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Inlined zonal_flux_layer and merid_flux_layer
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  Inlined zonal_flux_layer and merid_flux_layer in zonal_mass_flux and
meridional_mass_flux, respectively.  These small subroutines were only called
once and added unnecessarily to code complexity.  All answers are bitwise
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Hallberg-NOAA committed Jul 3, 2018
1 parent 814e437 commit 8234f1e
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 117 deletions.
172 changes: 55 additions & 117 deletions src/SIS_continuity.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,15 +248,18 @@ subroutine zonal_mass_flux(u, h_in, uh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)
! faces, and other related quantities.

! Local variables
real, dimension(SZIB_(G)) :: &
duhdu ! Partial derivative of uh with u, in H m.
! real, dimension(SZIB_(G)) :: &
! duhdu ! Partial derivative of uh with u, in H m.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: &
htot, & ! The total thickness summed across categories, in H.
I_htot, & ! The inverse of htot or 0, in H-1.
hl, hr ! Left and right face thicknesses, in H.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G)) :: &
uhtot ! The total transports in H m2 s-1.
logical, dimension(SZIB_(G)) :: do_i
real :: CFL ! The CFL number based on the local velocity and grid spacing, ND.
real :: curv_3 ! A measure of the thickness curvature over a grid length,
! with the same units as h_in.
! real :: h_marg ! The marginal thickness of a flux, in H.
real :: dx_E, dx_W ! Effective x-grid spacings to the east and west, in m.
integer :: i, j, k, ish, ieh, jsh, jeh, nz

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,12 +291,31 @@ subroutine zonal_mass_flux(u, h_in, uh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_correct)

!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(do_i,uhtot)
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(uhtot)
do j=jsh,jeh
do I=ish-1,ieh ; do_i(I) = .true. ; enddo
! Set uhtot and duhdu.
call zonal_flux_layer(u(:,j), htot(:,j), hL(:,j), hR(:,j), uhtot, duhdu, &
dt, G, j, ish, ieh, do_i, CS%vol_CFL)
do I=ish-1,ieh
! Set new values of uh and duhdu.
if (u(I,j) > 0.0) then
if (CS%vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (u(I,j) * dt) * (G%dy_Cu(I,j) * G%IareaT(i,j))
else ; CFL = u(I,j) * dt * G%IdxT(i,j) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i,j) + hR(i,j) - 2.0*htot(i,j)
uhtot(I) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * u(I,j) * &
(hR(i,j) + CFL * (0.5*(hL(i,j) - hR(i,j)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)))
! h_marg = hR(i,j) + CFL * ((hL(i,j) - hR(i,j)) + 3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
elseif (u(I,j) < 0.0) then
if (CS%vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (-u(I,j) * dt) * (G%dy_Cu(I,j) * G%IareaT(i+1,j))
else ; CFL = -u(I,j) * dt * G%IdxT(i+1,j) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i+1,j) + hR(i+1,j) - 2.0*htot(i+1,j)
uhtot(I) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * u(I,j) * &
(hL(i+1,j) + CFL * (0.5*(hR(i+1,j)-hL(i+1,j)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)))
! h_marg = hL(i+1) + CFL * ((hR(i+1,j)-hL(i+1,j)) + 3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
uhtot(I) = 0.0
! h_marg = 0.5 * (hl(i+1,j) + hr(i,j))
! duhdu(I,j) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * h_marg ! * visc_rem(I)

! Partition the transports by category in proportion to their relative masses.
do k=1,nz ; do I=ish-1,ieh
Expand All @@ -309,58 +331,6 @@ subroutine zonal_mass_flux(u, h_in, uh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)

