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adcroft committed Sep 8, 2017
2 parents 65b1d23 + 6995ce7 commit d57d276
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Showing 7 changed files with 264 additions and 446 deletions.
107 changes: 24 additions & 83 deletions src/SIS_fast_thermo.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ module SIS_fast_thermo
use MOM_time_manager, only : set_date, set_time, operator(+), operator(-)
use MOM_time_manager, only : operator(>), operator(*), operator(/), operator(/=)

use coupler_types_mod, only : coupler_3d_bc_type
use coupler_types_mod, only : coupler_3d_bc_type, coupler_type_spawn
use coupler_types_mod, only : coupler_type_increment_data, coupler_type_rescale_data
use SIS_optics, only : ice_optics_SIS2, bright_ice_temp, SIS_optics_CS
use SIS_optics, only : VIS_DIR, VIS_DIF, NIR_DIR, NIR_DIF
use SIS_types, only : ice_state_type, IST_chksum, IST_bounds_check
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,30 +152,17 @@ subroutine sum_top_quantities (FIA, ABT, flux_u, flux_v, flux_sh, evap, &

real :: t_sfc
integer :: i, j, k, m, n, b, nb, i2, j2, k2, isc, iec, jsc, jec, i_off, j_off, ncat
integer :: ind
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed

isc = G%isc ; iec = G%iec ; jsc = G%jsc ; jec = G%jec ; ncat = IG%CatIce
isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
nb = size(FIA%flux_sw_top,4)

i_off = LBOUND(ABT%t_flux,1) - G%isc
j_off = LBOUND(ABT%t_flux,2) - G%jsc

if (FIA%num_tr_fluxes < 0) then
! Determine how many atmospheric boundary fluxes have been passed in, and
! set up both an indexing array for these and a space to take their average.
! This code is only exercised the first time that sum_top_quantities is called.
FIA%num_tr_fluxes = 0
if (ABT%fluxes%num_bcs > 0) then
do n=1,ABT%fluxes%num_bcs
FIA%num_tr_fluxes = FIA%num_tr_fluxes + ABT%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields

if (FIA%num_tr_fluxes > 0) then
allocate(FIA%tr_flux_top(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, 0:IG%CatIce, FIA%num_tr_fluxes))
FIA%tr_flux_top(:,:,:,:) = 0.0
call coupler_type_spawn(ABT%fluxes, FIA%tr_flux, (/isd, isc, iec, ied/), &
(/jsd, jsc, jec, jed/), (/0, ncat/), as_needed=.true.)

if (FIA%avg_count == 0) then
! zero_top_quantities - zero fluxes to begin summing in ice fast physics.
Expand All @@ -191,7 +179,7 @@ subroutine sum_top_quantities (FIA, ABT, flux_u, flux_v, flux_sh, evap, &
FIA%flux_lw0(:,:,:) = 0.0 ; FIA%Tskin_cat(:,:,:) = 0.0

if (FIA%num_tr_fluxes > 0) FIA%tr_flux_top(:,:,:,:) = 0.0
call coupler_type_rescale_data(FIA%tr_flux, 0.0)

!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
Expand All @@ -209,18 +197,8 @@ subroutine sum_top_quantities (FIA, ABT, flux_u, flux_v, flux_sh, evap, &
! FIA%flux_sw_dn is accumulated where the fast radiation diagnostics are output
! because it depends on arrays that are stored in the public ice_data_type.

ind = 0
do n=1,ABT%fluxes%num_bcs ; do m=1,ABT%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields
ind = ind + 1
!Do not handle air_sea_deposition fluxes here, they need to be handled after atmos_down
if(ABT%fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type /= 'air_sea_deposition') then
do k=0,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
i2 = i+i_off ; j2 = j+j_off ; k2 = k+1
FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,ind) = FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,ind) + &
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
enddo ; enddo
!Do not handle air_sea_deposition fluxes here, they need to be handled after atmos_down
call coupler_type_increment_data( ABT%fluxes, FIA%tr_flux, exclude_flux_type='air_sea_deposition')

if (allocated(FIA%flux_sh0)) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(t_sfc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,17 +271,16 @@ subroutine avg_top_quantities(FIA, Rad, IST, G, IG)
! FIA%fprec_top(i,j,k) = FIA%fprec_top(i,j,k) - FIA%evap_top(i,j,k)
! FIA%evap_top(i,j,k) = 0.0
! endif
do n=1,FIA%num_tr_fluxes
FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,n) = FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,n) * I_avc
enddo ; enddo

do b=1,nb ; do i=isc,iec
FIA%flux_sw_dn(i,j,b) = FIA%flux_sw_dn(i,j,b)*I_avc
enddo ; enddo
do i=isc,iec
FIA%Tskin_avg(i,j) = FIA%Tskin_avg(i,j) * I_avc
call coupler_type_rescale_data(FIA%tr_flux, I_avc)

