Project Overview: July 7, 2024
- Guide: Mr. Tavpritesh Sethi
- Tech Stack: Python, Biopython, Flask, HTML, CSS
- Project Duration: April 24 - May 24
INSight Diabetes is a web application designed to predict the potential risk of type 2 diabetes by analyzing Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the input gene sequence. The application collects and utilizes gene sequence data from NCBI and ClinVar databases.
- Implemented a web interface to input and analyze gene sequences.
- Integrated SNP detection in gene sequences.
- Utilized NCBI and ClinVar databases to collect gene sequence data.
- Provided feedback based on detected SNPs and user-reported symptoms.
How to Run the Project
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https :// github .com/your − repo/INSight − Diabetes . git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd INSight−Diabetes
Install the required dependencies:
pip install − r requirements . txt
Set your email for Entrez:
Entrez . email = ""
Run the Flask application:
Open a web browser and navigate to:
http ://
Project Structure
- : Main Flask application file.
- templates/ : Directory containing HTML templates.
- static/ : Directory containing static files (CSS, JS, etc.).
- requirements.txt : List of required Python packages.
Home Page:
- Enter the INS gene sequence in the provided text area.
- Select the symptoms that apply to the user.
Results Page:
Displays whether the user is at risk of type 2 diabetes based on the input gene sequence and selected symptoms.