end subroutine zonal_mass_flux

!> zonal_flux_layer evaluates the zonal mass or volume fluxes in single
!! j-row of ice.
subroutine zonal_flux_layer(u, h, hL, hR, uh, duhdu, dt, G, j, &
ish, ieh, do_i, vol_CFL)
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The horizontal grid type
real, dimension(SZIB_(G)), intent(in) :: u !< Zonal velocity, in m s-1.
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(in) :: h !< Category thickness used to calculate the fluxes, in H.
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(in) :: hL !< Left edge value of thickness reconstruction, in H
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(in) :: hR !< Right edge value of thickness reconstruction, in H
real, dimension(SZIB_(G)), intent(inout) :: uh !< The zonal mass or volume transport, in H m2 s-1.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G)), intent(inout) :: duhdu !< The partial derivative of uh with u, in H m.
real, intent(in) :: dt !< Time increment in s
integer, intent(in) :: j !< The j-index to work on
integer, intent(in) :: ish !< The starting i-index to work on
integer, intent(in) :: ieh !< The ending i-index to work on
logical, dimension(SZIB_(G)), intent(in) :: do_i !< A logical flag indiciating which i values to work on.
logical, intent(in) :: vol_CFL !< If true, rescale the ratio of face areas to
!! the cell areas when estimating the CFL number.
! This subroutines evaluates the zonal mass or volume fluxes in a layer.

! Local variables
real :: CFL ! The CFL number based on the local velocity and grid spacing, ND.
real :: curv_3 ! A measure of the thickness curvature over a grid length,
! with the same units as h_in.
real :: h_marg ! The marginal thickness of a flux, in H.
integer :: i

do I=ish-1,ieh ; if (do_i(I)) then
! Set new values of uh and duhdu.
if (u(I) > 0.0) then
if (vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (u(I) * dt) * (G%dy_Cu(I,j) * G%IareaT(i,j))
else ; CFL = u(I) * dt * G%IdxT(i,j) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i) + hR(i) - 2.0*h(i)
uh(I) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * u(I) * &
(hR(i) + CFL * (0.5*(hL(i) - hR(i)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)))
h_marg = hR(i) + CFL * ((hL(i) - hR(i)) + 3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
elseif (u(I) < 0.0) then
if (vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (-u(I) * dt) * (G%dy_Cu(I,j) * G%IareaT(i+1,j))
else ; CFL = -u(I) * dt * G%IdxT(i+1,j) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i+1) + hR(i+1) - 2.0*h(i+1)
uh(I) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * u(I) * &
(hL(i+1) + CFL * (0.5*(hR(i+1)-hL(i+1)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)))
h_marg = hL(i+1) + CFL * ((hR(i+1)-hL(i+1)) + 3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
uh(I) = 0.0
h_marg = 0.5 * (hl(i+1) + hr(i))
duhdu(I) = G%dy_Cu(I,j) * h_marg ! * visc_rem(I)
endif ; enddo

end subroutine zonal_flux_layer

!> Calculates the mass or volume fluxes through the meridional
!! faces, and other related quantities.
subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,7 +359,10 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)
hl, hr ! Left and right face thicknesses, in m.
real, dimension(SZI_(G)) :: &
vhtot ! The total transports in H m2 s-1.
logical, dimension(SZI_(G)) :: do_i
real :: CFL ! The CFL number based on the local velocity and grid spacing, ND.
real :: curv_3 ! A measure of the thickness curvature over a grid length,
! with the same units as h_in.
real :: h_marg ! The marginal thickness of a flux, in m.
real :: dy_N, dy_S ! Effective y-grid spacings to the north and south, in m.
integer :: i, j, k, ish, ieh, jsh, jeh, nz

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,12 +394,30 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_update)

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_correct)
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(do_i,vhtot)
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(vhtot)
do J=jsh-1,jeh
do i=ish,ieh ; do_i(i) = .true. ; enddo
! This sets vh and dvhdv.
call merid_flux_layer(v(:,J), htot, hL, hR, vhtot, dvhdv, &
dt, G, J, ish, ieh, do_i, CS%vol_CFL)
do i=ish,ieh
if (v(i,J) > 0.0) then
if (CS%vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (v(i,J) * dt) * (G%dx_Cv(i,J) * G%IareaT(i,j))
else ; CFL = v(i,J) * dt * G%IdyT(i,j) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i,j) + hR(i,j) - 2.0*htot(i,j)
vhtot(i) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * v(i,J) * ( hR(i,j) + CFL * &
(0.5*(hL(i,j) - hR(i,j)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)) )
! h_marg = hR(i,j) + CFL * ((hL(i,j) - hR(i,j)) + 3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
elseif (v(i,J) < 0.0) then
if (CS%vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (-v(i,J) * dt) * (G%dx_Cv(i,J) * G%IareaT(i,j+1))
else ; CFL = -v(i,J) * dt * G%IdyT(i,j+1) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i,j+1) + hR(i,j+1) - 2.0*htot(i,j+1)
vhtot(i) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * v(i,J) * ( hL(i,j+1) + CFL * &
(0.5*(hR(i,j+1)-hL(i,j+1)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)) )
! h_marg = hL(i,j+1) + CFL * ((hR(i,j+1)-hL(i,j+1)) + 3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
vhtot(i) = 0.0
! h_marg = 0.5 * (hl(i,j+1) + hr(i,j))
! dvhdv(i) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * h_marg ! * visc_rem(i)