! Determine the fractional ice coverage and the wind stresses averaged
! across all the ice thickness categories on an A-grid.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,20 +366,14 @@ subroutine total_top_quantities(FIA, TSF, part_size, G, IG)
isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
nb = size(FIA%flux_sw_top,4)

if (TSF%num_tr_fluxes < 0) then
! Allocate the arrays to hold the tracer fluxes. This code is only exercised
! the first time that total_top_quantities is called.
TSF%num_tr_fluxes = FIA%num_tr_fluxes
if (TSF%num_tr_fluxes > 0) then
allocate(TSF%tr_flux(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, TSF%num_tr_fluxes))
call coupler_type_spawn(FIA%tr_flux, TSF%tr_flux, (/isd, isc, iec, ied/), &
(/jsd, jsc, jec, jed/), as_needed=.true. )

TSF%flux_u(:,:) = 0.0 ; TSF%flux_v(:,:) = 0.0
TSF%flux_sh(:,:) = 0.0 ; TSF%flux_lw(:,:) = 0.0 ; TSF%flux_lh(:,:) = 0.0
TSF%flux_sw(:,:,:) = 0.0
TSF%evap(:,:) = 0.0 ; TSF%fprec(:,:) = 0.0 ; TSF%lprec(:,:) = 0.0
if (TSF%num_tr_fluxes > 0) TSF%tr_flux(:,:,:) = 0.0
call coupler_type_rescale_data(TSF%tr_flux, 0.0)

do k=0,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
TSF%flux_u(i,j) = TSF%flux_u(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%flux_u_top(i,j,k)
Expand All @@ -417,11 +388,8 @@ subroutine total_top_quantities(FIA, TSF, part_size, G, IG)
TSF%evap(i,j) = TSF%evap(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%evap_top(i,j,k)
TSF%fprec(i,j) = TSF%fprec(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%fprec_top(i,j,k)
TSF%lprec(i,j) = TSF%lprec(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%lprec_top(i,j,k)

do n=1,TSF%num_tr_fluxes
TSF%tr_flux(i,j,n) = TSF%tr_flux(i,j,n) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,n)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call coupler_type_increment_data(FIA%tr_flux, part_size, TSF%tr_flux)

! If the sum of part_size across all the ice and ocean categories is not
! exactly 1, rescaling might be advisable, but for now it is assumed that
Expand All @@ -447,15 +415,11 @@ subroutine find_excess_fluxes(FIA, TSF, XSF, part_size, G, IG)
isd = G%isd ; ied = G%ied ; jsd = G%jsd ; jed = G%jed
nb = size(FIA%flux_sw_top,4)

if ((FIA%num_tr_fluxes > 0) .and. (XSF%num_tr_fluxes < 0)) then
! This is the first call when the number of tracer fluxes are known, and
! the XSF tracer flux arrays need to be allocated now. This code is only
! exercised the first or second time that total_top_quantities is called.
XSF%num_tr_fluxes = FIA%num_tr_fluxes
if (XSF%num_tr_fluxes > 0) then
allocate(XSF%tr_flux(G%isd:G%ied, G%jsd:G%jed, XSF%num_tr_fluxes))
! Check whether this is the first call when the number of tracer fluxes are
! known, and the XSF tracer flux arrays need to be allocated now. This call
! only does anything the first or second time that total_top_quantities is called.
call coupler_type_spawn(FIA%tr_flux, XSF%tr_flux, (/isd, isc, iec, ied/), &
(/jsd, jsc, jec, jed/), as_needed=.true. )

! Note that XSF%flux_u and XSF%flux_v are not necessary as the changing ice cover is
! already being taken into account.
Expand All @@ -465,7 +429,7 @@ subroutine find_excess_fluxes(FIA, TSF, XSF, part_size, G, IG)
XSF%flux_sh(:,:) = 0.0 ; XSF%flux_lw(:,:) = 0.0 ; XSF%flux_lh(:,:) = 0.0
XSF%flux_sw(:,:,:) = 0.0
XSF%evap(:,:) = 0.0 ; XSF%fprec(:,:) = 0.0 ; XSF%lprec(:,:) = 0.0
if (XSF%num_tr_fluxes > 0) XSF%tr_flux(:,:,:) = 0.0
call coupler_type_rescale_data(XSF%tr_flux, 0.0)

do k=0,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
XSF%flux_sh(i,j) = XSF%flux_sh(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%flux_sh_top(i,j,k)
Expand All @@ -478,11 +442,8 @@ subroutine find_excess_fluxes(FIA, TSF, XSF, part_size, G, IG)
XSF%evap(i,j) = XSF%evap(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%evap_top(i,j,k)
XSF%fprec(i,j) = XSF%fprec(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%fprec_top(i,j,k)
XSF%lprec(i,j) = XSF%lprec(i,j) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%lprec_top(i,j,k)

