This was the innagural meeting of the PMEL Python Users Group (PMEL PyUG)
First meeting focused on introductions of attendees. What projects they use Python for, what their experience level is, and what the expectations of a users group are.
Members' experience range from curios with limited experience to novice to advanced.
Scientific Analysis of datasets, either for analysis and GUI display, or QC and archival where some of the most common use case scenarios.
Reviewing others code, updating legacy code, exploring alternative solutions, and keeping up with current programming trends as well as migrating from matlab/perl/other languages where some of the other desired experiences.
numpy, pandas, netcdf4, matplotlib, scipy, pyqt, pyqtgraph
Best Practices.
Python 2.7 or Python 3.x
Reproducibility / Reusability
Cross Platform Applications
Working with large datasets
It is anticipated that we will meet monthly on either a Tuesday or a Thursday. Our meetings will likely come in the form of a working lunch. The next meeting has not been scheduled but will likely be mid-June and will be advertised via email and weekly PMEL/OAR notices.
We have a Co-Organizer in our midst for the Puget Sound Python Meetup Group ( as an additional resource too.