! Partition the transports by category in proportion to their relative masses.
do k=1,nz ; do i=ish,ieh
Expand All @@ -442,59 +433,6 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, vh, dt, G, IG, CS, LB)

end subroutine meridional_mass_flux

!> merid_flux_layer evaluates the meridional mass or volume fluxes in single
!! J-row of ice.
subroutine merid_flux_layer(v, h, hL, hR, vh, dvhdv, dt, G, J, &
ish, ieh, do_i, vol_CFL)
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The horizontal grid type
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(in) :: v !< Meridional velocity, in m s-1.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), intent(in) :: h !< Category thickness used to calculate the fluxes, in H.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), intent(in) :: hL !< Left edge value of thickness reconstruction, in H
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)), intent(in) :: hR !< Right edge value of thickness reconstruction, in H
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(inout) :: vh !< The meridional mass or volume transport, in H m2 s-1.
real, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(inout) :: dvhdv !< The partial derivative of vh with v, in H m.
real, intent(in) :: dt !< Time increment in s
integer, intent(in) :: J !< The j-index to work on
integer, intent(in) :: ish !< The starting i-index to work on
integer, intent(in) :: ieh !< The ending i-index to work on
logical, dimension(SZI_(G)), intent(in) :: do_i !< A logical flag indiciating which i values to work on.
logical, intent(in) :: vol_CFL !< If true, rescale the ratio of face areas to
!! the cell areas when estimating the CFL number.
! This subroutines evaluates the meridional mass or volume fluxes in a layer.

! Local variables
real :: CFL ! The CFL number based on the local velocity and grid spacing, ND.
real :: curv_3 ! A measure of the thickness curvature over a grid length,
! with the same units as h_in.
real :: h_marg ! The marginal thickness of a flux, in m.
integer :: i

do i=ish,ieh ; if (do_i(i)) then
if (v(i) > 0.0) then
if (vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (v(i) * dt) * (G%dx_Cv(i,J) * G%IareaT(i,j))
else ; CFL = v(i) * dt * G%IdyT(i,j) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i,j) + hR(i,j) - 2.0*h(i,j)
vh(i) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * v(i) * ( hR(i,j) + CFL * &
(0.5*(hL(i,j) - hR(i,j)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)) )
h_marg = hR(i,j) + CFL * ((hL(i,j) - hR(i,j)) + &
3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
elseif (v(i) < 0.0) then
if (vol_CFL) then ; CFL = (-v(i) * dt) * (G%dx_Cv(i,J) * G%IareaT(i,j+1))
else ; CFL = -v(i) * dt * G%IdyT(i,j+1) ; endif
curv_3 = hL(i,j+1) + hR(i,j+1) - 2.0*h(i,j+1)
vh(i) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * v(i) * ( hL(i,j+1) + CFL * &
(0.5*(hR(i,j+1)-hL(i,j+1)) + curv_3*(CFL - 1.5)) )
h_marg = hL(i,j+1) + CFL * ((hR(i,j+1)-hL(i,j+1)) + &
3.0*curv_3*(CFL - 1.0))
vh(i) = 0.0
h_marg = 0.5 * (hl(i,j+1) + hr(i,j))
dvhdv(i) = G%dx_Cv(i,J) * h_marg ! * visc_rem(i)
endif ; enddo

end subroutine merid_flux_layer

!> Calculate a piecewise parabolic thickness reconstruction in the x-direction.
subroutine PPM_reconstruction_x(h_in, h_l, h_r, G, LB, h_min, monotonic, simple_2nd)
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The horizontal grid type
Expand Down

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