
"stress to the icebergs in place of the current air-ocean \n"//&
"stress. This option is here for backward compatibility, \n"//&
"but should be avoided.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "WARSAW_SUM_ORDER", CS%Warsaw_sum_order, &
"If true, use the order of sums in the Warsaw version of SIS2. \n"//&
"The default is the opposite of MERGED_CONTINUITY. \n"//&
"This option exists for backward compatibilty but may \n"//&
"eventually be obsoleted.", default=.not.CS%merged_cont)

call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TIMEUNIT", Time_unit, &
"The time unit for ICE_STATS_INTERVAL.", &
Expand Down

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