do n=1,XSF%num_tr_fluxes
XSF%tr_flux(i,j,n) = XSF%tr_flux(i,j,n) + part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,n)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call coupler_type_increment_data(FIA%tr_flux, part_size, XSF%tr_flux)

do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
XSF%flux_sh(i,j) = XSF%flux_sh(i,j) - TSF%flux_sh(i,j)
Expand All @@ -492,11 +453,8 @@ subroutine find_excess_fluxes(FIA, TSF, XSF, part_size, G, IG)
XSF%evap(i,j) = XSF%evap(i,j) - TSF%evap(i,j)
XSF%fprec(i,j) = XSF%fprec(i,j) - TSF%fprec(i,j)
XSF%lprec(i,j) = XSF%lprec(i,j) - TSF%lprec(i,j)

do n=1,XSF%num_tr_fluxes
XSF%tr_flux(i,j,n) = XSF%tr_flux(i,j,n) - TSF%tr_flux(i,j,n)
enddo ; enddo
call coupler_type_increment_data(TSF%tr_flux, XSF%tr_flux, scale_factor=-1.0)

end subroutine find_excess_fluxes

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -872,24 +830,7 @@ subroutine accumulate_deposition_fluxes(ABT, FIA, G, IG)
type(SIS_hor_grid_type), intent(in) :: G
type(ice_grid_type), intent(in) :: IG

integer :: i, j, k, m, n, i_off, j_off, i2, j2, k2, isc, iec, jsc, jec, ncat, ind

isc = G%isc ; iec = G%iec ; jsc = G%jsc ; jec = G%jec ; ncat = IG%CatIce

i_off = LBOUND(ABT%t_flux,1) - G%isc
j_off = LBOUND(ABT%t_flux,2) - G%jsc

ind = 0
do n=1,ABT%fluxes%num_bcs ; do m=1,ABT%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields
ind = ind + 1
if (ABT%fluxes%bc(n)%flux_type == 'air_sea_deposition') then
do k=0,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
i2 = i+i_off ; j2 = j+j_off ; k2 = k+1
FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,ind) = FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,ind) + &
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
enddo; enddo
call coupler_type_increment_data( ABT%fluxes, FIA%tr_flux, only_flux_type='air_sea_deposition')

end subroutine accumulate_deposition_fluxes

Expand Down
33 changes: 7 additions & 26 deletions src/SIS_slow_thermo.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ module SIS_slow_thermo
use MOM_hor_index, only : hor_index_type
use MOM_EOS, only : EOS_type, calculate_density_derivs

use coupler_types_mod, only : coupler_type_spawn
use coupler_types_mod, only : coupler_type_increment_data, coupler_type_rescale_data
use fms_mod, only : clock_flag_default
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,29 +398,10 @@ subroutine slow_thermodynamics(IST, dt_slow, CS, OSS, FIA, XSF, IOF, G, IG)

! IOF must be updated regardless of whether the ice is specified or the
! prognostic model is being used.
if (FIA%num_tr_fluxes>0) then
! Only one OMP thread executes the following block because IOF is shared.
if (IOF%num_tr_fluxes < 0) then
! This is the first call when the number of tracer fluxes are known, and
! the IOF tracer flux arrays need to be allocated now.
IOF%num_tr_fluxes = FIA%num_tr_fluxes

allocate(IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G), IOF%num_tr_fluxes))
IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(:,:,:) = 0.0
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do m=1,FIA%num_tr_fluxes
do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(i,j,m) = IST%part_size(i,j,0) * FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,0,m)
enddo ; enddo
do k=1,ncat ; do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(i,j,m) = IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(i,j,m) + &
IST%part_size(i,j,k) * FIA%tr_flux_top(i,j,k,m)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call coupler_type_spawn(FIA%tr_flux, IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top, (/isd, isc, iec, ied/), &
(/jsd, jsc, jec, jed/), as_needed=.true. )
call coupler_type_rescale_data(IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top, 0.0)
call coupler_type_increment_data(FIA%tr_flux, IST%part_size, IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top)

! No other thermodynamics need to be done for ice that is specified,
if (CS%specified_ice) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,9 +505,7 @@ subroutine add_excess_fluxes(IOF, XSF, G)
IOF%lprec_ocn_top(i,j) = IOF%lprec_ocn_top(i,j) - XSF%lprec(i,j)
IOF%fprec_ocn_top(i,j) = IOF%fprec_ocn_top(i,j) - XSF%fprec(i,j)

do n=1,XSF%num_tr_fluxes
IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(i,j,n) = IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top(i,j,n) - XSF%tr_flux(i,j,n)
call coupler_type_increment_data(XSF%tr_flux, IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top, scale_factor=-1.0)

! The shortwave fluxes are more complicated because there are multiple bands
! and none of these should have negative fluxes if it can be avoided.
Expand Down

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